Lapas attēli

The use of the word "free" or any words of similar import to d nate or describe merchandise sold or distributed in interstate commet that is not in truth and in fact a gift or gratuity or is not given wit requiring the purchase of other merchandise or requiring the performance of some service. (1–20048, Mar. 25, 1948.)

7701. Boys' and Girls' Coast-Composition and Noncompliance with Wool Act.-George Gastwirth and Morris Gastwirth, copartners, the ing as Gastwirth Bros., with their principal place of business local in Philadelphia, Pa., advertiser-vendors, engaged in the busines d manufacturing, offering for sale and selling "wool products" as defined in and subject to the Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, consisting of boys' and girls' coats, in interstate commerce, entered into an age ment, in connection with the introduction or manufacture for in duction into commerce, or the sale, transportation, or distribution 3 commerce thereof, to cease and desist from:

(1) Using the term "Llama-Tex" or the word llama as a desig tion for or as descriptive of products not made or composed of lara hair;

(2) Misbranding garments or articles made from pile fabrics de face and back of which differ as to constituent fibers, by failing include on stamps, tags or labels securely affixed thereto, a statement setting forth the respective percentages of the weight of the fin which is represented by the face or pile and by the back or base, so to show the ratio between such face and back.

George Gastwirth and Morris Gastwirth further agreed that they and each of them will hereinafter fully comply with the provisions f the Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939 and the rules and regulaties promulgated pursuant thereto. (1-20068, Mar. 29, 1948.)

7702. "Surplus Sales Reporter"-Government Connection Opportunit in Product or Service, Etc.-George Silverman and Sadie J. Silverm his wife, individuals, formerly dealing as Surplus Sales Report subsequently the office of Consolidated Directories, a corporation, p lishers and vendors of a printed service known as "Surplus S Reporter," listing available Government war surplus property, ha entered into an agreement in connection with the offering for s sale and distribution of the reporter service, they and each of thes in their individual capacities and through any corporate agency. officers or representatives, will forthwith cease and desist from repr senting, directly or by implication:

(a) That they or their agents or their distributors or dealers a in any way connected with or financed by the Government or any of agencies or departments;

(b) That they, the said George Silverman and Sadie J. Silverm

her of them, receive any cooperation from any chamber of comother than that usually extended to a member thereof; That the purchase of a subscription to the Surplus Sales Reassures the obtaining of Government surplus property; That a subscription to the Surplus Sales Reporter will entitle bscriber to any exclusive rights or any letter of credit;

That subscribers to the Surplus Sales Reporter will be fur1 with information concerning proposed sales of war surplus ials in advance of its availability to the general public. (1. Mar. 19, 1948.)

B. Dresses-Incorporated.-David M. Perlman, Lawrence Perland Edith R. Perlman operate a business organized as a limited ership and generally trade under the name David M. Perlman Their place of business is located in Chicago, Ill., and they are ged in the business of offering for sale and selling dresses labeled Casual Dress by David M. Perlman."

the course and conduct of their business as above set forth, the David M. Perlman, Lawrence Perlman, and Edith R. Perlman in n advertising mats supplied by them to customers engaged in business, which mats featured "The Casual Dress,” have used the name "David M. Perlman, Inc.," thereby directly and impliedly senting contrary to fact that their business is incorporated. vid M. Perlman, Lawrence Perlman, and Edith R. Perlman d that in connection with the offering for sale, sale and distribuof their product, to cease and desist from:

ing the abbreviation "Inc." as part of the name or any name under h they conduct business, or any other means of representing, diy or by implication, that their business is incorporated when such ta fact. (1-20488, Mar. 29, 1948.)

04. Radio Receiving Sets-Capacity.-Electronic Laboratories, Inc., diana corporation, with its principal office and place of business ed in Indianapolis, Ind., advertiser-vendor, engaged in offering ale and selling in commerce, radio receiving sets, entered into an ement, in connection with the offering for sale, sale and distributhereof to cease and desist, with respect thereto, from

esenting: hat any radio receiving set contains a designated number of tubes s of a designated tube capacity, when one or more of the tubes red to are devices which do not perform the recognized and cusry functions of radio receiving set tubes in the detection, amplifion, and reception of radio signals. (1-21157, Mar. 30, 1948.) 05. Hats and Caps-Manufacturer.-Moses L. Aronson, an individwith his principal place of business located in New York, N. Y.,

advertiser-vendor, engaged in offering for sale and selling i merce, hats and caps, entered into an agreement, in connection the offering for sale, sale and distribution thereof, to cease and from representing, directly or by implication:

That he is a manufacturer of hats and caps, unless and until be operates or controls a place or plant where hats and caps are fa cated, manufactured, and made. (1-19816, Mar. 29, 1948.)

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7706. Drug Preparation-Qualities, Properties or Results.-The Co., a Pennsylvania corporation, with its principal place of busine cated in Norristown, Pa., has been engaged in the business of ofr for sale and selling a drug preparation designated as "Espotals" Street & Finney, a New York corporation, with its principal of business located in New York, N. Y., has been engaged business of conducting an advertising agency, and in preparing seminating and causing to be disseminated advertisements for r modities sold by various vendors, including the products sold by ta aforesaid The Dill Co.

The Dill Co. and Street & Finney, and each of them, entered an agreement, in connection with the disseminating of advers relating to "Espotabs," to cease and desist from representing s or by implication:

That said preparation is of any benefit as a treatment for the dition known as constipation, except to the extent that it may pr temporary relief therefor. (1-20717, Mar. 30, 1948.)

