Lapas attēli

by States, 553; Economies: of,
426, 427
MACHINERY, (See also: Agricul-
ture; Agricultural Laborers;
Iron and Steel Workers); Ef-
fects: in general, 231, 525, 526;
upon craft unions, 351; Immi-
gration: New, and, 289; sub-
stitute for, 492; Rate of wages:
introduction determined by, 290
MAGYARS, 162, 257, 442, 443, 449,
450, 458 (See also: Hungary)

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wage earners,

1879-1909, 151
MARX, KARL, 124, 125, 291
MASSACHUSETTS, 27, 138, 139,
174-176, 224, 225, 243, 244, 295,
300, 301,311, 313, 314, 319, 321,
333, 334, 343, 344, 375, 378-380,
382, 383, 392, 523, 524, 534, 535,
540, 541, 551; Hours of labor:
1872-1903, 313; Immigrant
breadwinners: destined for,
1897-1908, 139; Racial stratifi-
cation: 1900-1905, 173; Strikes:
1830-1905, 344; Textile mills:
percentage of immigrants from
Southern and Eastern Europe
employed in, 1880-1900, 379;
Unemployment: of factory work-
ers, and immigration, 139;
Wages and cost of living: 1800,
1830, and 1860, 295, 296, 521;
in the '70's, 295; Woolen mills:
comparative statistics of strikes
in, 392

89, 292

irregularity of employment, 435
MINERS, (See also: Fatal Acci-
dents: Labor Organizations;
Unemployment); Native white:
decrease of the number of, by
States, 1890-1900, 158; Racial
displacement: of natives by
immigrants, none, 156, 157
displaced by the, 425; Substitute
for immigration: 425; Unskilled
immigrants: employment of, the
effect not the cause of the intro-
duction of the m. m., 425

grants, 269; mercantilist objec-
tion to, 271


NATIONALITIES, principal, of male
breadwinners classified by occu-
pation groups, 1900, 171
NATIVE-BORN, decrease of, by
occupations, 1890-1900, 152
of, by occupations in Mass.,
1900-1905, 175
NATIVE WHITE, of native parent-
age, males, decrease in selected
occupations, compared with loss
by death, 1890-1900, 153
NEARING, SCOTT, 293, 302, 519
NEGROES, migration of, during the
World War, 507, 508

NEW IMMIGRATION, compared with
the Old, 61-81

NEW YORK CITY, 7, 20, 25, 28, 32,
63, 66, 67, 119, 120, 121, 149,
229-241, 260, 316, 317, 326, 335,
337, 340-343, 354-357, 363, 365,
367, 369, (See also: Family
Budgets; Congestion); Cellar
population: of the '40's, 230;
Congestion: in the Irish and
German settlements of the
past, 65; Hours of labor: reduc-
tion of, compared with the
remainder of the State, 316, 317;
Labor organizations: affiliation
of Jewish and Italian clothing
workers with, above the average
for the country, 326; member-
ship of, compared with New
York State, 341, 343; Pauper-
ism: lodgers at the municipal
lodging houses, by nativity,
1908, 355; Paupers: nativity,
1854-1860, and 1885-1895, 356;
by nativity and cause, 356, 357
NEW YORK STATE, 27, 31, 140,
143, 144, 146, 300, 301, 315-317,
319, 321, 335-343, 360, 383, 534,
535, 540, 554, 555; Hours of
labor: compared with New York
City, 317; Membership of labor
organizations: compared with
Kansas, 339; compared with
New York City, 342, 343; per-
centage of wage-earners organ-
ized, 1900-1909, 553; rising and

falling with immigration, 335,
NEWSHOLME, Arthur, 226, 528
ROPE, Emigration: from, 177-
220; causes of decrease, 13;
cannot keep pace with demand
for labor in the U. S., 177; Im-
migration: to the United States
could not replace immigration
from Southern and Eastern
Europe, 220

NORWAY, 179, 202–203, (See also:
Northern and Western Europe);
Immigration: from, to the U. S.,
202; greatest in 1901-1910, 202;
Recent industrial development:

