Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

Fort Smith 381-W. D. Mitchell, Midland Heights. H. H. Housel, 1712 Kelly Highway. Meets every Monday night, Labor Temple.

Helena 642-Edward Morrow, Room 5, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Meets Fridays, Odd Fellows' Hall, Ohio st.

Hot Springs 401-D. G. Sleeper, Box 96. O. M. Bohnen, 14 W. Brook ave. Meets at Red Men's Hall. Little Rock 424-S. O. Harris, 1419 Allis st. A. O. Myers, 514 Schiller ave. Meets Mondays, Labor Temple.

[blocks in formation]

Hanford 594-E. M. Vail, 1211 N. Harris st. R. H. Vail. Meets first and third Saturdays, Dewey's Hall. Bus. Agt. J. W. Vail.

Los Angeles 267-C. F. Yount, 1346 E. 23rd st. Ben Anderson, 224 E. 66th st. Meets every Tuesday night.

Los Angeles 350-E. Bost, 319 E. 7th st. G. V. Kil-
gore, 1037 E. 34th st. Meets Mondays, Labor Tem-
ple, 538 Maple ave.
Los Gatos 271-G. H. Colbath. F. M. Derrickson.
Meets first and third Friday nights, Kyle's Hall.
Long Beach 256-R. N. Morgan, 954 Pine ave. Jos.
H. Amsden, 956 E. 6th st. Meets Wednesdays, 244
Pine ave.

Lodi 896-D. E. Warren, 220 S. Sacramento st. Meets every Wednesday, 304 E. Pine st.

[blocks in formation]

Jones, 5255 Broadway. Meets every Thursday night, Building Trades Hdqts., 763 12th st. Bus. Agt. C. D. Lavin, 525 21st st.

Oakland (Alameda Co.) 878-H. H. Betts, 902 Franklin st. F. V. Bloom, 919 24th st. Meets Friday nights, Deit's Hall, Webster and 12th sts. Oxnard 569-C. E. Trailor (F. S.). Meets Mondays, Maulhardt Hall.

Palo Alto 388-A. E. Partridge, 640 Homer ave. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Simpson's Hall.

Monterey 272-J. Graham, 406 Madison st. S. G. WIIson. Meets second and fourth Fridays, T. A. Work Hall. Pasadena 92-A. R. Clarke, 885 N. Los Robles ave. W. G. Pesnecker, 705 Locust st. Meets Wednesday nights, Carpenters' Hall, Cor. Raymond ave. and Colorado st.

Richmond 560 S. Lorenzana. Meets Mondays, Fraternal Hall, Richmond ave.

Redlands 662-E. E. Chambers, Alvarado Hotel. H. Stine, 808 E. Colton ave. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, McGinnis Hall.

Riverside 780-A. E. Babbitt, 159 N. Orange st. H. J. Gerhardt, 196 E. 8th st. Meets Thursdays, Mechanics' Hall.

R. Gillies,

San Diego 853-Gus Pretzer, 730 "O" st. Sacramento 767-E. B. Smith, 1019 J. st. 1527 6th st. Meets first and thrd Tuesdays. Sacramento 487-F. W. Seelye, 1109 21st st. F. A. Haedrick, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 142a. Meets Monday nights, Labor Temple. Bus. Agt. Geo. Duffey, 1019 J. st.

Sacramento 828-Frank B. Kleinsorge, 9 Masonic Blvd. G. M. Herald, 9 Masonic Blvd. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Labor Temple.

San Bernardino 322-Fred K. Love, 1275 Poplar st. Frank Williams, 977 6th st. Meets every Tuesday night, Damron Hall, 543 Third st.

San Diego 333-Arthur H. Dutton, 3924 Cleveland ave. E. E. Rowe, 1004 B. st. Meets Monday nights, Labor Temple. Bus. Agt. U. G. Berry, 739 4th st. San Francisco 603-L. R. Brower, 3867 25th st. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Building Trades Temple. San Francisco 19-A. J. Barrett, 2050 McAllester st. Edw. T. Fuller, 200 Guerrero st. Meets Mondays, 200 Guerrero st. Bus. Agts. Thomas Meagher and T. E. Corless, 200 Guerrero st.

San Francisco 510-Wm. E. Eilken, 436 3rd ave. W. J. Burchell, 2551 28th ave. Meets every Friday night, Building Trades Temple.

San Francisco 134-W. T. Lansfield, 3711 17th st. J. O. Maxon, 2708 Howard st. Meets Tuesdays, 200 Guerrero st.

Santa Cruz 649-E. H. Thomson, 16 Center st. E. O. Hoffman, 54 Pryce st. Meets Saturdays. Bus. Agt. J. Tondorf, L. B. 49.


San Jose 507-Geo. B. Nugent, 455 S. 9th st.
Turner, 132 Delmas ave. Meets Monday nights,
Labor Temple. Bus. Agt. Geo. Moody.

San Mateo 913-W. P. Davison, 122 S. D. st. J. A.
McCormick, 920 4th ave. Meets every Friday night.
B. T. O. Hall.

Santa Rosa 364-Henry O. Tiffany, 209 5th st. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Union Hall, 3rd and Main sts.

San Rafael 83-M. J. Maguire, Laverne, Marin Co.
George Poyser, 21 Hayes st. Meets first and third
Mondays, Council Hall, 309 B. st.

Santa Barbara 15-0. Kriger, Box 309. Meets
Wednesdays, McKay Bldg., State st.
Stockton 962-E. Wardle, 522 S. Sutter st. Meets
Tuesday nights, 618 E. Main st.

