LIGHT CRUISER PROJECTED [8,000-10,000 tons. Speed of 29 knots plus] do. 4. Not named.. 10,000 732 Do.' 40,000 Funds provided in British Navy estimates for fiscal year 1924-25. Shipbuilders now preparing bids. It is understood that two of these Japanese ships will be laid down in October, 1924. DESTROYERS, 800 ΤΟNS PLUS, BUILT AND BUILDING OR PROJECTED FLOTILLA LEADERS BUILT [1,500 tons plus] 36.5 5 4.7-inch guns, 6 torpedo tubes. 1918 1,800 36.5 .do... 1918 1,800 36.5 do... 1,800 36.5 do 1,800 36.5 do 1. Kent 10,000 2. Suffolk 10,000 3. Cornwall. 10,000 4. Cumberland. 10,000 5. Berwick..... 10,000 50,000 8-inch guns. 1. Nachi. 10,000 2. Myoko... 10,000 3. Not named. 10,000 1. Bruce... 1918 1,800 2. Campbell 3. Douglass. 4. Mackay.. 1919 5. Malcolm.. 1919 6. Montrose... 1918 1,800 7. Stewart____ 1918 1,800 8. Shakespeare... 1917 1,750 9. Spencer. 1917 1,750 36 10. Wallace.. 1919 1,750 36 11. Grenville...... 1916 1,670 34 12. Saumarez. 1916 1,670 34 13. Seymour 8 1916 1,670 34 14. Anzac... 1917 1,670 34 15. Abdiel... 1916 1,670 34 16. Nimrod...... 1915 1,610 27,810 Probable date of completion, Aug. 30, 1924. Probable date of completion, December, 1924. • Unknown. • Damaged by earthquake while on the stocks. 'Estimated. • Seymour can be equipped as a mine layer. • Abdiel is a mine layer, Number Num Dis Tor Class in tubes class place- Speed Guns ment ber pedo Class in tubes class 8 Cassin, No. 43-50 1,010 29+4 4-inch. 8 14 V. 1,325 34 4 4.7-inch 6 1 Urakaze.... 955 28.00 43-inch.. 835 31.5 3 4.7-inch 900 56. 2 4.7-inch 6 Statement showing combatant ships in the navies of the United States, British Empire, and Japan-Continued DESTROYERS, 800 TONS PLUS, BUILT AND BUILDING OR PROJECTED-Continued FLOTILLA LEADERS BUILDING United States Date British Empire Date Knots Knots 1. Keppel......... 1,750 36 54.7-inch guns, 6 tor- 2. Broke........ 1,750 3,500 United States DESTROYERS 800 TONS PLUS (BUILT) [800 to 1,500 tons] British Empire Date Japan Knots Japan Dis Num- Class place- Speed Guns Tor- knots signed) 2 Thornycroft V 1,350 35 4 4.7-inch 2. Umikaze... 1,150 33.00 4 65 68, 228 2 1,075 36 do..... 4 15 4 68. Wickes No. 75-1,185 1,125 30 12 6 Yarrow S...... 930 36 4 288 1342, 086 183 209, 315 22231-241-42 • Includes 14 light mine layers of destroyer type. 3 109 6 Caldwell, No. 6974. 185. 148 Clemson, No. 186-347. 1, 215 12 1 Displacements shown is that of name ship of class. Displacements of individual vessels in a class vary slightly. Estimated. NOTES.-Dates of completion of the 288 ships for the United States is as follows: 4, 1913; 4, 1914; 7, 1915; 8, 1916; 5, 1917; 50, 1918; 106, 1919; 73, 1920; 28, 1921; 3, 1922. Dates of completion of the 183 destroyers for the British Empire are as follows: 21, 1916; 52, 1917; 62, 1918; 39, 1919; 3, 1920; 2, 1922; 1, 1923; 3, 1924. Dates of completion of the 65 destroyers for Japon are as follows: 2, 1911; 1, 1915; 1, 1916; 7, 19198; 4, 1919; 12, 1920; 11, 1921; 9, 1922; 10, 1923; 1, 1924. Statement showing combatant ships in the navies of the United States, British Empire, and Japan-Continued SUBMARINES BUILT (485 TONS OR OVER) [Fleet submarines, 2,000 tons plus] British Empire Date Surface Sur Tor- Numpedo Num ber dis of Type com class pleted place face Guns 1 Κ-26...... 1 X-1....... ---- 1923 2,140 23 3 4-inch. 120 45.2-inch1 4 ment speed 1924 2,780 tubes ber of class dis Tor Type com face Guns pedo ment speed tubes United States Surface Date dis Type com ment Sur- Tor Guns pedo tubes pleted place Num- NOTE.-K-2, K-6, and K-22 have 2 4-inch; K-12 has 2 4-inch and 1 3-inch; K-14 has 1 4-inch and 13-inch. 1 Estimated. |