Annual Report, 24. izdevums

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Vols. for 1895/96-1919/20 include annual reports of the various state hospitals for the insane, reports of the Bureau of Deportation, the State Charities Aid Association and the Psychiatric Institute. (1908/09-1919/20 summaries only).

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182. lappuse - ... shall certify, for the Information of the immigration officers and the boards of special inquiry hereinafter provided for, any and all physical and mental defects or diseases observed by said medical officers in any such alien ; or, should medical officers of the United States Public Health Service be not available, civil surgeons of not less than four years...
181. lappuse - In the event such fine is imposed, while it remains unpaid, nor shall such fine be remitted or refunded : Provided, That clearance may be granted prior to the determination of such...
187. lappuse - Commerce and Labor the mental or physical condition of such alien Is such as to require personal care and attendance, he may employ a suitable person for that purpose, who shall accompany such alien to his or her final destination, and the expense incident to such service shall be defrayed in like manner.
185. lappuse - Labor, conditioned that such alien shall be produced when required for a hearing or hearings in regard to the charge upon which he has been taken into custody, and for deportation if he shall be found to be unlawfully within the United States.
181. lappuse - All idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded persons, epileptics, insane persons, and persons who have been insane within five years previous; persons who have had two or more attacks of insanity at any time previously; paupers; persons likely to become a public charge; professional beggars; persons afflicted with tuberculosis or with a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease...
85. lappuse - A witness attending before such board shall be entitled to the same fees as a witness attending before a court of record or a judge thereof, which shall be paid as other hospital charges.
185. lappuse - Such deportation, including one-half of the entire cost of removal to the port of deportation, shall be at the expense of the contractor, procurer, or other person by whom the alien was unlawfully induced to enter the United States, or, if that can not be done, then the cost of removal to the port of deportation shall be at the expense of the
185. lappuse - That any alien who shall enter the United States in violation of law, and such as become public charges from causes existing prior to landing...
185. lappuse - States, or, if that cannot be done, then the cost of removal to the port of deportation shall be at the expense of the appropriation for the enforcement of this Act...
181. lappuse - SEC. 9. That it shall be unlawful for any person, including any transportation company other than railway lines entering the United States from foreign contiguous territory, or the owner, master, agent, or consignee of any vessel to bring to the United States any alien subject to any of the following disabilities: Idiots, imbeciles, epileptics, or persons afflicted with tuberculosis or with a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease...

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