Stockton 274-Geo. H. Gibson, 19 N. Hunter st. G. B.
McCuen, 927 E. Channell st. Meets Thursdays, 19
N. Hunter st., Labor Temple.

[blocks in formation]



Alamosa 631-J. H. Garlick. G. A. Reekers.
Tuesdays, 353 Hunt ave.
Colorado Springs 171-A. E. Lower, 746 E. High st.
E. E. Miller, 1015 S. Nevada st. Meets every Friday
night, Carpenters' Hall.

Denver 800-C. R. Inglis, 1305 S. Washington st. H. F. Swigart, 2501 Arapahoe st. Meets Tuesdays, 2049 Champa st.

Denver 1045-H. P. Jewett, 174 S. Clarksaw st. J. J.
Ford, 2646 W. 33rd ave.
Meets first and third
Thursdays, 401 Club Bldg.

Denver 79-Geo. D. Bricker, 800 14th st. Dwight
Smith, 1655 S. Emerson st. Meets Thursday nights.

1756 Champa st. Bus. Agt. Henry Levoe, 1756 Champa st.

Denver 383-T. Purvis. Wm. Owen, 2446 W. 33rd ave. Meets second and fourth Fridays, 36 King Block. Durango 1026-A. W. Leaming, Box 542. Meets first

[blocks in formation]

Bridgeport 190-Wm. Ballard, P. O. Box 914. A. J. McKeon, P. O. Box 914. Meets first and third Fridays, Taylor Bldg., 1119 Broad st. Bus. Agt. A. J. McKeon, Box 914.

Bridgeport 731-0. B. Nordstrom, 91 Arch st. C. W. Moxley, 58-60 Golden Hill st. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Bricklayers' Hall, 121 Wall st. Bus. Agt. Alfred J. McKeon, Box 914.

Bristol 663-H. W. Perkins, 74 Divinity st. H. E. Smith, 531 West st. Meets at 636 Water st. Danbury 522-A. A. Scott, 36 Keeler st. Ernest Graveson, 23 South st. Meets first and third Wednesdays, T. & L. Hall. Bus. Agt. Richard H. Seeger. Derby 99-R. Main, Shelton, Conn. Samuel Hoyle, 175 N. Main st., Ansonia, Conn. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Labor Hall, Elizabeth st. Bus. Agt. H. Hallock.

Farmington 845-C. H. Brockway.

Meets first and third Mondays, Town Hall. Bus. Agt. Ed. J. Holmes.

Greenwich 17-Jas. Fogg, Sr., 35 Northfield st. Richard Walker, E. Elm st. Meets first and third Mondays, Timmons Hall. Bus. Agt. Jas. Fogg, Sr., 35 Northfield st.

Hartford 481-F. Lewis, 4 Oak st. Dennis F. Mc-
Carthy, 157 Zion st. Meets every Monday, O. L. U.
Hall, 7 Central Row. Bus. Agt. Thos. J. Cummings,
P. O. Box 193.
Meriden 685-Wm. J. Buckley, Box 274. Chas. E.
Miller, 55 Cedar st. Meets second and fourth Tues-
days, Spanish-American War Veterans' Hall, Col-
ony st.

Middletown 667-F. S., Julius Brugger, 23 Chestnut st. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Union Hall, Main st.

Naugatuck 418-Robt. Fowler, R. F. D. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, Painters' Hall, S. Main st. Bus. Agt. Hugh M. Burns, 11 Church st.


A. O.

New Canaan 297-O. M. Betts, Forest st. Meets first
and second Tuesdays, Raymond's Hall, Main st.
Bus. Agt. William Gagon.
Norwalk 527-John V. Keller, 54 Woodward ave., S.
W. L. Records, 51 Main st., N.
every second and fourth Thursdays, Central Labor
Union Hall, Washington st. Bus. Agt. C. H. Har-
vey, 23 Chestnut st., S. Norwalk.
Norwich 630-E. O. Leete, R. F. D. No. 7.
Spalding, 494 Main st. Meets second and fourth
Wednesdays. Bus. Agt. M. J. Kelley.
New Britain 21-J. A. Webb, 27 Madison st.
Potolomy, 200 Brook st. Meets Mondays, 303 Main
st. Bus. Agt. J. F. Gill, 217 Maple st.
New Haven 409-Wm. S. Hooper, 63 Clark st. James
J. Dunne, Box 887. Meets every Wednesday night,
Trades Council Hall. Bus. Agt. Jas. J. Dunne.
New London 842-Lewis I. Allen, 40 Hempstead st.
Wm. A. Hoyle, 37 Spring st. Meets first and third
Mondays, Carpenters' Hall, Exchange Bldg., Bank
st. Bus. Agt. Edward Hess, 352 William st.
New Milford 640-William Wohler. Isaac Dodd. Meets
first Friday, Evitt's Hall.

Ridgefield 808-C. L. Sherwood, Box 186. Bernard F. Keeler. Meets second and fourth Thursdays, Carpenters' Hall.

John Rockville 969-John Jackson, 104 Prospect st. Weingartner, R. F. D. No. 4. Meets first and third Bus. Agt. E. Jackson, Mondays, Fitch Block. Grove st.

Stamford 192-C. N. Leonard, 305 Summer st. T. H.
McVeigh, 21 Woodland ave. Meets second and last
Wednesdays, Atlantic st.

Thompsonville 386 C. E. Iserman, 63 N. Main st.
Meets second and fourth Mondays, Allen House.
Bus. Agt. A. P. Alexander, Bortley st.
Torrington 516-H. E. Vail, 142 Highland ave. J. W.
Scollay, 796 S. Main st. Meets second and fourth
Thursdays, Lower Pythian Hall.

