Pour on the Saracens, and doth perform Deeds past an angel, armed with wrath and fire, Ploughing whole armies up with zealous ire, And walled cities, while he doth defend That cause that should all wars begin and end : Yet when with pride and for humane respect The Austrian colours he doth here deject With too much scorn, behold at length how fate Makes him a wretched prisoner to that state; And leaves him as a mark of fortune's spight, When princes tempt their stars beyond their light: Whilst upright Edward shines no less than he Under the wings of golden victory, 1 [The folio reads, "all the nations high," which is probably correct.-F.C.} Upon their troops, and left their arms no way: Or like a fire carried with high winds, Now broad and spreading, by and by it finds A vent upright, to look which way to burn; Then shoots along again, or round doth turn, 1 Harry the Fifth, to whom in face you are So like, as fate would have you so in worth.] I do not remember this particular taken notice of by historians, in their description of Prince Henry's person: the poet, however, would hardly have stretched the compliment so far, had it not been so in fact.-WHAL. It is noticed, though it escaped Whalley. The courtiers are said to have made the observation with a view to please the Queen. This is mere ill nature. At any rate, as far as personal beauty was concerned, Henry the Fifth might have taken the compliment without offence. Jonson has omitted the machinery, which must have been very magnificent; but it is probable that Merlin pointed with his wand to some moving scenery, on which the events detailed by him were depicted. As if whole islands had broke loose and swam,] Pelago credas innare revulsas I could report more actions yet of weight Out of this orb, as here of eighty-eight, Against the proud Armada, styled by Spain The INVINCIBLE; that covered all the main, As if whole islands had broke loose, and swam, 2 Or half of Norway with her fir trees came The winds were called to fight, and storms to serve. One tumour drowned another, billows serve The winds were called to fight, and storms to serve.] Historians have not omitted to take notice of the violent storm which the Spanish Armada met with as it drew near the English coast, which dispersed the fleet and destroyed many of its best vessels. This was at that time apprehended as a providential interposal of heaven, nor were the queen or nation wanting in their just acknowledgments: for a medal was struck which had on the reverse of it a navy in a storm with this inscription, Flavit ventis, et dissipati sunt. Our poet has expressed this circumstance from Claudian : O nimium dilecte Deo, cui fundit ab antro Eolus armatas hyemes, cui militat æther, Et conjurati veniunt ad classica venti. WHAL Had changed their element, and Neptune As if the Thunderer had his palace took. You may behold, both on the land and The conquest got, the spoils, the trophies reared By British kings, and such as noblest heard Of all the nation, which may make to invite Your valour upon need, but not to incite And be prepared if they will trouble you. that draws Without a purse, a counsel, and a cause. But all these spurs to virtue, seeds of praise, Must yield to this that comes. Here's one will raise Your glory more, and so above the rest, mixed And nations joined, a strength of empire fixed Of Saturn's age is here broke out again. bined Of event your bold Challenge. Be your virtue And let your drum give note you keep the -Is this the land of Britain so renowned Mer. Stay, methinks I see A person in yon cave. Who should that Lady, Meliadus, lord of the isles, Princely Meliadus, and whom fate now styles Upon his tent, and here doth keep the CHIVALRY, coming forward. Chi. Were it from death, that name Which is the knight? O, I could gaze a Upon his armour that hath so revived 1 This part of the solemnity is silently passed over by Jonson; and indeed he seldom enters at any length into the accompaniments of his Masques and Entertainments, unless for the sake of bearing witness to the merits of Inigo Jones, Ferrabosco, Giles, and others associated in the embellishment of his labours. "Yet," says Warton, "while Milton gives only the soliloquy of the Genius, and the three songs of his Arcades, in many of Jonson's Masques the poet rarely appears amidst a cumbersome exhibition of heathen gods and mythology!" Todd's Milton, vol. v. p. 146. No sighs but of Jonson's raising! Whoever is right, he is sure to be found in the wrong. No absurdity is so gross, no violation of truth so glaring, as not to be gladly received when the object of it is to decry his talents and injure his reputation. The falsehood once hazarded, is repeated by every mouth; and the cause of literature is stupidly supposed to be promoted by combining for the degradation of one of its brightest ornaments. To return to the BARRIERS. "The prince (says Arthur Wilson) now growing manly, being in his sixteenth year, put forth himself in a more heroic manner than was usual with princes of his time, by Tiltings, Barriers, and other exercises on horseback, the martial discipline of gentle peace."-Life of Fames, p. 52. And it appears from a very curious passage in the prince's life, written by Sir Charles Cornwallis, that a grand rehearsal of the present Tilt had taken place some time before. Court of Parliament: the fourth of June following, being appointed for that solemne action, the Christmas before which, his Highnesse, not onely for his owne recreation, but also that the world might know what a brave Prince they were likely to enjoy, under the name of Meliades, Lord of the Isles (an ancient title due to the first borne of Scotland), did in his name, by some appointed for the same of purpose, strangely attired, accompanied with drummes and trumpets in the chamber of presence, before the King and Queene, and in the presence of the whole court, delivered a challenge to all Knights of Great Britaine in two Speeches. "Now began every where preparations to be made for this great fight, and happy did he thinke himselfe who should be admitted for a defendant, much more assailant. At last, to encounter his Highnesse, with his six assailants, 58 defendants, consisting of Earles, Barons, Knights, and Esquires, were appointed and chosen, eight defendants to one assailant, every assailant being to fight by turns, eight several times fighting, two every time with push of pike and sword, twelve stroakes at a time; after which, the BARRE for separation was to bee let downe untill a fresh onset. "This solemnity now approaching, his Highnesse did feast the Earles, Barons, and Knights assailants and defendants, until the twelfth appointed night, on which this great fight was to be performed; which being come, his Highnesse, to the great wonder of the beholders, did admi"The 16 yeare of his age, being to come to rably fight his part, giving and receiving that the time of his investment in the Principalitie of night 32 pushes of pikes and about 360 stroakes Wales and Cornewall; he did advance his own of swords, which is scarce credible in so young title and right so farre, as with modestie he yeares, enough to assure the world that Great might: which presently was gently and lovingly Britaines brave Henry aspired to immortality." entertained, and granted of his Majestie, with-8vo. 1641, p. 12 et seq. the consent of the Right Honourable the High |