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

PAUPERISM, 353-358; Decrease:
during period of greatest im-
migration, 353; Industrial in-
validism: p. due to, 357; New
immigration: p. less frequent
among the, than among the
Old, 354; New York City:
lodgers at municipal lodging
houses, by nativity, 1908, 355;
Racial displacement: p. not

due to, 355, 356; Unemploy-
ment: a minor cause of p., 357
PAUPERS, English and Irish: 1837-

1845, 356; New York City:
nativity of p., in the past, 356,

PEARSON, KARL, 226, 528
PENNSYLVANIA, 6, 9, 11, 33, 100,

119, 134, 135, 140, 141, 151, 249,
300, 301, 319, 321, 343, 344, 371,
372, 383, 414, 415, 419-422,
428-431, 437, 439, 442, 445, 446,
449, 454-456, 461, 462, 466,
471-473, 480, 481, 534, 535, 538-

540, 555-557; (See also: Coal
Mines, Bituminous; Coal
Mines, Anthracite); Bitumi-
nous coal mines: days worked,
and number of immigrant min-
ers and laborers, 141; Strikes:
1835-1905, 344
PHILADELPHIA, 25, 363, 372
PITTSBURGH, 24, 306, 394, 401-
410, 439, 454, 460, 484
395, 399-402, 406, 411-413, 454,
POLAND, 56, 100, 181, 182, 190
POLES, 14, 16, 32, 54, 55, 57, 59,
60, 75, 99, 162, 170, 171, 172,
181, 182, 190, 228, 238, 251, 253,
269, 328, 368, 369, 370, 378, 380,
385, 386, 442, 456, 471; Eng-
lish-speaking, by years in the
U. S., 78

276, 341

PREJUDICE, against immigrants in
the past, 73

PRICES, control of, 306, 510, 511


QUAINTANCE, H. W., 103, 109, 110


the, adopted by the Immigra-
tion Commission, 250

RACE DISTINCTION, dominant idea
of the investigation of the Im-
migration Commission, 55
RACE PREJUDICE, motive of oppo-
sition to recent immigrants, 457
RACE SUICIDE, 221-227; Birth
rate: Commission of Inquiry
into the Declining, report of,
226-227; decline of, among the
better-to-do, 226; among the
English aristocracy, 528; de-
cline of, begins in 1810-1830,
223; native, decreasing with
rural population, 224; rise in
social condition cause of decline
of, 226; varies inversely with
income, 226; Walker's theory

of the decline in the native, 221,
528; Immigration: unrelated
to, 18; Universal: among social
classes not affected by immi-
grant competition, 226; Wat-
son's forecast: of the population
of the U. S., 222, 223; World-
wide: 224

Racial Stratification); Laborers:
none, of native, by immi-
grants, 156, 157; Miners: none,
of native, by immigrants, 156,
157; Native Americans: em-
ployed in increased numbers
with increasing immigration
from Southern and Eastern
Europe, 158, 160; Negligible:
151, 152, 176

150, 151; Massachusetts: 1900-
1905, 173; Occupations: read-
justment on the scale of, 170;
Shifting: of English and Welsh,
Irish and Germans, from lower
paid to more remunerative
occupations, 165
1891-1909, 304

REAL WAGES, (See: Wages)
RENT, of native American wage-
earners in small towns lower
than that of immigrant workers
in large cities, 255; increase of,
502, (See also: Family Budgets)
ROBERTS, PETER, 259, 444, 445,
455, 456, 481

ROLLING MILLS, (See also: Iron
and Steel Industry, Iron and
Steel Workers), Laborers: wages
of, 1884-1902, 398; Rates of
wages: classification of
ployees by, 1884, 396
Ross, EDWARD A., 140


migration of native American
stock to city, 104; relative and
absolute, 103

RURAL TERRITORY, decrease of the

population of, 1900-1910, 104
RUSSIA, 32, 69, 71, 146, 181, 349-
351; strikes in, 349; unem-
ployment insurance, 146
RUSSIANS, 32, 71, 75, 190, 228,

238, 255, 260, 262, 263, 264, 267,

268, 351, 354, 355, 357, 369, 370,
385, 386, 388, (See also: Jews)


