Adams, Dr. Arthur S., president, University of New Hampshire.--
Allessandroni, Walter E., national vice commander, American Legion..
Atkinson, W. P., vice president, National Association of Home Builders._
Brown, Dr. F. J., secretary, American Council on Education; Dr.
Frank Poole, president, Clemson College; and Dr. Arthur S. Adams,
president, University of New Hampshire...
Carter, Jack, national housing officer, Veterans of Foreign Wars...
Clorety, Joseph A., Jr., national vice chairman, American Veterans
Edelman, John W., Washington representative, Textile Workers Union
of America, CIO
Ferguson, Abner H., Washington counsel, United States Savings and
Loan League.
Foley, Raymond M., Administrator, Housing and Home Finance
Agency and B. T. Fitzpatrick, general counsel
Foster, Charles, Disabled American Veterans..
Fritz, Edward C., Dallas, Tex...
Giesecke, Bertram E., chairman, national housing committee, Ameri-
can Legion
Green, William, president, American Federation of Labor
Goodman, Leo, director, national housing committee, CIO_
Held, Harry, vice president, Bowery Savings Bank, New York.
Henderson, Elmer W., director, American Council on Human Rights--
Henle, Peter, secretary, housing committee, American Federation of
Holifield, Chet, a Representative in Congress from the State of Cali- fornia.
Krooth, David L., National Housing Conference and Lee Johnson, executive vice president, National Housing Conference_-
Lockwood, Rodney M., president, National Association of Home
Neel, Samuel E., counsel, Mortgage Bankers Association of America. 131, 207
O'Leary, James J., Life Insurance Association of America-
Poole, Dr. Frank, president, Clemson College, Clemson, S. C..
Poston, Robert P., associate legislative director, American Legion
Reckman, William A., chairman, subcommittee on mortgage financing
and urban housing, American Bankers Association_-
Richards, Franklin D., commissioner, Federal Housing Administra- tion; Clyde L. Powell, assistant commissioner in charge of rent housing; Burton C. Bovard, general counsel; Mrs. Shirley K. Hart, director, Division of Research and Statistics..
American Legion, national legislative commission, Robert R. Poston, associate director: Letter on title IV of S. 2246-
Adams, Dr. Arthur S., president, University of New Hampshire_-_-
Allessandroni, Walter E., national vice commander, American Legion..
Atkinson, W. P., vice president, National Association of Home Builders.-
Brown, Dr. F. J., secretary, American Council on Education; Dr.
Frank Poole, president, Clemson College; and Dr. Arthur S. Adams,
president, University of New Hampshire.
Carter, Jack, national housing officer, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Clorety, Joseph A., Jr., national vice chairman, American Veterans
Edelman, John W., Washington representative, Textile Workers Union
of America, CIO.
Green, William, president, American Federation of Labor
Goodman, Leo, director, national housing committee, CIO_
Held, Harry, vice president, Bowery Savings Bank, New York.
Henderson, Elmer W., director, American Council on Human Rights__
Henle, Peter, secretary, housing committee, American Federation of
Holifield, Chet, a Representative in Congress from the State of Cali- fornia.
Krooth, David L., National Housing Conference and Lee Johnson, executive vice president, National Housing Conference..
Lockwood, Rodney M., president, National Association of Home
Neel, Samuel E., counsel, Mortgage Bankers Association of America. 131, 207
O'Leary, James J., Life Insurance Association of America__
Poole, Dr. Frank, president, Clemson College, Clemson, S. C...
Poston, Robert P., associate legislative director, American Legion.
Reckman, William A., chairman, subcommittee on mortgage financing
and urban housing, American Bankers Association__
Richards, Franklin D., commissioner, Federal Housing Administra- tion; Clyde L. Powell, assistant commissioner in charge of_rent housing; Burton C. Bovard, general counsel; Mrs. Shirley K. Hart, director, Division of Research and Statistics_
American Legion, national legislative commission, Robert R. Poston, associate director: Letter on title IV of S. 2246_
Letters, statements, telegrams, etc. submitted for the record by-Con.
Bacoats, J. A., president, Benedict College, Columbia, S. Č.:
Letter, Apr. 2, 1949, to Senator Maybank...
Telegram, July 16, 1949, to Senator Maybank
Telegram, Apr. 28, 1949, to Senator Maybank
Giesecke, Bertram E., chairman, national housing committee, Ameri- can Legion: Statement...
Gold Star Wives of America, Inc., Mrs. Marie Jordan, chairman of the board: Statement_
Goodman, Leo, director, national housing committee, CIO:
Summary of middle income housing bills..
Equal monthly payments, principal and interest, $10,000 mortgage_
Suggested changes in title III..
New coustruction of nonfarm homes, etc., chart
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