Department of the Army Appropriations for 1954: Hearings ... 83d Congress, 1st Session1953 - 1667 lappuses |
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ABENDROTH actual agencies Air Force Alaska Alaska communication system ammunition amount appropriation approximately armory ARMSTRONG Army average basis BRITTS budget Chairman chart COLGLAZIER COLLINS Colonel BARBER Colonel BUDGE Colonel HIBBERT Colonel MORGAN Colonel MOUK Colonel STRAIN combat commander committee Corps correct cost COTULLA Department of Defense depot Discussion divisions enlisted equipment estimate facilities figure fiscal year 1954 FOGELBERG FORD furnished HAMBLEN HONNEN HORKAN included increase issue June 30 Korea Korean war long tons maintenance Major TAYLOR MARQUAT MARSHALL ment military personnel MILLER million MILTON months National Guard National Guard Bureau Navy obligations officers operation overseas percent POWELL present procurement record reduction reimbursement requested Reserve Revised esti schools Secretary SIKES statement STIER stock fund storage strength subproject supplies tion transportation troops uniform United United States Army workload World War II YOUNT
Populāri fragmenti
295. lappuse - Army shall cause to be paid to the widow, and if there be no widow to the child or children, and if there be no widow or child to any other dependent relative of such officer or enlisted man previously designated by him, an amount equal to six months' pay at the rate received by such officer or enlisted man at the date of his death.
295. lappuse - Hereafter, immediately upon official notification of the death from wounds or disease, not the result of his own misconduct, of any officer or enlisted man on the active list of the...
156. lappuse - ... to accept a commission, if tendered, and to serve, subject to order of the Secretary of the military department having jurisdiction over him (or the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the United States Coast Guard), not less than two years on active duty after receipt of a commission; and...
521. lappuse - ... drawing a pension, disability compensation, or retired pay from the Government of the United States...
156. lappuse - Reserve, while undergoing professional training; (B) agrees, in writing, to accept a commission, if tendered, and to serve, subject to order of the Secretary of the military department having jurisdiction over him (or the Secretary of...
575. lappuse - United Nations, and appropriate non-governmental organizations to provide such assistance as the Unified Command may request for the relief and support of the civilian population of Korea, and as appropriate in connection with the responsibilities being carried out by the Unified Command on behalf of the Security Council.
810. lappuse - If there are any questions, I will be glad to answer them.
156. lappuse - Training Corps, or the Air Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or the Naval and Marine Corps officer candidate training program...
360. lappuse - University and its component institutions, the National War College, the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and the Armed Forces Staff College.
544. lappuse - Before going into the details of the Alaska communication system budget, I would like to refresh your memory relative to the extent of the Alaska communication system outlining some of the developments which are going on in Alaska and to give you the general policies I have followed in the preparation of this estimate. For this purpose I have prepared a number of charts.