Waterbury 491-F. E. Lundvall, 190 Hill st., Box 108.
Jos. P. Smith, 27 Burton st. Meets every Monday,
Schlitz Hall, S. Main st. Bus. Agt. J. P. Donahue,
P. O. Box 144.

Winsted 575-Frank Gompert, 162 Wallins st. W. L. Barnes, 28 Adams st. Meets second Monday, Me

chanic Hall.

Willimantic 537-L. C. Thompson, 403 Pleasant st. Frank Prue, 123 Walnut st. Meets first and third Thursdays, A. B. S. Hall, Main st.


Brantford, Ont., 313-O. H. Jones, 93 Arthur st. German Legacy, 284 Rouden st. Meets second Mondays, Union Hall.

Calgary Alta. 583-John Coon, 1005 14th ave., W. Jas.
Redmond, 907 8th ave., E. Meets second and fourth
Wednesdays, Union Hall, Barber Block, 8th ave.
Edmonton, Alta, 1016-Albert Jubainville, Box 92.
H. Marsden, 1739 Namayo ave. Meets second and
fourth Fridays, Mechanics' Hall, 3rd St., N.
Guelph, Ont., 837-H. Smith, 105 Quebec st. J. H.
Penhall, 23 Duke st. Meets first and third Tuesdays,
Labor Hall.

Halifax, N. S., 425-Thos. Dixon, 26 Creighton st.
John D. Lavers, 9 Pretson st. Meets second Mon-
days, C. M. B. A. Hall. Bus. Agt. John D. Lavers,
9 Preston st.
Hamilton, Ont., 205-Edw. Foley, 146 Hughson, S. S.
P. Boulter, 90 Jackson st., W. Meets first and third
Mondays, Trades and Labor Hall.

Kingston, Ont., 114-W. T. Edgar, 16 Rideau st. John W. Lytle, 35 Main st. Meets first and third Mondays, Labor Hall.

Lethbridge Alta, 384-0. Sumner, Box 1272.


first and third Mondays, Labor Hall. Moose Jaw, Sask., 784-S. S. Scott, Box 334. T. H. Hays, Gen. Del. Meets second and fourth Fridays, Labor Hall,

Montreal, Que., 349-A. Belanger, 413 Dufresne st. 0. Bourdon, 566 Albert st. Meets every Monday night, St. Joseph Hall.

Montreal, Que., 399-Jos. Nelson, 405 Rivard st. S. Levinsky, 792 St. Lawrence blvd. Meets Tuesdays, St. Joseph Hall, Cor. St. Catherine and Elizabeth sts. Montreal, Que., 359-W. E. James, 74 Plymouth Grove. James I. Lyon, 604a Mullin st. Meets every Tuesday, Gordon Hall, Cor. St. Catherine and Mountain sts.

New Westminster, B. C., 495-0. H. Lagrin, 214 Allen st. John Blacoe, 128 Princess st. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Labor Hall.

Ottawa, Ont., 200-E. C. Brandt, 57 Bayswater ave. W. O. Reilly, 1 Larch st. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Central Labor Hall, Bank st. Peterboro, Ont., 379-R. J. Duncan, 476 Rogers st. Patrick Cooke, 330 Water st. Meets first and third

Mondays, Orange Hall, Simco st. Port Arthur, Ont., 202-Rupert Lockhead, 111 Empire ave. John Fieldhouse, The Fire Hall. Meets first and third Mondays, S. S. O. Labor Temple, Bay st. Prince Albert, Sask., 760

Quebec, Que., 710-Jos. Hector Cote, 85 Grant st. Dorila Arteau, 125 Scott st. Meets at Martel's Hall, Notre Dame des Agnes.

Regina, Sask., 509-H. G. Winter, Gen. Del. F. Gibbs, 1432 Robinson st. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Trades Hall, Scarph st.

St. John, N. B., 794-Thos. F. Palmer, 217 Prince st.,
W. Fred C. Kinsmen, Paradise row. Meets every
Monday night, Charlotte st.

St. Thomas, Ont., 701-E. W. Geenup, 319 Talbot st.
Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, A. O. F. Hall.
Sarnia, Ont., 422-Edw. Goodrich, 238 S. Milton st.
D. L. Van Alstyne, 144 S. Front st. Meets first and
third Tuesdays, Painters' Hall, Front st.
Sydney, N. S., 626-Daniel Steele, 60 Atlantic st. Jos.
A. McIsaa, Townsend st.

St. Catherines, Ont., 407-W. D. Outram, 30 Nelson st. W. A. Beatty, Gen. Del. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, Carpenters' Hall.

St. Stephen, N. B., 746- James Acheson. Arthur Ache-
son. Meets Friday nights, Orange Hall.
Saskatoon, Sask., 227-Geo. J. Dunn, 435 4th ave., N.
John W. Hopkins, care Fraser, Ave. O, Mayfair.
Meets second and fourth Tuesdays.
Toronto, Ont., 737-Wm. King, 1 Delaney Crescent.
Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, Poulton's
Hall, Cor. Queen and Bolton aves.

Toronto, Ont., 365-H. H. Herring, 45 Olive ave. Wm.
Fisher, 959 Gerrard st., E. Meets second and fourth
Thursdays, Labor Temple.

Toronto, Ont., 3-T. Andrews, 34 Duchess st. F. Evans, 9 Suburban place. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Labor Temple.

Toronto, Ont., 219-Wm. A. Hunter, 63 Augusta ave.
Jas. Paterson, 73 Sullivan st. Meets first and third
Wednesdays, Occident Hall, Queen and Bathurst sts.
Vancouver, B. C., 320-B. Sutherland, 1672 4th ave., W.
L. Tomany, Hotel Sherman.

