Lapas attēli


Charleston Air Force Base, Charleston, South Carolina: Operational facilities, maintenance facilities supply facilities, troop housing, and real estate, $3,359,000. Dover Air Force Base, Dover, Delaware: Training facilities and maintenance facilities, $1,180,000.

McGuire Air Force Base, Wrightstown, New Jersey: Maintenance facilities and utilities, $2,094,000.

Scott Air Force Base, Belleville, Illinois: Administrative facilities and troop housing, $2,122,000.

Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, California: Operational and training facilities, maintenance facilities, medical facilities, and community facilities, $3,319,000.


Hickam Air Force Base, Honolulu, Hawaii: Maintenance facilities and troop housing and community facilities, $3,069,000. Wheeler Air Force Base, Wahiawa, Hawaii: Community facilities, $396,000.


Altus Air Force Base, Altus, Oklahoma: Operational facilities, $46,000.

Barksdale Air Force Base, Shreveport, Louisiana: Operational facilities, maintenance facilities, supply facilities and troop housing, $3,015,000.

Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, California: Hospital facilities, community facilities, and utilities, $1,839,000.

Blytheville Air Force Base, Blytheville, Arkansas: Operational facilities, maintenance facilities, hospital facilities, administrative facilities, and troop housing and community facilities, $1,574,000.

Bunker Hill Air Force Base, Peru, Indiana: Operational facilities, hospital facilities, and community facilities, $1,835,000.

Carswell Ar Force Base, Fort Worth, Texas: Operational facilities and troop housing, $899,000.

Castle Air Force Base, Merced, California: Troop housing and community facilities, $389,000.

Columbus Air Force Base, Columbus, Mississippi: Operational facilities and community facilities, $306,000.

Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona: Supply facilities, hospital facilities, administrative facilities, troop housing and community facilities, utilities and ground improvements, $3,995,000.

Ellsworth Air Force Base, Rapid City, South Dakota: Community facilities, $426,000.

Fairchild Air Force Base, Spokane, Washington: Community facilities, $187,000.

Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Cheyenne, Wyoming: Community facilities, $263,000.

Grand Forks Air Force Base, Grand Forks, North Dakota : Troop housing and community facilities, and utilities, $4,953,000.

Homestead Air Force Base, Homestead, Florida: Operational and training facilities, maintenance facilities, and troop housing and community facilities, $1,714,000.

K. I. Sawyer Municipal Air Port, Marquette, Michigan: Operational facilities and supply facilities, $148,000.

Little Rock Air Force Base, Little Rock, Arkansas: Operational facilities and troop housing, $1,219,000.

Lockbourne Air Force Base, Columbus, Ohio: Maintenance facilities and community facilities, $667,000.

Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great Falls, Montana: Troop housing and utilities, $577,000.

March Air Force Base, Riverside, California: Operational facilities, maintenance facilities, and troop housing, $3,051,000.

McCoy Air Force Base, Orlando, Florida: Troop housing, $40,000. Minot Air Force Base, Minot, North Dakota: Operational facilities and maintenance facilities, $109,000.

Mountain Home Air Force Base, Mountain Home, Idaho : Maintenance facilities and troop housing, $171,000.

Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska: Training facilities and utilities, $389,000.

Plattsburgh Air Force Base, Plattsburgh, New York: Maintenance facilities and troop housing, $164,000.

Turner Air Force Base, Albany, Georgia : Maintenance facilities, hospital facilities, and troop housing and community facilities, $4,643,000.

Vandenberg Air Force Base, Lompoc, California: Operational facilities, supply facilities, community facilities, and utilities, $691,000.

Walker Air Force Base, Roswell, New Mexico: Community facilities, $796,000. Westover Air Force Base, Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts: Supply facilities, $298,000.

Whiteman Air Force Base, Knob Noster, Missouri: Community facilities, $218,000.

Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Oscoda, Michigan: Operational facilities, $45,000.


Cannon Air Force Base, Clovis, New Mexico: Operational and training facilities, administrative facilities, and troop housing, $1,823,000.

England Air Force Base, Alexandria, Louisiana: Maintenance facilities, supply facilities, and troop housing and community facilities, $1,876,000.

George Air Force Base, Victorville, California: Operational and training facilities, maintenance facilities, supply facilities, administrative facilities, and community facilities, $2,820,000.

Langley Air Force Base, Hampton, Virginia: Operational facilities, administrative facilities, and troop housing and community facilities, $3,948,000.

Luke Air Force Base, Phoenix, Arizona: Maintenance facilities, administrative facilities, and troop housing and community facilities, $774,000.

MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida: Operational facilities, maintenance facilities, supply facilities, administrative facilities, and troop housing and community facilities, $9,679,000.

McConnell Air Force Base, Wichita, Kansas: Operational facilities, medical facilities, and community facilities, $755,000.

Myrtle Beach Air Force Base, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: Operational and training facilities, maintenance facilities, supply facilities, hospital facilities, administrative facilities, ground improvements and real estate, $1,737,000.

Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas, Nevada: Operational facilities and supply facilities, $1,636,000.

Pope Air Force Base, Fort Bragg, North Carolina: Operational facilities, medical facilities, administrative facilities, and troop housing and community facilities, $2,560,000.

Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Goldsboro, North Carolina: Operational facilities, $616,000.

Shaw Air Force Base, Sumter, South Carolina: Operational facilities, maintenance facilities, supply facilities, and troop housing and community facilities, $1,356,000.


United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado: Training facilities, $8,872,000.


Various Locations: Maintenance facilities, troop housing, and utilities, $1,377,000.



Various Locations: Maintenance facilities, troop housing and community facilities, and utilities, $970,000.


Wake Island Air Force Station, Wake Island: Supply facilities, troop housing and utilities, $1,391,000. Various Locations: Maintenance facilities and medical facilities, $953,000.



Various Locations: Operational facilities, maintenance facilities, supply facilities, hospital facilities, administrative facilities, and troop housing and community facilities, $21,935,000.


Various Locations: Utilities, $335,000.


Various Locations: Operational facilities, maintenance facilities, supply facilities, hospital and medical facilities, administrative facilities, troop housing and community facilities, and utilities, $24,456,000.


Howard Air Force Base, Canal Zone: Operational facilities, maintenance

facilities, supply facilities, and community facilities, $2,156,000.


Various Locations: Operational facilities, supply facilities, medical facilities, community facilities, and utilities, $3,411,000.

SEC. 302. The Secretary of the Air Force may establish or develop classified military installations and facilities by acquiring, constructing, converting, rehabilitating, or installing permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition, site preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment in the total amount of $98,963,000.

SEC. 303. The Secretary of the Air Force may establish or develop Air Force installations and facilities by proceeding with construction made necessary by changes in Air Force missions and responsibilities which have been occasioned by: (a) unforeseen security considerations, (b) new weapons developments, (c) new and unforeseen research and development requirements, or (d) improved production schedules, if the Secretary of Defense determines that deferral of such construction for inclusion in the next military construction authorization Act would be inconsistent with interests of national security, and in connection therewith to acquire, construct, convert, rehabilitate, or install permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition, site preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment, in the total amount of $10,000,000: Provided, That the Secretary of the Air Force or his designee, shall notify the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives, immediately upon reaching a final decision to implement, of the cost of construction of any public work undertaken under this section, including those real estate actions pertaining thereto. This authorization will expire as of September 30, 1966, except for those public works projects concerning which the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives have been notified pursuant to this section prior to that date.

SEC. 304. (a) Public Law 83-534, as amended, is amended in section 301 under the heading "Continental United States" and subheading "Air Materiel Command", with respect to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, by striking "$6,849,000" and inserting in place thereof "$7,279,000”.

(b) Public Law 83-534, as amended, is amended by striking out in clause (3) of section 502 the amounts of "$410,075,000" and "$419,904,000" and inserting in place thereof “$410,505,000” and “$420,334,000", respectively.

SEC. 305. (a) Public Law 88-174, as amended, is amended in section 301 under the heading "Inside the United States" and subheading "Air Force Systems Command", with respect to Sacramento Peak Upper Air Research Site, Alamorgordo, New Mexico, by striking out "$2,889,000" and inserting in place thereof "$3,167,000".

(b) Public Law 88-174, as amended, is amended by striking out in clause (3) of section 602 the amounts of "$161,940,000" and "$491,622,000" and inserting în place thereof "$162,218,000” and “$419,900,000" respectively.


SEC. 401. The Secretary of Defense may establish or develop military installations and facilities by acquiring, constructing, converting, rehabilitating, or

installing permanent or temporary public works, including site preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment, for defense agencies for the following projects:



Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Utilities, $188,000.

Clarksville Base, Clarksville, Tennessee: Troop housing, $36,000.

Killeen Base, Killeen, Texas: Troop housing, $45,000.


Arlington Hall Station, Arlington, Virginia: Operational and training facilities,



Defense Construction Supply Center, Columbus, Ohio: Maintenance facilities and supply facilities, $445,000.

