OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER GENERAL BOOKBINDING CO. 81 2 156AA 013 QUALITY CONTROL MARK FOR SALE BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 25, D. С. $1.50 a copy FOREWORD The United States Government Organization Manual is the official organization handbook of the Federal Government. It contains sections descriptive of the agencies in the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. Supplemental information following these sections includes (1) brief descriptions of quasi-official agencies and selected international organizations, (2) charts of the more complex agencies, and (3) appendixes relating to abolished or transferred agencies, to governmental publications, and to certain ancillary material. The United States Government Organization Manual is published annually by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, as a special edition of the Federal Register pursuant to part 31 of the regulations of the Administrative Committee, approved on March 20, 1959 (24 F.R. 2353; 1 CFR Part 31). Agencies subject to section 3 of the Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 238; 5 U. S. C. 1002) are required by the provisions thereof to separately state and currently publish in the Federal Register descriptions of the agency organization including delegations of final authority and the established places at which and methods whereby the public may secure information or make submittals or requests. Users interested in these detailed statements should consult the indexes to the daily issues of the Federal Register. |