Vancouver, B. C., 805-A. Wood, 1052 Richards st.
J. A. Deguenther, Savoy rooms. Meets second and
fourth Tuesdays, Room 5, Labor Hall.
Vancouver, B. C., 138-S. Thomson, Sub. P. O. No. 8.
F. J. Harris, 1328 Pender st., W. Meets Thursdays,
112 Cordova st. Bus. Agt. R. Mathieson.
Victoria, B. C., 5-Ed. Gilligan, 1413 Douglas st.
Frank Harvey, 315 Henry st. Meets first and third
Mondays, Labor Hall, Douglas st. Bus. Agt. R.
Ryan, 625 Michigan st.

Winnipeg, Man., 739-E. Evans, Box 194, King Ed.
P. O., Man. Roht. Craig, 472 Banning st. Meets
second and fourth Wednesdays, Labor Temple.
Bus. Agt. E. Evans, Box 194, King Edward P. O.,

Windsor, Ont., 629-Robt. H. Brumpton, 72 Howard ave. Meets second and fourth Thursdays, Onellen ave., Union Hall.

Winnipeg, Man., 721-E. P. Fielas, 216 Dufferin ave. J. Johnson, 475 Main st. Meets first and third Mondays, Labor Temple.


Wilmington 449-J. F. Russell, 624 S. Connell st. E. M. Cain, 423 S. Jackson st. Meets every Wednesday night, Labor Lyceum Hall.

Wilmington 971-E. B. Erwin, 103 E. 6th st. A. C. Marhsall, 912 Orange st. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, 815 Market st.

Wilmington 634-Harlan C. Lewis, Box 368. N. H. Dixon, 217 W. 8th st. Meets every Monday night, 6101⁄2 Market st.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington 368-Geo. H. Sieben, 1222 Maryland ave., N. E. Harry W. Boteler, 1534 32nd st., N. W. Meets every Friday at Building Trades Hall, 6th and C. sts., N. W.

Washington 420-W. Cochran, 709 D. st., N. W. W. D. Mettee, 631 Pickford Place, N. E. Meets Wednesdays, Lincoln National Bank Bldg., Cor. 7th and D. sts. Bus. Agt. C. A. Maidens, 1734 F. st., N. W. Washington 1053-H. Baumgardner, 912 D. st., S. W. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Costello Hall, 6th and G. sts., N. W.

Washington 74-John McClary, 1905 McHenry st., Baltimore, Md. Meets Wednesday nights, Hutchins Bldg., Room 36, 10th and D. sts., N. W.


Daytona 1088-A. C. Fuquay, Kingston, Fla. Herman Schrag, Box 395. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Carpenters' Union Hall.


Deland 60-J. L. Rains. W. S. Hunter. Meets second
and fourth Tuesdays, Odd Fellows' Hall.
Jacksonville 162-J. O. Clark, 123 North st.
Tuesday nights, Temperance Hall.
Jacksonville 164-Harry Dodd, 10 W. Orange st. E. M.
Gilmer, 514 Winter st. Meets every Monday night,
Cor. Main and State sts.

Miami 806-Thos. N. White, 113 Ave. O. Wm. Heastman, 305 3rd st. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Cor. 9th ave., D.

Pensacola 816-D. M. Ralls, 414 E. Main st. Chas. C. Armtsrong, 10th ave and DeSoto st. Meets first and third Friday nights.

Orlando 865-F. W. Robinson, Box 614. Meets Fridays, 13 S. Coutr st. Bus. Agt. J. H. Barton. Sanford 529-C. J. Rumpeh, Box 1064. Meets Wednesdays, Eagle Hall.

St. Augustine 538-Thos. P. Dowd, 56 Marine st. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Central Union Hall. St. Augustine 433-Chas. H. Bram, Jr., 81 Lincoln st. R. D. McKinney, 66 Oneida st. Meets Saturdays, 368 Washington st.

Tampa 88-Paul Lambert, Box 462. Sid Curtis, Box 462. Meets Fridays, Painters' Hall, Cor. Harrison and Ashley sts. Bus. Agt. W. P. Greene, 206 Zack st. West Palm Beach 452-R. H. Harter, Box 526. A. E. Allen, Box 469. Meets Wednesdays, City Hall. Bus. Agt. J. F. Carlila.



Atlanta 193-Thos. E. Ball, 57 Fowler st. J. E. Pitman, 294 Ormond st. Meets Mondays, 23% S. Broad Atlanta 573-L. A. Caraway, 110 McAfee st. O. T. Waltham, 131 E. Merritts ave. Meets Thursdays, 112 Trinity ave.

Augusta 474-G. A. Rather, 832 Broad st. Meets first and third Wednesdays, first at 201 McIntosh and third at 526 Ellis st.

Augusta 25-W. C. Kyzer, 1208 New Pine st. Geo. H. O'Neal, 934 Park ave. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Scully Hall, Cor. 9th and 2nd sts.

Augusta 170-O. S. Taylor, 313 Popler st. R. S. Sills, 1824 Walker st. Meets first and third Tuesdays, K. of P. Hall, Jackson st.

Brunswick 403-Max Heinrich, 2111 L. st. Meets first and third Mondays, Opera House, Carpenters' Hall. Macon 1022-G. R. Cheatham, S. College st., near Plant st. C. A. Wicks, 213 Cotton ave. Meets first and third Thursdays, 213 Cotton ave., upstairs. Macon (Colored) 344-W. L. Armstrong, 316 Middle st. James Gresham, 513 Cotton ave. Meets Friday nights, Cotton ave.

