Lapas attēli

link in the USAFE microwave radio relay system. When this project is completed it will be an unmanned fully automatic repeater station requiring only occasional inspection from Toul Rosieres Air Base.

Additional water storage is required at this base to provide an adequate supply for domestic consumption, fire protection and water required for the central heating plant. The base is currently dependent on a supply of water from wells located approximately 4 miles off base. The existing storage on base, a clear well, has a capacity of a little over half of that required for the base. This elevated storage tank will alleviate the necessity to shut down many vital activities on the base in case of trouble in the long water mains and pumps at the offbase well site.


"The committee has approved $12,167,000 in support of various Air Force installations in Europe, including fighter aircraft support facilities, communication facilities and other facilities in support of the base operating mission requirements in this area. Funds requested for fuel storage, communication and support facilities in France are denied" (p. 28).

Colonel FENLON. The next one is on page 35, Toul Rosieres Air Force Base in France, Mr. Chairman. We have two items in the program, first a radar relay facility.

We wanted to go into a permanent facility from a mobile relay station to make an unmanned station the permanent facility at a cost of $29,000.

In addition, we had, as I testified yesterday on a prior item, a water shortage problem at Toul in connection with domestic use as well as fire. We feel that both of these are good projects and are required in support of the base and the mission here at Toul. We would like to ask reconsideration for reinstatement.

Senator STENNIS. Well, no now, this radar relay facility, just how strong do you have to have that? You say that you feel they are good projects.

Colonel FENLON. Sir, both of these projects we were carrying as a priority one project in the Air Force, as far as the requirement versus looking at the entire program.

Senator STENNIS. Priority of one above everything else in the bill, you mean?

Colonel FENLON. No. Going back to what General Curtin said earlier, taking some 70 percent of the bill and putting category 1 on this and then priority in the latter part, this was in the top part of our program, not the No. 1 priority.

Senator STENNIS. Do I understand you correctly to say that you have 70 percent of this money of these items in the top priority? Is that right?

General CurTIN. That is correct. For the management of the program, Mr. Chairman, we each year take about 70 to 80 percent of it and identify these as must items. Then the balance of the program we put in descending order of priority.

Senator STENNIS. I do not see how you can run a race and yet the first 70 men that get in will be first.

General CURTIN. These are pretty big races, Mr. Chairman. If we do not get at least 70 in, we have not won. Senator STENNIS. All right. Next item.


(The information requested follows :)




The Air Force had previously made reductions at Lakenheath in the amount of $542,000 as a substitution for proposed changes in the program. The reductions were:

Water mains, 9,900 feet__


Electrical primary power addition, 1,600 kilowatt-----
Dining hall, airmen (reduction of scope from 11,700 square feet to 2,500
square feet and reduction of cost from $416,000 to $65,000)


____ 351,000


542, 000

An additional unidentified reduction of $670,000 reduces the program to $2,400,000. This further reduction will undoubtedly require the deferral of an additional project. The projects assigned the lowest priority will be deferred in that order. The following whole project, representing the amount of funds denied will be considered for deferral:

School dependent elementary (addition), 39,083 square feet--- $761, 000



_____$761, 000

The unidentified reduction of $504,000 to the Aviano request of $1,704,000 will undoubtedly require deferral of whole projects. The projects assigned the lowest priority at this station will be deferred in that order. The following projects, representing the amount of funds denied will be considered for deferral :

Club service (deferral and replacement), 10,500 square feet--------
School dependent elementary addition, 6,000 square feet___
Dormitory airmen, 100 men____.


$242, 000





The unidentified reduction of $669,000 to the Incirlik request of $1,669,000 will undoubtedly require deferral of whole projects. The projects assigned the lowest priority at this station will be deferred in that order. The following projects, representing the amount of funds denied will be considered for deferral: Dormitory airmen, 200 men___. $374,000 Shop aircraft engine inspection and repair, 11,020 square feet 274,000



Senator SALTONSTALL. Mr. Chairman, I think we should have a statement in the record on Aviano, Incirlik, and Lakenheath. We discussed this program, I believe in connection with the authorization bill, but now you are again asking for money and there are no reasons given here at all, except that NATO, you hope, will repay you. I think you ought to put in the record a little more than what you have.

General CURTIN. We will do that, Senator. Unfortunately we have not been able to analyze that program unless this is reinstated.

Senator STENNIS. You want to submit another statement on that additional supplemental statement? General CURTIN. Yes.

Senator SALTONSTALL. I think you should if you want the projects

because we have nothing in the authorization bill.

Senator STENNIS. All right.

Senator SALTONSTALL. Thank you.

Senator STENNIS. Next we go to page 36, $5 million.

[blocks in formation]

This project provides for construction of critical missile and space facilities which cannot be identified sufficiently in advance to be submitted during the normal program cycle. Normal programing is not responsive to the dynamic nature of the missile and space program. This project provides a means to correct deficiencies as well as to exploit technological breakthrough resulting from testing. Although the type of requirements were known during the hearings, specific projects were not identified. A number have subsequently been identified by the Air Force as essential for timely and successful completion of national priority programs as follows.

Electric powerplant for satellite control center, Sunnyvale, Calif., $1,250,000

This facility is urgently required to insure adequate reliable power to the control center during critical periods of data transmission from satellites. The criticality of adequate power was emphasized when a recent (1965) outage jeopardized a mission and almost resulted in the loss of a multimillion-dollar satellite system.

