Lapas attēli




To the President and Members of the New Jersey State Bar Association:

Your Committee on Legislation reports as follows: There was referred to it, by the President, Senate Bill No. 59, introduced by Senator Simpson, of Hudson County, which provides that the terms of the present Vice Chancellors should terminate on the approval of the bill, and that thereafter, the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, should appoint Vice Chancellors.

Several members of the Bar, calling the attention of the President to this bill, and noting objections thereto, the President desired the Committee to take such action as might be necessary, to express to both the Senate and General Assembly our opposition thereto.

Before calling the Committee together, the Chairman, residing in Trenton, took occasion to make inquiry concerning the status of the bill, and found that it would, in all probability, not be reported even in the Senate, where it was introduced.

The measure was kept under surveillance and no attempt being made to pass it, it was unnecessary to call the Committee together in order that it might, in accordance with the suggestion of the President, take action to have the members of the Bar throughout the State generally express to the Legislators their opposition thereto.

The bill was not even reported.

There was no other legislation called to the attention of the Committee that needed any action whatever.

Respectfully submitted,

M. FRANK Apgar,

For the Committee.


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