Lapas attēli

Often, it seems that if the bibliographies were cut down in many of our courses in literary evaluation, and our personal reactions were encouraged to a greater degree, we should have better work from our students, and a greater development of the intellectual potentialities of these men. The imbibition of potions of thought already mixed is good as long as it serves as a stimulation for original thought. When it becomes a substitute for personal intellectual activity, and when we almost fear to voice an opinion that has not before appeared on the printed page, we are losing sight of the object of education, and are doing little for the good of literature. We are producing men who are not standing on their own mental feet, but who are riding in the wheel-chairs of intellectual invalids.

One of the most discouraging phases of modern college training, to the man who aspires to mental excellence, is its close adherence to conventions, and its attempt to pour each man into the same intellectual mold. While creative work is encouraged to a certain point, its importance does not seem to be realized to the extent it deserves. If a man, in the presence of educated folk, is able to voice an unusual and original evaluation of a literary man and his works, he is immediately stamped as a fellow of attainments not of the ordinary. Yet, what is he doing but complying with the dictum of true education; the very word meaning to "lead out" the potentialities within his mind, and to develop that ability to voice a fresh and basic product of his own mental activity? We have too few of that type of man today, and the fault is not entirely with the man. College courses seem to aim to pour in a flood of facts, rather than to lead out a stream of thoughts.

However, I should prefer a man who criticized "according to the book" to a man whose criticism is

entirely destructive and iconoclastic, though it be original. Today we seem to be losing a certain mental balance that is the treasure of truly educated men. On the one hand we have men who cannot criticize intelligently because they allow others to think for them, and on the other hand we have men who are critics only because they are critics, and who consider an evaluation worthwhile only when it tears down. Where is the ideal man, who takes enough of the objective, combines it with enough of the subjective, and produces a synthesis of real intellectual value? He seems to be sadly in the minority with the mental sheep or the amateur Mencken holding the floor against his feeble opposition.

We should, in the interest of true education, and the advance of the literary art, work for the ability to criticize constructively and creatively; to be able to evaluate things and thoughts in the light of common sense, free from the shadows of mental lethargy or the flickerings of weak-kneed sophistication. Let us aspire to the ideal type of man who can criticize ably, a bit destructively, if you please, but who can supply a very satisfactory substitute of a positive nature for the negative criticism that he has made. Gilbert Keith Chesterton looms on the horizon of thought as an ideal in this matter.

Let us see to it that along with our aspirations toward creative and constructive ability, in combination with the destructive ability of which we all have too much, there shall come a renaissance in the universities of America whereby the thoughts of men will be considered as the primary ends of the courses offered, and not as possible byproducts of methodical duties, studied bibliographies, and a maze of facts wherein the thinker might get lost.

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The Manuscript Market

THIS information as to the present special needs of various periodicals comes directly from the editors. Partieulars as to conditions of prizes offers should be sought from those offering the prizes. Before submitting manuscripts to any periodical, writers should examine a copy of the magazine in question.-MARGARET GORDON, Manuscript Market Editor.

THE PHOTO-ERA-Wolfeboro, N. H., is now in the market for photographic travel articles of interesting places in all parts of the world. The emphasis should be placed on photographic equipment, its use, conditions of weather, etc., regulations, source of photographic supplies, and such other information as would help the reader to follow the author's route successfully. That is, there should be a minimum of description and a maximum of photographic data. The magazine is also interested in practical articles based on the experiences of amateur and professional photographers in the field.

THE HIGH ROAD-810 Broadway, Nashville, Tenn., formerly Our Young People, is designed for young men and women of from eighteen to thirty. The editor is in need of short stories, of from 2,500 to 3,500 words; serials, of from eight to ten chapters; discussional articles, of from 1,000 to 2,000 words; and photographs, accompanied by short write-ups. Payment is made on acceptance, the rates being from five to ten dollars a thousand words.

North Dearborn street, Chicago, Ill., is in the market for news items, special features, and photographs dealing with the activities of the National Guard and the Naval Militia in every state. The magazine is not interested in the regular army, the regular navy, or the organized reserve. Personals concerning both officers and enlisted men are particularly wanted, and photographs of individuals are welcome. Openings are now offered in several states for staff correspondents, preferably active members of the Guard or Naval Militia, and Mr. Main, the editor, will be glad to hear from writers who can undertake to cover their local organizations regularly. Payment is made on acceptance, at a rate of $2.50 a column of ten inches, or $7.50 a page of three col


THE MISSIONARY-Apostolic Mission House, Brookland, Washington, D. C., is in the market for some exceptionally well-written articles, and some short stories.

