Actual distribution of commissioned personnel of the Marine Corps on October Operations and training. Adjutant and inspector Quartermaster__ Paymaster Special duty with Army any Navy- Detached duty in Washington_. Yorktown, Va.: Marine barracks, naval mine depot. Parris Island, S. C.: Marine barracks (to fluctuate between 33 and 48, dependent upon Assistant paymaster, Philadelphia, Pa Assistant paymaster, Atlanta, Ga___ Assistant paymaster, San Diego, Calif. Depot of supplies, Philadelphia, Pa Depot of supplies, Hampton Roads, Va Recruiting: Recruiting bureau of service___. Mare Island, Calif.: Navy yard (barracks detachment, naval prison detachment, naval ammunition depot detachment, and rifle range detach ment) Puget Sound, Wash.: Marine barracks, navy yard... Receiving ship Marine barracks, naval ammunition depot.. Keyport, Wash.: Marine barracks, naval torpedo station_ Marine Corps base, naval operating base Recruit depot Marine barracks, naval air station.. Marine detachment, receiving ship, destroyer base.. San Francisco, Calif.: Headquarters, Department of the Pacific_. Receiving ship Afloat Cavite and Olongapo, P. I Managua, Nicaragua Pearl Harbor, Hawaii... Guam Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: Marine barracks, naval station. Expeditionary Battalion, Sixth Regiment. Virgin Islands China, Peking: Marine detachment Expeditionary force Coco Solo, Isthmian Canal Zone, naval submarine base.. Haiti Quantico, Va Aviation Schools: Instructors 51 14 13 R 21 104 162 55 28 126 Students_ Total 1,007 Actual distribution of commissioned personnel of the Marine Corps on October 31, 1924-Continued RECAPITULATION 1. Permanent details to staff duties and four-year details of line officers Guards for navy yards, ammunition depots, naval stations, at home and abroad 101 Aviation at home and abroad 55 Garrisons for Haiti, Virgin Islands, Peking, Managua, and Guam---Permanent detachments for training stations, recruiting service headquarters, staff offices, supply depots, Marine Corps Institute, Quantico, 137 and San Diego 209 Casuals (including sick in hospital, en route, etc.) Officers performing other than Marine Corps duties: SOURCE OF SUPPLY OF OFFICERS Mr. FRENCH. I should like to ask one question about the officers. To what extent do you draw from Annapolis in the commissioning of officers annually? General LEJEUNE. The law which governs the appointments of second lieutenants in the Marine Corps is as follows: These officers shall be drawn, first, from graduates of the Naval Academy. Second, from meritorious noncommissioned officers; and third, from civil life. During the last three years, in accordance with that law, we have appointed annually 25 graduates of the Naval Academy as second lieutenants and about an average of 12 or 15 noncommissioned officers, and the same number of graduates of what are designated by the War Department as distinguished military colleges. Those colleges are such as Norwich University, Vermont, and the Virginia Military Institute. They are the colleges that the War Department designates as distinguished colleges. We have kept that up for three years. This year we are only going to have 15 graduates of the Naval Academy because the needs of the line of the Navy are still great. Mr. FRENCH. Would you like more? General LEJEUNE. I asked for 25, but I agreed with Admiral Shoemaker when talking it over with him, that their needs were such. on account of the large number of resignations, that they take as many graduates as possible to fill up the requirements of the Navy. Mr. FRENCH. Is the training in the academy such that you would be glad to increase the number, if you had the opportunity? General LEJEUNE. I am a little diffident about answering that, because I am a graduate of the Naval Academy myself. I say I am a little diffident, Mr. Chairman, but actions speak louder than words and I have made continued attempts to get as many graduates of the Naval Academy as I could get in the Marine Corps. STATEMENTS SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF ENLISTED MEN Mr. FRENCH. Would you at this point insert the tables that you have handed to the committee, showing the distribution of the enlisted strength of the Marine Corps as of some late date, October 31st? General LEJEUNE. Yes. Recapitulation of distribution of enlisted strength United States Marine Corps |