Macon 577-A. E. Simmone, 1022 Hazel st. J. O. Kelley, R. F. D. No. 2, Box 9. Meets Fridays, Charles Hall, Cotton ave.

Rome 284-Chas. C. McGinnis, 601 W. 11th st. Meets every Friday night, C. L. U. Hall.

Savannah 30-Geo. P. Reagan, 2423 W. Broad st. W. F. Frazier, 7 E. 41st st. Meets every Friday night, Board of Trade Bldg. Bus. Agt. H. T. McCarthy, 443 Montgomery st.

Savannah 592-J. W. Downs, 414 Bay st., W. J. N. McDonough, 523 York st. Meets first and third Fridays, Labor Hall.

Savannah 1062-Wm. H. Benifield, 113 E. Boundry st. I. D. Seabrook, 1010 E. 38th st. Meets first and third Thursdays, 616 Wolburg st., W.

Waycross 602-W. S. Burton, 77 McDonald st. J. C. Pumphrey, Box 391. Meets at Waite's Sign Shop. Waycross 231-W. H. Bradburn, Florence Hotel. Chas. H. Reeves, Florence Hotel. Meets Wednesday nighst, Opera House.


Alton 471-Geo. Hinrichs, 722 E. 3rd st. Geo. Vohs, Jr., 713 E. 7th st. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays.

Aurora 448-C. S. Sperry. 572 Douglas ave. F. E.
Misner, 581 Benton st. Meets first and third Wednes
days in T. A. Hall.
Beardstown 1019-F. Pendergraft, 308 W. 3rd st. W.
E. Lathrop, 900 Clay st.
Belleville 85-Emil Keller, Spring and Brackett sts.,
Swansea, Belleville. Albert Christman, 201a W.
Main st. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Bayer's
Hall, B. and Richmond sts.

Belvidere 335-F. S., M. J. Hammond, 704 E. Jackson st.

Benton 796-B. J. Finch. J. E. Bain. Meets first and
third Wednesdays, Bain's Store. Bus. Agt. Evan
Bloomington 209-R. E. Butler, 1212 N. Oak st. Otto
Myers, 708 W. Market st. Meets second and fourth
Monday nights, Frisch's Hall.

Bloomington 766-E. H. Seymone, 316 W. Emerson st.
Meets first and third Tuesdays, 207 Center st.,
Frisch Hall.

Breese 847-Fred Schoeneberg, Box 294. Meets Fridays, Dorries Hall. Bus. Agt. C. Brockman. Canton 791-R. M. Burnham, 145 S. 7th ave. Meets second and third Wednesdays. Bus. Agt. Ed. A. Hurst.

Carlyle 903-Chas. E. Crause. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Carpenters' Hall.

Carlinville 330-Wm. O. Slagel. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Fulton Hall.

Carterville 758 J. H. McCluskey. L. W. Woolverton. Meets second and fourth Mondays in First National Bank Bldg.

Centralia 124-A. S. Hart, Lock Box 104.

H. G. Ford, 509 S. Pine st. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Miners' Hall, S. Locust st. Champaign and Urbana 363-Fred L. Templeton, 306 W. Vine st., Champaign. W. A. Schwietzka, 51 Market st., Champaign. Meets Monday nights over Champaign National Bank.

Chicago 455-J. Wiechowski, 1114 Newton st. J. Wronski, 2830 Milwaukee ave. Meets every second Tuesday, 1161 Noble st.

Chicago 16-A. L. Muirhead, 3401 Archer ave. E. E. Corbin, 3611 S. Seeley ave. Meets first and third Saturdays, 35th and Wood sts.

Chicago 27-M. Hahn, 544 W. 20th st. H. Cohn, 2507 Indiana ave. Meets Mondays, 418 N. Clark st. Chicago 101-Wm. Felgenhauer, 2428 N.



ave. Arthur Remington, 1253 Sedgwick st. Meets Tuesday nights, 1619-21 N. California ave. Chicago 147-David Walgren, 2313 Dearborn st. Sweeney, 828 Greenwood Terrace. Meets Tuesday nights, 75 E. Randolph st.

Chicago 184-J. T. Evans, 6447 Bishop st. Geo. Benson, 6215 Laflin st. Meets Tuesdays, 6258 Halsted st. Chicago 191-Geo. Kummer, 3232 Parnell ave. D. Lithgow, 436 W. 58th st. Meets Saturdays, 31st and State sts

Chicago 194-O. M. Madsen, 3328 Beach ave. Geo. M. Hanson, 3432 McLean ave. Meets Tuesdays, 736 Milwaukee ave.

Chicago 273-Fr. Papez, 1014 W. 19th st. Frank Rezek, 1801 Throop st., S. Meets second and fourth Fridays, Sirovatka's Hall, W. 19th and Center ave. Chicago 275-H. Wagener, 2105 Belmont ave.


Wede, 4324 Drake ave. Meets every Tuesday night, Trades Union Hall, 418 N. Clark st. Chicago 396-Alvin E. Curtis, 945 Newton st. W. J. Bertrand, 533 N. Western ave. Meets second and fourth Mondays, 155 E. Randolph st. Chicago 430-Chas. Streu, 1334 W. Madison st. ney Oehme, 2111 Hastings st. Meets Wednesdays, 732 Madison st.


Chicago 521-E. Arnold, 5023 Strong st. A. Lapinsky, 1719 W. Polk st. Meets every Friday, 732 W. Madison st.

Chicago 584-E. L. Maxwell, 1418 Orleans st. A. E. Hardin, 5118 N. Winchester ave. Meets Tuesday nights, 12 N. Market st.

Chicago 637-Aug. Olson, 3216 Osgiod st. Hj. Lundeen, 3449 Racine ave., Sta. B. Meets every Friday night, Well's Hall, 3140-42 N. Clark st.

