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" Correspondingly, he advances the honor of his profession and the best interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending to impress upon the client and his undertaking exact compliance with the strictest principles of moral law. "
Year Book - 114. lappuse
autors: New Jersey State Bar Association - 1921
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Report of the ... Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association, 40. sējums

American Bar Association - 1915 - 990 lapas
...condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances the honor of his profession and the beet interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending to...the strictest principles of moral law. He must also ohserve and advise his client to ohserve the statute law, though until a statute shall have heen construed...
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Reports ... Proceedings, 29-30. sējumi

Ohio State Bar Association - 1909 - 254 lapas
...condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances the honor of his profession and the best interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending to...competent adjudication, he is free and is entitled to advice as to its validity and as to what he conscientiously believes to be its just meaning and extent....
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Report of the ... Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Bar ..., 17. sējums

North Carolina Bar Association - 1915 - 368 lapas
...condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances the honor of his profession and the best interest of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending to...interpreted by competent adjudication, he is free and entitled to advise as to its validity and as to what he conscientiously believes to be its just meaning...
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American Law School Review, 2. sējums

1906 - 688 lapas
...condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances the honor of his profession and the best interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending, though until a statute shall have been construed .M-.I interpreted by competent adjtidicati,.n he is free and is entitled to advise a< |,i its validity...
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Annual Report of the American Bar Association: Including ..., 33. sējums

American Bar Association - 1908 - 1138 lapas
...condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances the honor of his profession and the best interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending to...construed and interpreted by competent adjudication, he ia free and is entitled to advise as to its validity and as to what he conscientiously believes to...
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Social Duties from the Christian Point of View: A Text-book for the Study of ...

Charles Richmond Henderson - 1909 - 356 lapas
...condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances the honor of his profession and the best interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending observe the statute law, though until a statute law shall have been construed and interpreted by competent adjudication, he is free and is entitled...
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Annual Report of the Illinois State Bar Association

Illinois State Bar Association - 1909 - 530 lapas
...condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances the honor of his profession and the best interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending to...compliance with the strictest principles of moral law. And not alone must a lawyer observe but he must also advise his client to observe the statute law,...
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Ethical Obligations of the Lawyer

Gleason Leonard Archer - 1910 - 382 lapas
...condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances the honor of his profession and the best interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending to...competent adjudication, he is free and is entitled to 1 See §§ 18, 19, 41, 92. advise as to its validity and as to what he conscientiously believes to...
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Corruption in American Politics and Life

Robert Clarkson Brooks - 1910 - 342 lapas
...condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances the honour of his profession and the best interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending to...compliance with the strictest principles of moral law." The " Canons of Professional Ethics," adopted by the American Bar Association at its thirty-first annual...
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Cases and Other Authorities on Legal Ethics

George Purcell Costigan - 1917 - 656 lapas
...merits stern condemnation. He advances the honor of his profession and the real interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending to impress upon the client exact compliance with the strict principles of law and morals. Above all, a lawyer will find his highest...
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