Labour Legislation of the Past Decade

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82. lappuse - An act done by a person in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute shall not be actionable on the ground only that it induces some other person to break a contract of employment or that it is an interference with the trade, business, or employment of some other person, or with the right of some other person to dispose of his capital or his labour as he wills.
32. lappuse - Provided that: — (a) The employer shall not be liable under this act in respect of any injury which does not disable the workman for a period of at least two weeks from earning full wages at the work at which he was employed...
68. lappuse - ... and if served by post shall be deemed to have been served at the time when the letter containing the same would have been delivered in the ordinary...
125. lappuse - ... by a fine of not less than fifty dollars and not more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or both.
17. lappuse - ... where total or partial incapacity for work results from the injury, a weekly payment during the incapacity after the second week not exceeding fifty per cent of his average weekly earnings during the previous twelve months, if he has been so long employed, but if not, then for any less period during which he has been in the employment of the same employer, such weekly payment not to exceed one pound.
39. lappuse - ... regard may be had to the average weekly amount which, during the twelve months previous to the accident, was being earned by a person in the same grade employed at the same work by the same employer, or, if there is no person so employed, by a person in the same grade employed In the same class of employment and In the same district...
98. lappuse - ... dialects of immigrants. Each alien may designate the particular language or dialect in which he desires the examination to be made, and shall be required to read the words printed on the slip in such language or dialect.
12. lappuse - ... give notice in writing thereof to the owner, agent, or manager of the mine, and shall state in such notice the particulars in which he considers such mine, or any part thereof, or any matter, thing, or practice, to be dangerous or defective, and require the same to be remedied ; and unless the same be forthwith remedied the inspector shall also report the same to a Secretary of State.
59. lappuse - All elevator cabs or cars, whether used for freight or passengers, shall be provided with some suitable mechanical device, if considered necessary by said inspector, whereby the cab or car will be securely held in the event of accident to the shipper rope or hoisting machinery, or from any similar cause, and said mechanical device shall at all times be kept in good working order.
74. lappuse - Average weekly earnings shall be computed in such manner as is best calculated to give the rate per week at which the workman was being renunerated; provided that where by reason of the shortness of the time during which the workman has been in the employment of his employer, or the casual nature of...

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