Lapas attēli

containing any representation contrary to the foregoing ent. (1-18941, Nov. 4, 1947.)

7.27 Medicinal Preparations-Qualities, Properties or Results.-StipNo. 03237 has been amended so that it now reads:

. G. Products, Inc., a corporation, Box No. 1896, High Point, advertiser-vendor, was engaged in selling medicinal preparaesignated Dr. Foster's L-K and Kolron and agreed, in connecth the dissemination of future advertising, to cease and desist epresenting directly or by implication:

That Dr. Foster's L-K will have a beneficial effect in the treatof indigestion, stomach disorders, loss of weight or strength, ourishment, run-down condition, acid condition, muscular or pains, insomnia, nervousness, symptoms of toxic poisoning, disorders, high blood pressure, or symptoms of an insufficient gastric juices;

That Dr. Foster's L-K has a beneficial effect in the treatment of appetite, headaches or gas cramps except to temporarily rech conditions when caused solely by constipation; That Dr. Foster's L-K will cure constipation or that it posseses eutic properties in excess of those of an irritant cathartic;

That Kolron will cure a cold or cough or influence the course or on of a cold; or

That Kolron has a beneficial effect in the treatment of bronchial ions, fever, sneezing, stuffiness or congestion.

said P. D. G. Products, Inc., further agreed not to publish or to be published any testimonial containing any representation ry to the foregoing agreement. (1-19043, May 12, 1948.) 9.28 Medicinal Preparation-Qualities, Properties or Results.-StipNo. 03269 has been amended so that it now reads:

rence F. Heer, an individual doing business as Berosol Products, way Beach, N. Y., vendor-advertiser, was engaged in selling a nal preparation designated Mayr's and agreed, in connection he dissemination of future advertising, to cease and desist from enting directly or by implication:

That the product will prevent the absorption of toxic sub


That it will relieve or correct indigestion;

That it will regulate the flow of bile and is a stomach remedy. said Lawrence F. Heer further agreed not to publish or cause published any testimonial containing any representation conto the foregoing agreement. (1-19412, Jan. 14, 1948.)

endment. See 39 F. T. C. 653. endment. See 40 F. T. C. 832.

03282.20 Medicinal Preparation-Qualities, Properties, or Resultsulation No. 03282 has been amended so that it now reads:

Hope, Inc., a corporation, 138 West Twenty-fifth Street, New T 1, N. Y., vendor-advertiser, was engaged in selling a medicinal aration designated Hope Laxative and agreed, in connection r the dissemination of future advertising, to cease and desist from resenting directly or by implication:

That such preparation acts gently or that it does not cause gripg The said Hope, Inc., further agreed not to publish or cause: published any testimonial containing any representation contr the foregoing agreement. (1-19351, Apr. 15, 1948.)

03299.30 Medicinal Preparation-Qualities, Properties, or ResultsCommission directed that Stipulation No. 03299 be amended sa it now reads:

Floret Products Co., Inc., a corporation, 336 Canal Street. York, N. Y., vendor-advertiser, was engaged in selling a meir preparation designated Italina and agreed, in connection wi dissemination of future advertising, to cease and desist from senting directly or by implication:

That the preparation "Italina" will cleanse the stomach purities.

The said Floret Products Co., Inc. further agreed not to p or cause to be published any testimonial containing any repres tion contrary to the foregoing agreement. (1-19357, Apr. 12. 03303.31 Medicinal Preparations Qualities, Properties, or Res Stipulation No. 03303 has been amended so that it now reads:

C. B. Dozier, an individual, trading as W. D. Taylor Co., 1001 teenth Street, North, Bessemer, Ala., vendor-advertiser, engag selling medicinal preparations designated Kolex Liquid and à Salve and Morris Timbes, an individual trading as Morris T Advertising, p. o. box 335, Mobile, Ala., advertising agent, e in the business of conducting an advertising agency which d inated advertisements for the above-named products on beha C. B. Dozier, agreed, in connection with the dissemination of fa advertising, to cease and desist from representing directly implication:

(a) That Kolex Liquid is beneficial in preventing or provi effective relief for the common cold, or any of the symptoms the except to the extent that it may assuage coughs accompanyi common cold or arising from minor throat irritations; or

29 Amendment. See 40 F. T. C. 837. 30 Amendment. See 42 F. T. C. 544. 31 Amendment. See 42 F. T. C. 546.

That Kolex Salve is beneficial in providing effective relief for tions of the throat and chest caused by the common cold, or y of the symptoms thereof except to the extent that it may e the discomforts of nasal irritations and congestions.

said C. B. Dozier and Morris Timbes, and each of them further I not to publish, or cause to be published, any testimonial cong any representation contrary to the foregoing agreement. 323, Apr. 27, 1948.)