7707. Leather Wrist Watch Straps-Qualities, Properties or Resu David Guss, Joseph Guss, and Harry Smith, copartners, with th principal place of business located in Philadelphia, Pa., adventvendors, engaged in manufacturing leather wrist watch straps, en into an agreement, in connection with the offering for sale, sale distribution thereof, to cease and desist from representing direc by implication:

That the said leather wrist watch straps are sweat proof. (1Apr. 1, 1948.)

7708. Mail Order Merchandise-Order Noncompliance, Price, We saler and Subsidiary Company.-Mills Sales Co., a New York corp tion with its principal place of business located in New York, N. and David Jacoby, an officer of the said corporation and as an vidual, advertiser-vendors, engaged in the mail order business offer for sale and selling in commerce, various and sundry articles of r chandise, entered into an agreement, in connection with the offer for sale, sale and distribution thereof, to cease and desist from:

(a) Failing to clearly and conspicuously disclose to prospect

hasers and purchasers that merchandise may be substituted for

handise ordered;

) Representing directly or by implication that Mills Sales Co. e world's lowest priced wholesaler;

) Representing directly or by implication that Mills Sales Co. s or controls any subsidiary firm, company or corporation when is not the fact. (1-19774, Apr. 2, 1948.)

09. Medicinal Preparation—Qualities, Properties or Results and Comion.-Fru-Lax, Inc., an Illinois corporation, with its principal e of business located in Chicago, Ill., and S. L. Schwartz, presiand treasurer of the aforesaid corporation, individually formuig, directing, dictating and controlling the acts, policies and tices of the aforesaid corporation, are engaged in the business ffering for sale and selling a medicinal preparation designated u-Lax," entered into an agreement in connection with the dissemion of advertising relating to that product, to cease and desist from eminating and from representing, directly or by implication: z) That use of this preparation will purify the blood;

5) That this product is of value in the treatment of piles, colds, ered resistance, chronic ailments, mental dullness, nervousness, r complexion, susceptibility to infection, gall bladder trouble, ritis or rheumatism;

c) That this preparation is of value in the treatment of constipaexcept to afford temporary relief;

d) That the use of this product is of benefit in the treatment of daches, poor appetite, bad breath, coated tongue, or bloated stomach ond affording temporary relief when such conditions are due to stipation;

e) That this product produces natural or naturallike bowel movets, or is "Nature's Laxative";

f) That the laxative action of Fru-Lax is produced in any manner er than by irritation of the intestinal tract;

g) That this product supplies factors helpful to bodily well-being, that it is of any value or benefit except such as may result from its ative action;

h) That this preparation is a food laxative or is a blend of fruits, any other statement importing or implying that it is composed of, has any effect resulting from, ordinary edible fruits. (1-20033, r. 5, 1948.)

710. Hair Preparation-Qualities, Properties or Results.-Jacquim F. staner and Esther I. Pestaner, copartners trading as Pilon Institute, on Hair Grower Institute and Pilon Co., with their principal place business located in San Francisco, Calif., advertiser-vendors, en


gaged in the business of offering for sale and selling a hair prepara:: designated "Pilon," in commerce, entered into an agreement, in eanection with the dissemination of advertising relating to that pro to cease and desist from representing, directly or by implication: (a) By the use of the words "Hair Grower" as part of or in co tion with the trade name with which they carry on their business. otherwise, that the said preparation will grow hair or probati a healthy growth of hair;

(b) That the said preparation will nourish hair roots, stop fall hair or prevent baldness;

(c) That said preparation has any effect on the condition know a dandruff except to the extent that it may facilitate removal of he dandruff scales. (1-20206, Apr. 6, 1948.)

7711. Diamonds-Source or Origin.-Herbert M. Shook, an individ doing business under the trade names Herbert's Jewelry Co. a Herbert's Diamond Exchange, with his place of business located z Pittsburgh, Pa., engaged in business, in part, devoted to the offering fr sale and sale of articles of jewelry containing diamond settings, a commerce, entered into an agreement in connection with the of for sale, sale and distribution thereof, to cease and desist from:

Representing directly or by implication through the use of the s ment "Diamonds from Estates" or otherwise, that he has obtained s diamonds or articles of jewelry from those sources. 8, 1948.)

(1-19824, A

7712. Medicinal Preparation-Qualities, Properties, or Results.-E G. Hastings, an individual trading under the names of Deterger (a and Colloidal Distributing Co., with his place of business located Tulsa, Okla., advertiser-vendor, engaged in the business of offe for sale and selling a medicinal preparation designated Detergen commerce, entered into an agreement, in connection with the diss nation of advertising thereof, to cease and desist from represe directly or by implication:

(a) That said preparation exercises or tones the intestinal muse (b) That said preparation aids in restoring normal peristalsis restores the natural structures or processes of the body; or

(c) That said preparation is effective in the treatment of any f of colitis or spastic or atonic conditions of the colon. (1-21098, Ap 1948.)

7713. Pressing Unit-Unique Nature.-The Unipress Co., Inc., a nesota corporation, with its principal place of business located: Minneapolis, Minn., engaged in offering for sale and selling in co merce, a finishing or pressing unit designated as "2 Girl 3 Press Unit and as "3 Press 2 Girl Unit," entered into an agreement in connectio with the offering for sale, sale and distribution thereof, to cease 1

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