Lapas attēli

"SEC. 169. Where a trustee has been appointed the judge shall fix a time within which the trustee shall prepare and file a plan, or a report of his reasons why a plan cannot be effected, and shall fix a subsequent time for a hearing on such plan or report and for the consideration of any objections which may be made or of such amendments or plans as may be proposed by the debtor or by any creditor or stockholder.

"SEC. 170. Where a debtor is continued in possession, a plan or plans may be filed, within a time fixed by the judge

"(1) by the debtor;

"(2) by any creditor or indenture trustee;

"(3) by any stockholder, if the debtor is not found to be insolvent; "(4) by the examiner, if so directed by the judge. The judge shall fix a subsequent time for a hearing on such plans and for the consideration of any objections or amendments thereto.

"SEC. 171. Notice of the time of any hearing, as provided in section 169 or section 170 of this Act, shall be given to the debtor, the creditors and stockholders, the indenture trustees, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and such. other persons as the court may designate. The judge may, upon the application of the trustee, any creditor, indenture trustee, or stockholder, advance the time of such hearing.

"SEC. 172. After the hearing, as provided in section 169 or section 170 of this Act, and before the approval of any plan, as provided in section 174 of this Act, the judge may, if the scheduled indebtedness of the debtor does not exceed $3,000,000, and shall, if such indebtedness exceeds $3,000,000, submit to the Securities and Exchange Commission for examination and report the plan or plans which the judge regards as worthy of consideration. Such report shall be advisory only.

"SEC. 173. The judge shall not enter an order approving a plan submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission until after the Securities and Exchange Commission has filed its report thereon or has notified the judge that it will not file a report, or until the expiration of such reasonable time for the filing of such report as the judge has fixed, whichever first occurs.

"SEC. 174. After the hearing, as provided in section 169 or section 170 of this Act, and, if a plan has been submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission, as provided in section 172 of this Act, then after the filing of the report or notice that it will not be filed, or after the expiration of the time for its filing, whichever first occurs, the judge shall enter an order approving the plan or plans which in his opinion comply with the provisions of section 216 of this Act, and which are fair and equitable, and feasible, and shall fix a time within which the creditors and stockholders affected thereby may accept the same.

"SEC. 175. Upon the approval of a plan by the judge, the trustee or the debtor in possession shall transmit, by mail or otherwise, to all creditors and stockholders who are affected by any such plan"(1) the plan or plans so approved, together with a summary thereof approved by the judge;

"(2) the opinion of the judge, if any, approving the plan, or plans, or a summary thereof approved by the judge;

"(8) the report, if any, filed in the proceeding by the Securities and Exchange Commission, as provided in section 172 of this Act, or a summary thereof prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission; and

"(4) such other matters as the judge may deem necessary or desirable for the information of creditors and stockholders.

"SEC. 176. No person shall, without the consent of the court, solicit any acceptance, conditional or unconditional, of any plan, or any authority, conditional or unconditional, to accept any plan, whether by proxy, deposit, power of attorney or otherwise, until after the entry of an order approving such plan and the transmittal thereof to the creditors and stockholders, as provided in section 175 of this Act; and any such authority or acceptance given, procured, or received by reason of a solicitation prior to such approval and transmittal shall be invalid, unless such consent of the court has been so obtained.

"SEC. 177. In case a debtor is a public-utility corporation, subject to the jurisdiction of a commission having regulatory jurisdiction over the debtor, a plan shall not be approved, as provided in section 174 of this Act, until

"(1) it shall have been submitted to each such commission;


(2) an opportunity shall have been afforded each such commission to suggest amendments or offer objections to the plan; and


(3) the judge shall have considered such amendments or objections at a hearing at which such commission may be heard.

"SEC. 178. In case a debtor is a public utility corporation, wholly intrastate, subject to the jurisdiction of a State commission having regulatory jurisdiction over such debtor, a plan shall not be approved, as provided in section 174 of this Act, unless such State commission shall have first certified its approval of such plan as to the public interest therein and the fairness thereof. Upon its failure to certify its approval or disapproval within thirty days, or such further time as the court may prescribe, after the submission of the plan to it, as provided in section 177 of this Act, the public interest shall, for the purposes of such approval and of the confirmation of the plan, not. be deemed to be affected by the plan.