THE DREAM WORLD-1926 Broadway, New York, specializes in pretty romances and charming love stories, free from horror and tragedy. Love is, of course,


the predominating note of this magazine, and the more tears, laughter, partings, embraces, farewells, kisses, and joyful reunions a story has, the better its chances of acceptance. The Dream World offers a market for the Cinderella type of story-the experience of the poor abused little girl with beautiful dreams, whose dreams come true when she finds her fairy prince. Manuscripts should contain from 4,500 to 6,500 words.

MYSTERY STORIES-52 Vanderbilt avenue, New York, again wants to call the attention of readers of THE WRITER to the fact that the policy of the magazine has undergone a change. The first issue under the new policy will be that for November, and Mr. Faudré suggests that prospective contributors examine this issue carefully to familiarize themselves with the magazine's needs. Every story should be filled with action and suspense, and should have a mystery or crime element as its basis. The magazine is especially interested in ghost stories and other occult tales which have unusual ideas and which seem plausible, and in which the action element is very strong. Such stories may contain from 2,000 to 8,000 words.

THE OCCULT PUBLISHING COMPANY-108 Dudley street, Boston, Mass., publishes books on such occult subjects as astrology, numerology, palmistry, etc., as well as fiction relating to any of these subjects. The Company buys manuscripts outright, excepting in the case of exceptional merit, when it makes a special contract with the author. S. Gargilis is the director of the Company.

THE NEW YORKER-25 West Forty-fifth street, New York, wants satire, humor, historical and descriptive material, short short-stories, and prose articles, with a special emphasis on timeliness and journalistic value, containing from 300 to 1,500 words; also timely fillers, light poetry, and newspaper breaks and clumsy wordings. The editor

should be consulted before submission of portrait sketches and serious articles.

THE GIRLS' WEEKLY AND THE BOYS' WEEKLY-Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, Nashville, Tenn., are in the market for stories of adventure and achievement, containing from 1,000 to 1,250 words, and for serials, of from four to eight chapters, each chapter containing from 1,000 to 1,250 words. Editorials, of from 250 to 600 words, and articles, of from 250 to 600 words, on raising flowers, how to make things, describing people and places of exceptional interest, illustrated puzzles, and good recipes that have been tested, are also wanted. Nothing preachy or goody-goody is used.

AVIATION STORIES AND MECHANICS-109 West Forty-ninth street, New York, wants some short stories of actual flying experiences of American fliers, and some good technical articles.

THE POETS' DELIGHT-Sumner, Ill., is especially interested in the work of new writers and of those who have not had a volume of verse published. Short poems are preferred, but poems of as many as fifty-five lines can be used. All manuscripts must be typewritten, and accompanied by self-addressed, stamped envelopes. Material is reported on promptly, and a monthly prize of five dollars is given for the best poem appearing in each issue. Manuscripts should be addressed to the editor, Omer Henry.

THE NORTHERN LIGHT-Holt, Minnesota, desires short, stimulating articles on present-day literature, written from the standpoint of the active creator; poetry of a virile, frank, healthy character; clean humor; and short fiction dealing with the West, the Northwest, and the North, as those localities are today. No payment is made for material.

MCCLURE'S-119 West Fortieth street, New York, aim is built around the idea of suc

cess in living-the kind of success that is not measured by money. Its appeal is to all ages, but it believes in youth's ability to make the world happier and better, and it also believes that there is plenty of amusement and happiness to be had "without mucking in life's sewers." Its outlook is the constructive one, and the editors like simplicity in treatment. On the whole, they want cheerful stories, and have no place for the morbid, the unwholesome, the supernatural, or the too psychological. Stories must carry strong human interest, or action, but the action must be the logical outcome of situation and character. Humor is always welcome, love-interest should not be sex-interest, crime and criminals must not "get away with it," and while pathos and tragedy are not barred they must uplift, not depress, the reader. Poetry should have sufficient substance to stir the emotions, and articles should be as dramatic as possible.

THE BOSTONIAN-24 T Wharf, Boston, Mass., a new magazine, which does not yet pay for manuscripts, would like some modern, breezy material with a Boston angle.

THE BRITISH AMERICAN-542 South Dearborn street, Chicago, Ill., which does not at present pay for manuscripts, is always glad to get matter of British-American interest.

ADVENTURE - Butterick Building, New York, is now edited by Anthony M. Rud, who says that the magazine will now place a somewhat greater emphasis on physical action in stories of all types. OUTDOOR LIFE AND OUTDOOR RECREATION -1824 Curtis street, Denver, Colo., is the present name of the combination of these two magazines. The magazine will continue to be edited by John A. McGuire, with Dan B. Starkey as associate editor, and nine departmental editors. Mr. McGuire says that he accepts only

about one manuscript out of every twenty unsolicited manuscripts received, so that a manuscript to be acceptable must be written by an authority who has lived the life he writes of and knows what he is writing about.