SABATH, A. J., 347

SAVINGS, Of immigrants: disposi-
tion of, does not affect American
wage-earners, 271; investments
in their home countries, 270;
Of wage-earners: small margin
of income left for, 267
SCANDINAVIANS, 1, 16, 178, 196-
201, 355, 386, 548; (See also:
Danes, Norwegians, Swedes);
Competing with new immigrants:
200, 201; Immigration to the
United States: of breadwinners
highest in 1901-1910, 196;
1881-1910, 196; course of,
turned eastward, 197, 198; In-
crease: of, in the U. S., by
geographic division, 1880-1910,
198, 199; In the United States:
compared with Southern and
Eastern Europeans by States,
1880, 1890, 1900, and 1910,
545; Occupations: 1881-1910,
201; Recent immigrants: mostly
not of the family type, 197
SCISCO, LOUIS Dow, 73, 77
SCOTCH, 12, 52, 75, 161, 171, 172,
252, 253, 264, 355, 356, 414, 415,
442, 447, 545, 546; immigra-
tion not decreased, 173
SCOTLAND, (See: United Kingdom)
SIMONS, A. M., 62, 63, 115
SLAVS, Food: standards of, com-
pared with United States navy
rations, 257; Organization: ca-
pacity for, 455, 456; Wages: of
unskilled laborers increased,
453, 454
SOUTH ITALIANS, 75, 247, 249,
251, (See also: Italians); Food
expenditures: compared with
Americans generally, 258; with
native white workers in the
South, 258

(See also: Boarders and Lodgers;
Congestion; Family Budgets);
Children's earnings: source of
higher s. o. 1., maintained by
Americans and Americanized
families, 22, 285; Old immigra-

tion: standard low, 64; Race
standard: existence of, not
proved, 264; Recent immigrants:
standard of, not inferior to that
of their predecessors, 19
STEAMSHIP AGENTS, effect of so-
licitation by, negligible, 97
STEEL MILLS, (See: Iron and Steel
Workers; Rolling Mills)
STEEL WORKERS, fatal accidents,
speeding the cause of, 481, (See
also: Iron and Steel Workers;
Rolling Mills)

STEERAGE RATES, effect of recent
increase upon quality of im-
migration, 69

caste prejudice against the
immigrant, the outgrowth of,

STREIGHTOFF, F. N., 246, 248, 255,
276, 294

STRIKE BREAKERS, native Ameri-

cans as, 345; recent immi-
grants as, 346

STRIKES, (See also: Clothing In-
dustry; Cotton Mills; Strike
Breakers; Woolen Mills); An-
thracite coal mines: 1902, 456;
Coal mines: Southern and East-
ern Europeans identified with
every strike in, 447, 448;
Immigrants: have stood by the
unions, 378; Immigration: and,
1886-1905, 345; increasing with,
344; Lawrence, Massachusetts:
392; Massachusetts: 1830-1905,
344; More numerous: since 1881,
343, 344; Pennsylvania: 1835-
1905, 344; Russia: 349; Woolen
and worsted mills: comparative
statistics of s. in, 392; World
War, s. during, 505
SUMNER, HELEN L., 115, 120, 230,

241, 363, 364, 365, (See also:
Women in Industry)
SUNDAY WORK, (See: Iron and
Steel Workers)

SUNDBÄRG, GUSTAV, 201, 206, 207
SUTHERLAND, HUGH, 217, 218, 220
SWEATSHOPS, Irish, in the '50's,

364; older than immigration,
SWEDEN, 16, 179, 205-209, (See
also: Northern and Western
Europe); Emigration: from cities

and rural districts, 1881-1907,
206; by destination, 1861-1908,
205; Immigration: to, 206; 1881-
1908, 207; Recent industrial
development: 207; Rural emi-
gration: decline of, due to small
demand for farm help in the
U. S., 205, 206
SWEDES, 52, 75, 79, 161, 170-172,
197, 255, 262, 267, 268, 328,
(See also: Scandinavians; North-
ern and Western Europe)


Congestion; Home Ownership;
Housing Conditions); One-fam-
ily residence: made over into,
229; Past and present: in Bos-
ton, 241; Unsanitary conditions:
in the old Irish and German col-
onies of New York City, 232
TEXTILE MILLS, percentage of
immigrants from Southern and
Eastern Europe employed,
1880-1900, 379

