DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN HENRY A. NEIL, ROBERT L. KNISELY, MICHAEL A. STEPHENS, SUSAN E. QUANTIUS and JOANNE L. ORNDORFF, Subcommittee Staff Employment and Training Administration .......... ployment Standards Administration...... DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN HENRY A. NEIL, ROBERT L. KNISELY, MICHAEL A. STEPHENS, SUSAN E. QUANTIUS and JOANNE L. Orndorff, Subcommittee Staff For sale by the Superintennent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office KF27 1989 pt. 1 COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS JAMIE L. WHITTEN, Mississippi, Chairman WILLIAM H. NATCHER, Kentucky SIDNEY R. YATES, Illinois EDWARD R. ROYBAL, California TOM BEVILL, Alabama BILL ALEXANDER, Arkansas JOHN P. MURTHA, Pennsylvania JOSEPH D. EARLY, Massachusetts LINDY (MRS. HALE) BOGGS, Louisiana W. G. (BILL) HEFNER, North Carolina LES AUCOIN, Oregon DANIEL K. AKAKA, Hawaii WILLIAM H. GRAY III, Pennsylvania BERNARD J. DWYER, New Jersey STENY H. HOYER, Maryland BOB CARR, Michigan ROBERT J. MRAZEK, New York RICHARD J. DURBIN, Illinois RONALD D. COLEMAN, Texas ALAN B. MOLLOHAN, West Virginia LINDSAY THOMAS, Georgia CHESTER G. ATKINS, Massachusetts JIM CHAPMAN, Texas SILVIO O. CONTE, Massachusetts DEAN A. GALLO, New Jersey FREDERICK G. MOHRMAN, Clerk and Staff Director (II) 89-602181 DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, EDUCATION AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1990 THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1989. THE SECRETARY OF LABOR WITNESSES HON. ELIZABETH HANFORD DOLE, SECRETARY OF LABOR THOMAS C. KOMAREK, ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ROBERTS T. JONES, ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES E. McMULLEN, DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF BUDGET, ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Mr. NATCHER. At this time, we take up the budget request for the Department of Labor for the fiscal year 1990. We have before the committee at this time our new Secretary of the Department of Labor, Mrs. Dole. Madam Secretary, it is a distinct honor and privilege to have you appear before our committee, and all of us want to wish you the best of everything with your new assignment. I personally believe that you will make an excellent Secretary of Labor. Secretary DOLE. Thank you. Mr. NATCHER. As you know, you are the 20th Secretary of Labor, and I think, Mrs. Dole, if you don't tell anyone, I have served with 13 of them. I believe that is right. But it is a pleasure to have you before the committee, and we will be pleased to hear from you at this time. Secretary DOLE. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. OPENING STATEMENT I am delighted to have this opportunity to appear before you and other members of the subcommittee to discuss the Department's fiscal year 1990 budget request. As you indicated earlier, this is my first appearance before your subcommittee since being confirmed as Secretary of Labor, and I am pleased to provide you with an overview of the major goals that I have established for the Department and the approaches outlined in this budget request. As I mentioned during my confirmation hearing, the economy has created 19,000,000 jobs since November 1982, 90 percent of which have been full-time positions. Unemployment is at a 14-year low, and our growing economy has created two and a half times the (1) |