"SEC. 179. After a plan has been accepted in writing, filed in court, by or on behalf of creditors holding two-thirds in amount of the claims filed and allowed of each class, and, if the debtor has not been found to be insolvent, by or on behalf of stockholders holding the majority of stock, of which proofs have been filed and allowed, of each class, exclusive of creditors or stockholders or of any class of them who are not affected by the plan or whose claims or stock are disqualified pursuant to section 203 of this Act, or for whom payment or protection has been provided as prescribed in paragraphs (7) and (8) of section 216 of this Act, the judge shall fix a hearing, upon notice to the debtor, creditors, stockholders, indenture trustees, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and such other persons as the judge may designate, for the consideration of the confirmation of the plan and of such objections as may be made to the confirmation.

"SEC 180. The order of the judge approving a plan, as provided in section 174 of this Act, shall not affect the right of the debtor, a creditor, indenture trustee, or stockholder to object to the confirmation of the plan.


"SEC. 186. A trustee, upon his appointment and qualification, shall be vested with such title as a trustee appointed under section 44 of this Act would have.

"SEC. 187. Where not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, a trustee, upon his appointment and qualification, shall be vested with the same rights, be subject to the same duties, and exercise the same powers as a trustee appointed under section 44 of this Act, and, if authorized by the judge, shall have and may exercise such additional rights and powers as a receiver in equity would have if appointed by a court of the United States for the property of the debtor.

"SEC. 188. A debtor continued in possession of its property shall have all the title, be vested with all the rights, be subject to all the duties, and exercise all the powers of a trustee appointed under this chapter, subject, however, at all times to the control of the judge and to such limitations, restrictions, terms, and conditions as the judge may from time to time prescribe.

"SEC. 189. A trustee or debtor in possession, upon authorization by the judge, shall operate the business and manage the property of the debtor during such period, limited or indefinite, as the judge may from time to time fix, and during such operation or management shall file reports thereof with the court at such intervals as the court may designate.

"SEC. 190. The reports of the trustee or debtor in possession shall be in such form and contain such information as the court may prescribe and shall at all times be open to the examination of any party in interest. The court shall direct copies or summaries of annual reports, and may direct copies or summaries of other reports, to be mailed to the creditors, stockholders, and indenture trustees, and may also direct the publication of summaries of any such reports in such newspaper or newspapers of general circulation as the court may designate. The Securities and Exchange Commission may recommend the form of such reports and summaries.

"SEC. 191. A trustee or debtor in possession may employ officers of the debtor at rates of compensation to be approved by the court. No person shall become an officer or director of the debtor, to fill a vacancy or otherwise, without the prior approval of the court.


"SEC. 196. After the approval of the petition the judge shall prescribe the manner in which and fix a time within which the proofs of claim of creditors and of the interests of stockholders may be filed and allowed. Objections by any party in interest to the allowance of any such claims or interests shall be heard and summarily determined by the court.

"SEC. 197. For the purposes of the plan and its acceptance, the judge shall fix the division of creditors and stockholders into classes according to the nature of their respective claims and stock. For the purposes of such classification, the judge shall, if necessary, upon the application of the trustee, the debtor, any creditor, or an

indenture trustee, fix a hearing upon notice to the holders of secured claims, the debtor, the trustee, and such other persons as the judge may designate, to determine summarily the value of the security and classify as unsecured the amount in excess of such value.

“SEC. 198. An indenture trustee may file claims for all holders, known or unknown, of securities issued pursuant to the instrument under which he is trustee, who have not filed claims: Provided, however, That in computing the majority necessary for the acceptance of the plan only the claims filed by the holders thereof, and allowed, shall be included.