Defense Depot, Memphis, Tennessee: Supply facilities, $266,000.
Defense Depot, Ogden, Utah: Supply facilities, $329,000.

Defense Clothing and Textile Supply Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Administrative facilities, $950,000.

Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Administrative facilities, $255,000.


Fort Meade, Maryland: Operational facilities and production facilities, $6,075,000.


Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, Los Angeles, California: Operational facilities, $18,000.



Johnston Island Air Force Base: Research, development and test facilities, $3,688,000.

SEC. 402. The Secretary of Defense may establish or develop installations and facilities required for advanced research projects and in connection therewith may acquire, construct, convert, rehabilitate, or install permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition, site preparation, appurtenances, utilities and equipment, in the total amount of $20,000,000.

SEC. 403. The Secretary of Defense may establish or develop installations and faciilties which he determines to be vital to the security of the United States, and in connection therewith to acquire, construct, convert, rehabilitate, or install permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition, site preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment in the total amount of $50,000,000: Provided, That the Secretary of Defense, or his designee, shall notify the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives, immediately upon reaching a final decision to implement, of the cost of construction of any public work undertaken under this section, including those real estate actions pertaining thereto.



SEC. 501. The Secretary of Defense, or his designee, is authorized to construct, at the locations hereinafter named, family housing units and trailer court facilities, in the numbers hereinafter listed, but no family housing construction shall be commenced at any such locations in the United States, until the Secretary shall have consulted with the Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency, as to the availability of adequate private housing at such locations. If the Secretary and the Administrator are unable to reach agreement with respect to the availability of adequate private housing at any location, the Secretary shall immediately notify the Committees on Armed Services of the House of Representatives and the Senate, in writing, of such difference of opinion, and no contract for construction at such location shall be entered into for a period of thirty days


after such notification has been given. This authority shall include the authority to acquire land, and interests in land, by gift, purchase, exchange of Government-owned land, or otherwise.

(a) Family housing units for

(1) The Department of the Army, two thousand four hundred and seventy units, $47,064,000 :

Presidio of San Francisco, California, one hundred and fifty units.
Fort Benning, Georgia, three hundred units.

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, fifty units.

Fort Meade, Maryland, three hundred and forty units.

Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, one hundred units.

United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, two hundred


Fort Jackson, South Carolina, one hundred and eighty units.

Fort Belvoir, Virginia, three hundred units.

Fort Monroe, Virginia, fifty units.

Fort Myer, Virginia, one hundred and twenty units.
Atlantic Side, Canal Zone, one hundred units.

Pacific Side, Canal Zone, three hundred units.

Fort Buckner, Okinawa, two hundred and eighty units.

(2) The Department of the Navy, five thousand and forty units, $88,700,000:

Marine Corps Supply Center, Barstow, California, fifty-two units. Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, California, two hundred and fifty units.

Naval Complex, Long Beach, California, two hundred units.

Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey, California, two hundred and eight units.

Naval Complex, East Bay, San Francisco, California, four hundred units.

Naval Complex, South Bay, San Francisco, California, three hundred units.

Naval Complex, West Bay, San Francisco, California, three hundred units.

Naval Complex, Washington, District of Columbia, three hundred units.
Naval Base, Key West, Florida, four hundred units.

Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, two hundred and fifty units.
United States Navy installations, Oahu, Hawaii, three hundred units.
Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois, two hundred units.
Naval Complex, Johnsville, Pennsylvania, two hundred units.

Naval Base, Newport, Rhode Island, two hundred units.

Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, Rhode Island, two hundred units.
Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas, three hundred and fifty


Naval Comple, Norfolk, Virginia, five hundred units.

Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Virginia, one hundred units.
Naval Station, Keflavik, Iceland, one hundred and fifty units.
Naval Complex, Naha, Okinawa, forty units.

Naval Station, Sangley Point, Republic of Philippines, one hundred and forty units.

(3) The Department of the Air Force, four thousand nine hundred and ninety units, $92,670,000.

Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, two hundred units.

Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, two hundred units.

Beale Air Force Base, California, three hundred units.

Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, three hundred units.

Ent Air Force Base, Colorado, forty-nine units.

Bolling Air Force Base, District of Columbia, three hundred units.
Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, three hundred units.

United States Air Force installations, Oahu, Hawaii, two hundred and fifty units.

Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, one hundred and fifty units.
England Air Force Base, Louisiana, three hundred and fifty units.
Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, two hundred and fifty units.
Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, two hundred units.

Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, one unit.

Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico, one hundred and fifty units.

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