ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the New Jersey State Bar Association was held June 11th, 1920, at 3 o'clock P. M., in the Music Room of the Hotel Chelsea, Atlantic City, New Jersey. The meeting was called to order by the President, Walter H. Bacon, and on motion, duly carried, the reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting was omitted. The following gentlemen were nominated for membership: J. HARRY HENEGAN, Essex County. The names of these gentlemen were referred to the Committee on Admissions, which was to consider the said applicants and receive and consider any objections to their admission which might be presented by any member, and report to the meeting following the report of the Treasurer. TREASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer presented the following report, which was ordered to be entered upon the minutes: CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, JUNE II, 1920. To the President and Members of the New Jersey State Bar Association: GENTLEMEN: The subscriber, Treasurer of said Association, submits the following report, showing receipts and disbursements during the year ending June 11, 1920: RECEIPTS. 80 00 Balance as shown by report dated June 13, 1919.. Total dues Additional guests at dinner, S. F. Leiber and J. L. Interest on bank balance, September 29, 1919. Received for stamps returned, 200 at 1 cent each. . . . $906 23 245 00 $2,930 00 14 00 II 27 250 00 2.00 21 25 21 25 7 16 $4,408 16 July 9-The Dreka Company, menu cards...... $90 00 40 42 ANNUAL MEETING. July 25-George W. McCowan, printing. July 31-Hotel Chelsea, entertaining guests and 1920. Jan. Feb. banquet, 1919 7-Return of sum advanced by Treasurer.. Feb. 11-Bridgeton Evening News, printing. Feb. 12-S. Chew & Sons, printing.. 5 50 Mar. 2-Harry M. Knight, Postmaster, stamped June 2-Lewis Starr, Treas., salary and expenses.. 135 00 June 8-LeRoy W. Loder, Secretary, salary and expenses. 180 33 June 10-S. Chew & Sons Co., printing year book... 853 45 Total disbursements $2,888 66 RECAPITULATION. Cash received, including last year's balance... $4,408 16 2,888 66 Annexed hereto is a list of those members whose dues are unpaid, the total amount due the Association from such members being $630.00. LEWIS STARR, On motion the President appointed Messrs. Salmon, Sinnickson and Grice a committee to audit the accounts of the Treasurer. The Committee on Admissions presented no detailed report, but the Chairman, Judge Marshall, stated that there had been numerous applications received, particularly from the sub-committees appointed by the President early in the year, and all except three (which three were included in the list of fifteen set forth heretofore in these minutes) had been acted upon by the Committee. The report on the said fifteen proposals for membership was deferred until later because the Committee was not yet ready to report upon them. The Committee on Ethics and Grievances made no report. Mr. Grover C. Richman, Chairman of the Committee on Legal Biography, stated that he had filed with the Secretary a full report of the deceased members during the past year. He then read the names of the deceased members, while all the members present stood in their places. It was then brought to the attention of the meeting that the name of Charles C. Kelly, a member of the Association, who had died within the past year, was neither in the list contained in the last Year Book nor in the report of the Committee; and it was therefore ordered that the Chairman add his name to the list, and a proper biography would be gotten for him, and his obituary would be printed in the year book. (Appendix I.) For the Committee on Legal Education, Mr. Justice Black reported progress The Committee on Legislation presented a report and it was ordered printed in the Year Book. (Appendix II.) The Committee on Nominations, by Mr. William A. Barkalow, presented its report, nominating the following officers: On motion, duly seconded and carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot for the persons named in the report for the respective offices to which they were nominated. The Secretary did so and the President declared the above named gentlemen elected to the respective offices. The Committee on Prosecutions reported that there had been no prosecutions. The Committee on Admissions then reported favorably upon the following: JOSEPH YOUNG JOSEPH G. WOLBER WILLIAM CHARLTON VOORHEES KLINE WILLIAM S. C. RORAY FRANK A. MATHEWS, JR. CLARKSON A. CRANMER LOUIS B. LEDUC There being one other application that the Committee was not prepared to report upon. It was then regularly moved, seconded and carried that the fourteen gentlemen above named be elected to membership. The President then declared them duly elected to membership. |