TRACTABILITY, of old and new
immigrants, 346

TRADE-UNIONS, (See also: Labor
Organizations); mostly confined
to skilled occupations, 346, 377
TRZCINSKI, J., 181, 191
TWELVE-HOUR DAY, (See: Iron and
Steel Workers)


nitions of, 41

UNEMPLOYMENT, 114-147; Aus-
tralia: 145; Bituminous coal
miners: 132; collated with vari-
ation of the percentage of for-
eign-born miners, 134; Causes:
4, 114-125; Coal mines: part
time employment in lieu of u.,
434; Cotton mills: 132; Cyclical
variations: 1888-1908, in Mas-
sachusetts, 138; Factory workers:
u. among, and immigration,
Massachusetts, 139; Foreign-
born: variation of the percentage
of, collated with u., by areas,
130, 131; by geographical divi-
sions, 128; in inverse ratio to u.,

129; Immigration: and u., 125-
147, 432, 433, 434; not a con-
tributory cause of, 145; varies
inversely with, 5; Labor reserve:
123, 125; Manufactures: aver-
age number of male wage-
earners employed, by months,
118; variations by States, 129;
Measure: of, 121, 125; Monthly
variations: in the State of New
York, 1902-1909, 125; 1916-
1918, 558; Native: and foreign-
born workmen equally affected
by, 126; Occupational varia-
tions: 131; collated with per
cent of foreign-born, 133, 508;
Restriction of immigration: no
relief for u., 35, 488, 489;
Remedy: 146; Seasonal varia-
tions: 115; Unskilled laborers:
132; Working days: number of,
in New York, 1897-1908, 142,
143; in Pennsylvania coal mines,
1901-1909, 140
UNITED KINGDOM, 178, 209-215,

520-522, (See also: Ireland;
Northern and Western Europe);
Emigration by destination: gross,
1840-1909, 212, 546; net, 1895-
1909, 213, 214; Immigration:
to the U. S., from, 1890-1909,
not below normal, 213
Coal Miners; Labor Organiza-
tions); growth of, 447; wage
conferences with mine operators
in the bituminous coal fields,
439, 450
Agriculture; Family Budgets;
Hours of Labor; Housing Con-
ditions; Illiteracy; Iron and
Steel Workers; Labor Organiza-
tions; Occupations of Imami-
grants; Racial Displacement;
Rolling Mills; Slavs; Unem-
ployment; Woolen and Worsted
Mills); Craft unions: barred
from, 346; interests conflicting
with, 348; Displacement:
native, by immigrants, none,
156, 157: Increase: of the
number of, by race and nativity,
1890-1900, 156; Iron and steel
mills: wages rising, 397; Pre-
dominant among the immigrants:

68; economic reason for, 19;
Rolling mills: wages in 1884-
1902, 398; Slav: food standards,
259; Unemployed: and per cent
foreign-born, 136, 538; Wages:
in agriculture and other pur-
suits, 111; in the past, 295
skilled Laborers)


WAGE-EARNERS, in manufactures,
1879-1909, 151

WAGES, 284-310, (See also: Coal
Miners; Coal Mines; Conges-
tion; Cotton Mills; Iron and
Steel Workers; Wages and the
Cost of Living; Woolen and
Worsted Mills); Advancing: more
slowly than the cost of living,
26; with the employment of
large numbers of immigrants,
24; Agricultural laborers: com-
pared with other unskilled, 110,
III; Building trades, 521; Cler-
ical help: w. of, low, 304; Coal
mines: 305; Cotton mills: 1875-
1908, 375, 376; upward move-
ment of w. since period of New
Immigration, 375; Country com-
petition: daughters of American
farmers working for less than
the cost of living, 365; native
Americans undercut wages of
immigrants, 298; Difference: in,
due to grade of service not to
country of birth, 284; not de-
termined by distinction of race,
288, 289; Earnings: annual, of
male and female employees in
manufactures, and proportion
of foreign-born, in principal
States, 300, 301; variation by
States, 299; Immigrants: do not
undercut w., 23, 378; female,
earnings of, higher than those of
native Americans, 370; re-
cently landed, not engaged at
less than the prevailing rates,
285; Increase: actual, result of
industrial expansion, 302; hy-
pothetical, without immigration
from Southern and Eastern
Europe, 306; Laborers: in the
'40's, 295; in rolling mills, 1884-

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