Communication facility, satellite control center, Sunnyvale, Calif., $140,000

This facility consists of an addition to the main control center to accommodate new electronic equipment currently under procurement. This equipment, which was purchased to enhance real-time operating efficiency, will be delivered during third quarter fiscal year 1966.

Missile radar station, Antigua, $249,000

The Gemini flight in March revealed that a dual tracking radar capability is required before committing future manned flights to precise maneuvers.

Range communication station, Mahe Island, $711,000

A decision made in 1965 to retain this station resulted in the procurement of new communication equipment too late for submission of facility requirements in the fiscal year 1966 program. The new equipment is scheduled for delivery in March 1966.

Electric power improvements, eastern and western test ranges, $5,700,000

Additions, modifications, improvements to existing power supply and distribution systems to provide reliable power in support of real-time data acquisition. Recent power failures at Cape Kennedy have caused expensive "holds" during missile tests.

Missile instrumentation station, Ascension Island, $66,000

The higher heat produced by the addition of new electronic equipment overloads the existing unreliable portable airconditioning unit and subjects the equipment to risk of failure.

Projects above total $8,116,000 and are representative of the many items to be funded. Judicious selectivity is exercised in order to fund only the most urgent projects—those affecting human life or vital and sensitive information.


"The request of $5 million for so-called unforeseen operational and technical facilities which might be required in the future is denied. Existing funds and authorizations are adequate to meet any requirements of this nature which might occur and which cannot await specific authorization in future military construction programs."

Colonel FENLON. Mr. Chairman, I might state here that this item was discussed in closed session because it was in the 302 section. However, our reply as you see it here today contains nothing that we consider classified.

Senator STENNIS. You can cover it, Senator Bible is here now. Colonel FENLON. Yes, sir. This is an item that we have covered, as the chairman knows, in the last two or three programs with the technological developments and the advancements that are going on in the missile and space projects. We have found in the last 2 years that there are items that are going to come up that we will have to have that sometimes we cannot identify at the time that we are having hearings on the bill. We testified to this one for $5 million giving examples of what we had spent in the past year or so on these types of items. Since that time, as we point out in the reclamation, we have identified certain items that we feel certainly would require these funds. I have people here from systems command. I would like to give them an opportunity, if I may, to make a statement on


Senator STENNIS. All right. Ask them to come forward to the table there and make their statement.

Colonel STONE. I am Col. James S. Stone from Research and Development.

Senator STENNIS. Glad to have you here, sir.

Colonel STONE. As Colonel Fenlon pointed out, this is a means by which we can have the flexibility and the funds to handle those construction items which are not within the normal program cycles. The source of these items come every day from our range and control facilities in both the eastern and western test range. For our satellite programs and our planned space flights, the Air Force is responsible for the operation of the range. As an example of these I picked out three items here that I would like to very quickly go through. Senator STENNIS. Please continue.


Colonel STONE. The first being the electric powerplant for the Satellite Control Center in Sunnyvale, Calif. As you realize, this is the electronic nerve center for the entire worldwide satellite control facilities. As a result of an action that happened in 1965, within this year we nearly lost a multimillion-dollar satellite in this because we lost power for a very few seconds. We found that in our going back over and studying this program that the power supply for Sunnyvale can be interrupted as high as an hour using the normal service of Pacific Gas & Electric. This is an unreasonable situation for us because, No. 1, we lose the input data in the computers, we lose the synchronization of timing, and it will take anywhere from 5 minutes to 90 minutes to restore the station function. If we are in a critical maneuver of a satellite, either the information from the mission or the people in the maneuver of a manned space flight, at that particular point could be lost in 90 minutes.

Senator STENNIS. What was that you said, Colonel? You said “lose control." Now what was that?


Colonel STONE. Well, the satellite control facility is the nerve center for our satellite facilities on the west coast. If we have a power outage, it can upset our computer, the synchronization of computer timing, and the restoration of these computers will take from 5 minutes to 90 minutes to restore depending on the length of time that these computers are out. If by chance you should have a satellite from which we are recovering or receiving vital information from a manned flight which would require a critical maneuver at that point, we could lose it in that period of 90 minutes.

So what we are asking for here is a power supply of about 4,000 kilowatts in this case with the necessary synchronization equipment which would be used and put on the line just prior to having to accomplish this critical maneuver and not have to rely on commercial


Senator SALTONSTALL. Would the chairman permit a question?
Senator STENNIS. Yes.

Senator SALTONSTALL. Colonel, the problem as I see it is this. We give the Secretary of Defense $150 million for transfers in research; we give him, I think, another $150 million for emergencies. I think he has almost a total of $500 million for emergencies. Now we put in here $15 million for minor construction, which is carte blanche for you people. Now you are asking for another $5 million in carte blanche money.

If you really need this, why don't you go to the Secretary of Defense since he has at least $150 million in funds? I do not want to be inadequate but it is a substantial amount of money requested, and I question whether it is wise to give you another carte blanche.

The House says that existing funds and authorizations are adequate to meet any requirements of this nature which might occur and which cannot await specific authorization in future military construction programs.

The Secretary of Defense has the authority to give you the $5 million. It is hard for me to understand why we should do it.

Senator STENNIS. That is a good point, Senator. Why don't you ask him if he contradicts that last sentence there in the House report and if so

General CURTIN. May I make a point on this? I cannot answer your question completely, Senator Saltonstall, about the Department of Defense contingency funds. But for the last 2 or 3 years Congress has seen fit to give us an authorization and an appropriation for this particular purpose, recognizing that this really is an integral part of the whole research and development program and I believe on the basis of trying to keep this as one package.

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