4.32 Health Foods and Drugs-Qualities, Properties, or Results.lation No. 03314 has been amended so that it now reads: nley N. Phillipps, an individual doing business as Parks-PhilHealth Foods Co., 105 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati 23, Ohio, r-advertiser, was engaged in selling health foods and drug rations designated Phillipps Garlic and Parsley Tablets, PhilHerb Vegetable Tablets (formerly designated Phillipps VegeMineral Tablets) and Phillipps Vitamin B Complex Tablets greed, in connection with the dissemination of future advertiso cease and desist from representing directly or by implication: at Phillipps Garlic and Parsley Tablets


Will relieve high blood pressure or high blood pressure symp

Will check intestinal putrefaction; relax small arteries or build

Will relieve nervousness, physical or mental exhaustion or f sleep or dizzy spells.

at Phillipps Vitamin B Complex Tablets

Will relieve indigestion, constipation, fatigue, loss of energy, oss of weight or nervousness;

O Will aid digestion or the absorption of digested foods; Will promote resistance to infection or will relieve or cure tis and nervous symptoms;

O Will help maintain a normal condition of the stomach or innes except in those instances where the user does not obtain lequate amount of Vitamin B Complex from ordinary foods; Will prevent diseases of the skin or hair or will prevent anemia crease longevity;

O Will relieve or prevent mental disturbances.

at Phillipps Herb Vegetable Tablets (formerly designated PhilVegetable Mineral Tablets)

) Will reduce the body weight or will decrease the desire for , or that it contains no harmful drug or laxative;

) Will help neutralize body acids or that it will supply mineral ids essential to oxidation and elimination of fat.

mendment. See 42 F. T. C. 552.

The said Stanley N. Phillipps also agreed not to publish or to be published any testimonial containing any representation trary to the foregoing agreement. (1-20015, Apr. 22, 1948.)

03324.33 Laxative Preparation-"Doctor".-The Commission dire that Stipulation No. 03324 be amended by striking Rufus Rhodes . Robert O. Davis, as parties thereto, so that the stipulation now ne B. L. Corley, an individual trading as Corley Diet Foods Co Market St., San Francisco, Calif., advertiser-vendor, engaged ing a laxative preparation designated Dr. Corley's LaXX, an into an agreement, in connection with the dissemination of adver to forthwith cease and desist from:

Representing that the said B. L. Corley is a doctor, by us•* brand name "Dr. Corley's LaXX" or otherwise, without disclosing equal conspicuousness wherever such representation is made the a that the said B. L. Corley is not a doctor of medicine.

B. L. Corley further agreed not to publish or cause to be pa any testimonial containing any representation contrary to the f going agreement. (1-19815, Apr. 6, 1948.)

03326.3 Medicinal Preparations-Qualities, Properties or Resulf Safety. Supplemental Stipulation No. 03326 has been amen that it now reads:

Casimir Albert Lesiak, an individual trading as Karnack-An Co., P. O. Box 190, Scranton, Pa., vendor-advertiser, was engage selling medicinal preparations designated Lekotoria Herb Tea M Lekotoria Herb Tonic, and St. Alben Herb Tea No. 10 and agreed connection with the dissemination of future advertising, to ceas desist from representing directly or by implication:

(a) That Lekotoria Herb Tea No. 20 will beneficially influen ditions such as headaches, accumulation of gases or belching in of such temporary relief as may be afforded by a laxative whe: 4 conditions are due to or caused by constipation;

(b) That Lekotoria Herb Tea No. 20 will beneficially influent ditions such as indigestion, upset stomach, dizziness, restles sleeplessness, or nervousness;

(c) That Lekotoria Herb Tea No. 20 will cleanse the stoma testines, or kidneys of impurities or ferments;

(d) That Lekotoria Herb Tea No. 20 is safe to use;

(e) That Lekotoria Herb Tonic will beneficially influence condi such as accumulation of gases, belching, or headaches in excess of s temporary relief as may be afforded by a laxative when such tions are due to or caused by constipation;

33 Amendment. See 43 F. T. C. 739.

Amendment of supplemental. See 43 F. T. C. 740.

That Lekotoria Herb Tonic will beneficially influence condiich as nervousness, listlessness, or weakness;

That Lekotoria Herb Tonic will cleanse the stomach, intestines, heys of impurities or poisonous wastes;

That St. Alban Herb Tea No. 10 will beneficially influence cons such as headache or accumulation of gases in excess of such ary relief as may be afforded by a laxative when such conditions e to or caused by constipation;

That St. Alban Herb Tea No. 10 will beneficially influence consuch as dizziness, restlessness, sleeplessness, nervousness, or inon;

That St. Alban Herb Tea No. 10 will cleanse the stomach, insor kidneys of impurities; and

That St. Alban Herb Tea No. 10 is safe to use.

said Casimir Albert Lesiak further agrees not to publish or to be published any testimonial containing any representation ry to the foregoing agreement.

further agreed, That Stipulation No. 0964, executed by the said ir Albert Lesiak and accepted by the Commission on October 7, is to remain in full force and effect, and that the terms and ents therein are not to be considered modified or altered in any y this supplemental stipulation. (1-8743, May 4, 1948.) 1.36 Medicinal Preparation-Qualities, Properties or Results and -The Commission directed that Stipulation No. 03331 be ed so that it now reads:

. Seroy, an individual, doing business under the trade name in Products Co., 850 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, vendoriser, was engaged in selling a medicinal preparation variously ated Legu-Con, Legucon, and Legumins Herbolax Tablets and , in connection with the dissemination of future advertising, to nd desist from representing directly or by implication: That use of the said preparation will have any effect on the ion known as constipation except to the extent that it may promporary relief therefor;

That use thereof will have any effect on symptoms such as e, tiredness, gas, bloat or biliousness except to the extent that it emporarily relieve such symptoms only when they are known to to constipation;

That use thereof will eliminate waste through the liver or h the kidneys;

That use thereof will facilitate natural elimination or tone the ive tract;

21 F. T. C. 1043.

endment. See 43 F. T. C. 743.

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