Burnside (Chicago) 688-0. H. Gaige, 1418 E. 73rd st. L. Larsen, 7315 Monroe ave. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, Turner Hall, 75th st. and Dobson ave.

Chicago 830-John F. Irwin, 7701 Goldsmith ave.


G. Lathrope, 1934 W. 35th st. Meets first and third Mondays, Union Trades Hall, 418 N. Clark st. Chicago (Deering Sta.) 987-Albert Groth, 2930 N. Seeley ave. Emil Vanderheyden, 2122 Greenwich st. Meets second and fourth Thursdays, 957 Clybourn


Chicago Heights 757-Otto F. Sauter, 1908 Chicago
Rd. Meets first and third Friday nights, Mee's Hall.
Chicago Heights 371-A. H. Herman, 35 Illinois st.
L. J. Terre, 2730 Chicago Rd. Meets first and third
Thursdays, Dutt's Hall, Chicago, Rd.
Collinsville 770-John Kramer, 239 Hesperia st. Meets
first and third Wednesdays, Fulton Hall. Bus. Agt.
A. Hanratty, Combs ave.

Danville 398-Fred L. Hunter, 1003 Fere st. C. P. Boughton, 20 Pine st. Meets every Wednesday night, Mecca Hall, 25 W. Main st.

Danville 850-Carl Mann, 920 Myers st. Wm. J. O. Waterstredt, 1101 Martin st. Meets first and third Thursdays over American Bank & Trust Co., 502 E. Main st.

Decatur 288-W. H. Adams, 158 W. Decatur st. R. F. Jones, 615 W. Main st. Meets every Monday, 209 S. Park st.

De Kalb 815-M. J. Bentley, 424 N. 4th st. O. R. Hix, 203 N. 3rd st. Meets second and fourth Thursdays, Jarboes Hall.

Dixon 869-J. O. Remington, 115 W. Boyd st. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Carpenters' Hall, Bus. Agt. Jacob Trein, 528 Assembly Pl.

Du Quoin 305-H E. Palmer, 302 E. North st. Meets first and third Mondays.

Edwardsville 210-Ed. Weber, 511 St. Louis st. Frank Wood, 547 N. Kansas st. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Hauser's Hall. Bus Agt. John Motz.

Effingham 948-Wm. Pippin, 305 Planters ave. Meets Thursdays, Hodebeck's Hall, over Holbeck's Grocery Store.

Elgin 154-A. B. Winne, 814 Prospect st. Ernest L Otta, 387 Plum st. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, 165 Chicago st.

Elmhurst 412-Alex. Jurka, P. O. Box 421. Meets first Friday at Gloss Hall.

Freeport 547-P. E. Bonn, 27 Foley st. R. S. Mogle, 50 Alsop st. Meets at Socialist Hall. Evanston 54-John Roy, 1828 Ashland ave. N. Nelson, 1706 Forrest ave., Wilmette, Ill. Meets every Fri. day night, Ben Hur Hall.

Galesburg 29-H. W. Gates, 216 Lake st. E. J. Corbin, 671 W. Losey. Meets first and third Mondays, Trades Assembly Hall.

Geneva, St. Charles and Batavia 105-Harry Morris. Henry O. Melby, Geneva. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Geneva.

Gillespie 343-Levi Hooper. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, Miners' Hall.

Girard 441-H. C. Rathgeber. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, above Rathgeber's News Stand. Granite City and Madison 120-Roy Huggins, 2127 G. st., Granite City, Ill. Meets second and fourth Thursdays, Trades Council Hall, 19th and D. sts, Granite City, Ill.

Harvey 972-Emil Bauch, 415 Honore st., Blue Island, Ill. Chas. Burmeister, 209 Grove st., Blue Island, Ill. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, Opera House, Blue Island, Ill.

Herrin 1082-Aulcie Jones, Box 76. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Carpenters' Hall. Highwood 863-J. R. Birchman, Lake Bluff, Ill. Meets first and third Fridays, Eagles' Hall.

Hillsboro 523-Fred M. Potter. H. Murray. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, Woodmen Hall. Hinsdale 907-Axel Nelson, 31 N. Lincoln st. Meets first Thursday night.

Jacksonville 525-Jas. Rowan, 413 Clay ave. M. J. Crowe, 755 Goltra ave. Meets first and third Mondays, Labor Temple. Johnston City 787-D. H. Beck. Meets every Monday night over First National Bank.

Joliet 33-G. H. Herbert, 801 S. Desplaines st. Robt. A. Pell, 115 Iowa ave. Meets first and third Thurs days, 311 N. Chicago st. Bus. Agt. T. J. Boyne, 813 S. Desplaines st.

Kankakee 467-Ray Kendall, 41 S. 3rd ave. A. M. Finefield. Meets every Friday, Labor Hall. Bus. Agt. F. Enders.

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Kewanee 289-Frank McKinney, 1319 W. Prospect st. J. A. I. Swanson, 443 W. Division st. Meets first and third Thursdays, Labor Herald Hall. Bus. Agt. Frank Matson.

La Grange 893-Ernst Cederholm, Box 22. Robt. Holdorf, 415 Benton ave. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Arnold's Hall.

La Salle 597-A. L. Newton, 118 3rd st. John Spitz, 1010 Joliet st. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Post Hall.

Lincoln 266-Frank Cutter, 509 6th st. Geo. A. Weindorff, 440 5th st. Meets first and third Fridays, S. Chicago st.


