IMMIGRANTS IN INDUSTRIES. COLLAR, CUFF, AND SHIRT MANUFACTURING. This report, which was prepared under the direction of the Commission by W. Jett Lauck, superintendent of agents, forms part of the general report of the Immigration Commission on immigrants in industries. Members of households for whom detailed information was secured.. 667 Employees for whom information was secured.. 669 CHAPTER II.-Racial displacements: History of immigration... 671 Period of residence in the United States of foreign-born employees and Industrial condition abroad of members of immigrant households studied.. 679 681 General occupation of males at the present time, in the households studied. 682 683 684 Annual earnings of male heads of families studied.. 686 Annual earnings of males 18 years of age or over in the households studied. 688 689 690 Wives at work.. 691 Relation between the earnings of husbands and the practice of wives of keeping boarders or lodgers.. 692 Sources of family income.. 693 Relative importance of the different sources of family income. Age classification of employees and members of their households. CHAPTER VII.--General progress and assimilation: COLLAR, CUFF, AND SHIRT MANUFACTURING. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Growth of the industry-Increase in the number of employees-Territory studiedHouseholds studied-Members of households for whom detailed information was secured-Employees for whom information was secured-[Text Tables 1 to 7 and General Tables 1 to 3]. GROWTH OF THE INDUSTRY. More than one-half of the capital engaged in the collar and cuff manufacturing industry at the present time is invested in the State of New York. This fact, together with the growth of the industry in that State and the country as a whole during the period 1880-1905, is set forth in the table below: TABLE 1.-Growth of the collar, cuff, and shirt manufacturing industry in the State of New York and in the United States, 1880-1905. [Compiled from United States Census Reports, Manufactures, 1880–1905.] INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES. The expansion in the collar and cuff industry, as shown in the preceding table, has been attended by a large demand for labor, which has been met principally by the employment of immigrants of recent and past years. The increase in the operating forces of the industry 48296°-VOL 11-11-43 667 |