"SEC. 199. If the United States is a secured or unsecured creditor or stockholder of a debtor, the claims or stock thereof shall be deemed to be affected by a plan under this chapter, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to accept or reject a plan in respect of the claims or stock of the United States. If, in any proceeding under this chapter, the United States is a secured or unsecured creditor on claims for taxes or customs duties (whether or not the United States has any other interest in, or claim against the debtor, as secured or unsecured creditor or stockholder), no plan which does not provide for the payment thereof shall be confirmed by the judge except upon the acceptance of a lesser amount by the Secretary of the Treasury certified to the court: Provided, That if the Secretary of the Treasury shall fail to accept or reject a plan for more than ninety days after receipt of written notice so to do from the court to which the plan has been proposed, accompanied by a certified copy of the plan, his consent shall be conclusively pre


"SEC. 200. Where not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, the rights, duties, and liabilities of creditors and of all other persons with respect to the property of the debtor shall be the same, before the approval of the petition, as in a bankruptcy proceeding before adjudication and, upon the approval of the petition, as in a bankruptcy proceeding upon adjudication.

"SEC. 201. All claims arising after the filing of a petition under this chapter and before the qualification of a receiver or trustee or before the petition is approved and the debtor continued in possession, whichever first occurs, shall be provable.

"SEC. 202. In case an executory contract shall be rejected pursuant to the provisions of a plan or to the permission of the court given in a proceeding under this chapter, or shall have been rejected by a trustee or receiver in bankruptcy or receiver in equity in a prior pending proceeding, any person injured by such rejection shall, for the purposes of this chapter and of the plan, its acceptance and confirmation, be deemed a creditor. The claim of the landlord for injury resulting from the rejection of an unexpired lease of real estate or for damages or indemnity under a covenant contained in such lease shall be provable, but shall be limited to an amount not to exceed the rent, without acceleration, reserved by such lease for the three years next succeeding the date of the surrender of the premises to the landlord or the date of reentry of the landlord, whichever first occurs, whether before or after the filing of the petition, plus unpaid accrued rent, without acceleration, up to such date of surrender or reentry: Provided, That the court shall scrutinize the circumstances of an assignment of a future rent claim and the amount

of the consideration paid for such assignment in determining the amount of damages allowed the assignee thereof.

"SEC. 203. If the acceptance or failure to accept a plan by the holder of any claim or stock is not in good faith, in the light of or irrespective of the time of acquisition thereof, the judge may, after hearing upon notice, direct that such claim or stock be disqualified for the purpose of determining the requisite majority for the acceptance of a plan.

"SEC. 204. Upon distribution, as provided in section 224 of this Act, the judge may, upon notice to all persons affected, fix a time, to expire not sooner than five years after the final decree closing the estate, within which, as provided in the plan or final decree

"(1) the creditors, other than holders of securities, shall file, assign, transfer, or release their claims; and

"(2) the holders of securities shall present or surrender their securities. After such time no such claim or stock shall participate in the distribution under the plan.

"SEC. 205. The securities or cash remaining unclaimed at the expiration of the time fixed as provided in section 204 of this Act, or of any extension thereof, shall become the property of the debtor or of the new corporation acquiring the assets of the debtor under the plan, as the case may be, free and clear of any and all claims and interests.

"SEC. 206. The debtor, the indenture trustees, and any creditor or stockholder of the debtor shall have the right to be heard on all matters arising in a proceeding under this chapter. The judge may, for cause shown, permit a labor union or employees' association, representative of employees of the debtor, to be heard on the economic soundness of the plan affecting the interests of the employees "SEC. 207. The judge may for cause shown permit a party in interest to intervene generally or with respect to any specified matter. Except where otherwise provided in this chapter, the judge may from time to time enter orders designating the matters in respect to which, the persons to whom, and the form and manner in which notice shall be given.

"SEC. 208. The Securities and Exchange Commission shall, if requested by the judge, and may, upon its own motion if approved by the judge, file a notice of its appearance in a proceeding under this chapter. Upon the filing of such a notice, the Commission shall be deemed to be a party in interest, with the right to be heard on all matters arising in such proceeding, and shall be deemed to have intervened in respect of all matters in such proceeding with the same force and effect as if a petition for that purpose had been allowed by the judge; but the Commission may not appeal or file any petition for appeal in any such proceeding.

"SEC. 209. Any creditor or stockholder may in a proceeding under this chapter act in person, by an attorney at law, or by a duly authorized agent or committee.

"SEC. 210. An attorney for creditors or stockholders shall not be heard unless he has first filed with the court a statement setting forth the names and addresses of such creditors or stockholders, the nature and amounts of their claims or stock, and the time of acquisition thereof, except as to claims or stock alleged to have been acquired more than one year prior to the filing of the petition.

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