Litchfield 125 J. H. Heise, 117 W. South st. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Union Hall. Marion 431-Robt. A. Weber, 906 N. Granite st. E. Fozard, 404 E. College st. Meets every Monday night, Denison Bldg. Bus. Agt. G. W. Dunn, 406 W. Kline st.

Meets second Tues

Marissa 775-A. C. Douglas. R. L. Burton, Box 39.
Bus. Agt. A. C. Douglas.
Mascoutah 601-Gus. Dickhaut.
days, Hund's Hall, Mill st.
Mattoon 611-A. S. Below, 2311 Champaign. S. V.
Hill, 2321 Champaign ave. Meets second and fourth
Tuesdays, Carpenters' Hall, 19th and Broadway.
McLeansboro 520-Frank Garrison. N. A. Utley.
Meets first and third Thursdays..

Moline 81-Ernest Anderson, 1548 20th ave. Frank
Olson, 1322 12th ave. Meets second and fourth
Tuesdays, Industrial Hall.

Monmouth 708-C. I. Davis, 401 W. 3rd ave. O. B. Eaton, 405 S. 4th st. Meets Wednesday nights, Patton's Hall, West Side Square. Bus. Agt. Jas. L. Henry.

Mt. Carmel 742-Wm. Pitman, 818 W. 4th st. Harvey Harris, N. Cherry st. Meets second and fourth Fridays, Lennert's Hall, 16 W. 5th st.

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Emil Scheller.

Mt. Olive 698 Adolph G. Scheller.
Meets first Mondays, Opera House.
Mt. Vernon 589-Geo. Gaddy, 710 Harrison st. Meets
Wednesdays, Union Hall, 1061⁄2 Main st.
Murphysboro 87-John M. King, 3 N. 7th st. Walter
Dunn. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Auer's

Naperville 901-W. J. Ross. Wm. J. Kendiz.
Nokomis 598-Rohe V. Tooley. Meets second and
fourth Wednesdays, K. of P. Hall.

Oak Park 180-H. A. Sommer, 7556 Brown ave., Forest Park, Ill. O. G. Stark, 3342 Walnut st., Chicago. Meets every Tuesday, 3954 W. Madison st., Chicago. O'Fallon 576-John G. Martin. Meets first Friday night, Keil's Hall.

Olney 557-Harvey F. Barlow, 1000 E. Butler st. W. C. Cutter, 302 E. LaFayette st. Meets Wednesday nights.

Ottawa 465-Seth Gregg, 838 Congress st. W. M. Biggart, 520 E. Superior st.

Pana 872-Chas. F. Elliott, 408 E. 4th st. E. M. Gaughan, 817 1st st. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Carpenters' Hall.

Pekin 385 J. Hendricks. Henry Ubbin, 910 Carolina st. Meets first and third Thursdays.

Peoria 157-R. Ritzmann, 321 Butler st. Jos. N. Lulay, 1109 Lincoln ave. Meets every Wednesday, Trades Assembly Hall, Cor. Adams and Fulton sts. Peru 290-W. D. Morrow, 1133 Rock st. Eugene Morrow, 1403 Kendal st. Meets first Tuesday, Harter and Massican Hall. Bus. Agt. Vincent Harmon. Pinckneyville 677-Fred Starkweather. Meets first and fourth Mondays, Hincke Bldg.

Plano 923-F. S., I. M. Fritz.

Pullman 265-Ed. Girard, 11553 Princeton ave. W. J.
Cassidy, 327 E. 116th st. Meets first and third
Tuesdays, 11405 Michigan ave., Roseland, Ill.
Quincy 66-F. G. Starkel, 920 Payson ave. Carl A.
Long, 1019 Washington st. Meets at Labor Hall,
first and third Mondays.

Rockford 252-Fred Hendrickson, 614 Pope st. Chas.
E. Svenson, 1124 3rd ave. Meets first and third
Thursdays, 419 E. State st. Bus. Agt. C. F. Han-
son, 402 11th st.

Rock Island 152-Wm. French, 308 E. 6th st. Davenport, Iowa. G. Halloner, 1621 Leclaire st., Davenport, Iowa. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Industrial Hall.

Rock Island 181-B. J. Gahagen, 512 12th ave. F. A.
Black, 834 9th st. Meets second and fourth Fridays,
Ind. Home, 21st st and 3rd ave.
Salem 353-W. R. Holmes. Meets Saturdays, City
Hall, Broadway.

South Chicago 225-Otto Haupt, 1053 Washington
ave. Frank Swanson, 7013 Washington ave. Meets
first and third Tuesdays, 9251 S. Chicago ave.
Spring Valley 259-H. Wallais. Geo. Alexander. Meets
first and third Tuesdays, Rupper's Hall.
Springfield 90-Jos. Pehlman, 1114 N. 2nd st. H. V.
Dutton, 724 E. Mason st. Meets first and third
Mondays, Painters' Hall, 104% E. Side Square. Bus.
Agt. J. J. Staples, 115 W. Jefferson st.
Staunton 35-W. N. Mitchell. G. G. Hunsinger. Meets
second and fourth Saturdays, Tiffert Hall, Main st.
Streator 505-F. P. Schroeder, 209 LaSalle st. Wm.
Windus, 117 LaSalle st. Meets first and third
Wednesdays, German I. O. O. F. Hall.

Tamaroa 891-T. H. Clay, Box 154. Meets first and third Saturdays.

Taylorville 149-O. G. Young, 209 W. Vine st. E. L. Smith, 414 W. Market st. Meets first and third Wednesdays, Central Body Hall. Bus. Agt. W. H. Burrows, 310 W. Market st.