LOVE ROMANCES-271 Madison avenue, New York, needs wholesome, gripping love stories that are love stories in the truest sense. Stories of the first-person, confessional type, or "sexy" or extra sophisticated stories are not wanted.

THE A. B. C. MAGAZINE-804 Rockford National Bank Building, Rockford, Ill., of which volume I, number one, will soon be published, is devoted to young business executives and professional men. Dr. Royden E. Tull is the editor of the magazine, and he is in the market for articles on business conditions and business management, and for short stories that are clean and full of action or humor, and preferably minus love interest. Manuscripts may contain from 1,000 to 3,000 words, and payment will be made on acceptance, at a minimum rate of one cent a word.

NORTH-WEST STORIES-271 Madison avenue, New York, wants fast-moving novels, of from 20,000 to 25,000 words, located in the West or the North. They must have color and sentimental pull, with a touch. of woman interest, but the fundamental requisite is action, with plenty of outdoor tang and character sympathy, and a smashing climax.

THE MID-WESTERN POETRY MAGAZINE909 Fourth avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa, edited by A. Earl Smith, will issue its first edition October 20. Mr. Smith is soliciting poems from embryonic writers.

THE MICHIGAN BUSINESS FARMER-Mt. Clemens, Michigan, is always in the market for good agricultural articles, particularly those with a Michigan setting.

DROLL STORIES-709 Sixth avenue, New York, suspended publication with the June issue.

MCNAUGHT'S MONTHLY-1475 Broadway, New York, suspended publication with the July issue.

Prize Offers and Awards

THE PIONEER-113 Tradd street, Statesville, N. C., offers a series of prizes in three divisions-Division 1, open to residents of North Carolina; Division 2, open to members of the National League of American Penwomen; Division 3, open to all poets in the United States. First prizes of ten dollars each, and second prizes of five dollars each will be given for the best twelve-line lyric; the best sonnet in Italian form; the best nature poem; and the best humorous poem. In addition, prizes of three dollars and of two dollars will be given for the best limericks. The contest will close August 31, 1928. Each contestant may submit one poem in all classes to which he is eligible. All prize-winning poems will become the property of the Pioneer, and no manuscripts will be returned.

Harper's Magazine has awarded its biannual prize of $2,000 for the best novel by an American citizen who has not had a novel published previous to January 1, 1919, to Glenway Westcott, for his book, "The Grandmothers." In 1923 the prize was awarded to Margaret Wilson for "The Able McLaughlins," and in 1925 it was given to Anne Parrish for "The Perennial Bachelor." Mr. Westcott's book was the unanimous choice of the judges.

POSTUM'S-P. O. Box 574-1, Battle Creek, Michigan, is offering prizes amounting to $10,000 three prizes of $5,000 each, and the remainder in smaller prizes-for letters on "What the 30-day test of Postum has done for me," "Why I think Instant Postum made with milk is the best hot drink for boys and girls," and "How I make Postum-and why I like it best made my way." The contest will close December 31, 1927. Full particulars will be sent by the Postum Company.


Letters offered by the Columbia University School of Journalism: For the American novel published during the year which shall best present the wholesome atmosphere of American life and the highest standard of American manners and manhood, $1,000; for the original American play, performed in New York, which shall best represent the educational value and power of the stage in raising the standard of good morals, good taste, and good manners, $1,000; for the best book of the year on the history of the United States, $2,000; for the best American biography teaching patriotic and unselfish service to the people, illustrated by an eminent example, $1,000; for the best volume of verse published during the year by an American author, $1,000. Also, Prizes in Journalism, amounting to $3,000 and a $500 medal, and three traveling scholarships having a value of $1,500 each. All offered annually under the terms of the will of Joseph Pulitzer. Nominations of candidates must be made in writing on or before February 1 of each year, addressed to the Secretary of Columbia University, New York, on forms that may be obtained on application to the Secretary of the University.

Francis Bacon award of $7,500, to be given annually by Simon and Schuster and the Forum, for the best book of "humanized Knowledge." Details may be obtained from Simon and Schuster, 37 West Fifty-seventh street, New York, or the Forum, 441 Lexington avenue, New York. Particulars in September WRITER.

Prizes of $1,000, $500, $250, $150, and $100, offered by the Penn Publishing Company, for original play manuscripts suitable for amateurs, contest closing December 31. Particulars in September WRITER.

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