Waukegan 539-Emil Carlson, 1115 McAllister ave. Louis A. Larsen, 214 Chestnut st. Meets first and third Wednesdays, 220 Washington st. Wheaton 97-J. L. Myers, Box 237, Glen Ellyn. Meets second and fourth Fridays, Hemick's Hall. Agt. G. C. Ottens, West Chicago.



[blocks in formation]


Brazil 635-H. D. Kemp, 820 W. Not ave. Meets
Thursdays, Painters' Hall, 8% W. Not ave. Bus.
Agt. H. D. Kemp.
Chesterton 479-Geo. Gulstrom. Jos Stephens.
first and third Fridays, J. O. Dillle Hardware Store.
Dugger 168-Ray Taylor. S. M. Abrams.
Elkhart 63-J. G. Schrock, 231 Aspenwald ave. Chas.
H. Hackman, 1411 N. Michigan st. Meets every Fri-
day night, Painters' Hall, 310 Main st. Bus. Agt.
J. G. Schrock, 231 Aspenwald ave.
Evansville 156 J. E. Rosenblatt, 1102 E. Maryland st.
Clyde Bittrolff, 325 Jefferson ave. Meets Mondays,
Ruhl Hall, 3rd and Sycamore sts.
Evansville 164-J. H. Scott, 210 Oakley st.
Baker, 2131⁄2 W. 3rd st. Meets Wednesdays, Evans
Hall, 5th and Locust sts.

J. R.

Fort Wayne 469-Geo. Bopp, 2024 Smith st. Leonard Erb, 1517 Oakland st. Meets Wednesday nights, Painters' Hall, 1022 Calhoun st.

Gary 8-Geo. Sheehan, 725 Del. st. C. A. Chenoweth, 800 Monroe st. Meets Thursday nights Bennett's Hall.

Goshen 652-Ed. Kirkpatrick, 904 S. 6th st. Nelson F.
Dye, 804 E. Douglas st. Meets Monday nights, U. S.
Spanish War Vet. Hall. Bus. Agt. E. E. Austin, 223
Garden st.
Hammond 460-C. E. Green, Suite 3, Lake Co. Savings
& Trust Co. Bldg. W. T. Ginn, 467 Hohman st.
Meets Thursday nights, Bldg. Trades Hall, 100 State
st. Bus. Agt. W. T. Ginn, 467 Hohman st.
Hobart 645-Paul Neef, Box 534. Meets first and
third Tuesdays, Hobart Town Hall. Bus. Agt. Paul

Indianapolis 47-S. M. Hervey, 323 Fulton st. Len
Lyster, 739 S. East st. Meets Tuesdays, 2101⁄2 N.
Delaware st., Machinists' Hall. Bus. Agt. Fred
Saylor, 210 N. Delaware st.
Indianapoils 912-Robt. Hathaway, 316 N. Dearborn st.
L. A. Barth, 3212 N. Cap. ave. Meets Friday nights,
108 N. Penn st., Room 4.

Indianapolis 1012-F. E. Thomas, 323 N. Noble st.
Lou Bright, 422 E. Wash. st. Meets second and
fourth Wednesdays, Paperhangers' Hall, Talbot
Block, Market near Penn.
Jasonville 933-Elmer B. Boston. Meets second and
fourth Mondays, Rettich Hall, Main st.
Kokomo 283-Clarence Bowen, 309 W. Superior st.
O. W. Moore, 1606 S. Main st. Meets second and
fourth Fridays, Trades Council Hall, 210 N. Main st.
Lafayette 80-Harry E. Koonse, 1114 N. 12th st. John
R. Wolsieffer, 1734 E. Main st. Meets Tuesdays,
Labor Hall, 5th and Columbia sts.

Laporte 595-Fred Silverstuff, 604 Fox. Wm. Hartman, 908 Main st. Meets Fridays, Central Labor Hall.

Lebanon 572-Roy Osborn, 17 E. Wash. st. Meets
Tuesdays, East Side of Square.

Linton 421-Chas. W. Beatly.
Logansport 565-Geo. N. Wheatley, 500 Chicago st.
Harry Shaver, R. R. No. 6. Meets Tuesdays, Trades

Michigan City 733-Wm. Oberholtzer, Laporte Co.,
Michigan City, Ind. A. W. Sundeen, 324 Porter st.
Meets Wednesdays, C. L. U. Hall, Franklin st. near

Muncie 1033-Francis J. Roach, 302 W. 6th st. Meets Tuesdays, Union Labor Hall, Cor. Walnut and Main sts.

Peru 615-0. M. Barnes, 25 Adams ave. E. S. Kuch, 417 W. 12th st.

Princeton 444-D. O. Hanna, 1002 S. Prince st. Meets Tuesday nights, Carpenters' Hall.

New Albany 342-T. W. Oglesby, Silver Hills, New Albany. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Carpen ters' Hall.

Petersburg 325-Will Reuss, Box 229. Mary Ann Goodrid, Box 229. Meets Mondays.

Richmond 319-E. M. Druley, 117 N. 7th st. Elmer S. Layman, 410 Lincoln st. Meets Fridays, Bar Tenders' Hall, S. 5th st.

Rochester 867-B. B. Bidwell. Wm. M. Orr, 1121 Mon-
roe st. Meets Thursdays, Labor Union Hall.
South Bend 798-Chas. Zigler, 114 E. Ohio st. Albert
E. Ley, 616 Sunset st. Meets Tuesdays, 110-112 S.
Michigan st.

Terre Haute 197-E. F. Schweigel, 642 N. 5th st. W. H.
Sigler, 451 S. 15th st. Meets Tuesday nights, 624 E
Wabash ave.

Valparaiso 931-W. F. Moose, 1004 Franklin st. Joha Fourney, 707 Freeman st. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Socialist Hdqts.

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