Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1999: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, Second Session, 2. daļa |
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105th Congress 1999 budget request additional Advisory Group agencies Architect areas audit bill BILLINGTON building Capitol Police Board Chairman Committee on Appropriations CONGRESS THE LIBRARY Congressional Copyright Corrections Calendar costs Counsel depository libraries developed documents EAGEN electronic employees Enacted FY ensure estimates expenses FAZIO Federal fiscal year 1999 funding going government information HANTMAN hearing House of Representatives House Oversight HOYER implementation improve increase Integrated Library System Internet issues Law Library Legislative Branch Appropriations Librarian Library of Congress Library's materials Members million operations percent personnel Printing proposed public access questions record reprogram Response revenue Ron Packard salaries Senate Sergeant at Arms SERRANO statement Subcommittee on Legislative Thank U.S. Capitol Police United States Capitol WALSH Washington
Populāri fragmenti
202. lappuse - January 23, 1996, most provisions of the law took effect, covering the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Capitol Guide Service, the Capitol Police, the Congressional Budget Office, the Office of the Architect of the Capitol, the Office of the Attending Physician, the Office of Compliance, and their employees.
580. lappuse - Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Oversight of the House Committee on Ways and Means on...
207. lappuse - Rights and protections under title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
366. lappuse - ... (C) evaluating alternative methods for accomplishing those results; and, by providing such other research and analytical services as the committee considers appropriate for these purposes, otherwise to assist in furnishing a basis for the proper evaluation and determination of legislative proposals and recommendations generally...
354. lappuse - Provided, That no part of this appropriation may be used to pay any salary or expense in connection with any publication, or preparation of material therefor (except the Digest of Public General Bills), to be issued by the Library of Congress unless such publication has obtained prior approval of either the Committee on House Administration or the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
212. lappuse - Section 301(h) of the CAA requires that the Office of Compliance: . . . compile and publish statistics on the use of the Office by covered employees, including the number and type of contacts made with the Office, on the reason for such contacts, on the number of covered employees who initiated proceedings with the Office under this Act and results of such proceedings, and on the number of covered employees who file a complaint, the basis for the complaint, and the action taken on the complaint...
362. lappuse - ... are necessary to permit understandable comment on the statements made in the work. The Committee has considered the question of publication, in Congressional hearings and documents, of copyrighted material. Where the length of the work or excerpt published and the number of copies authorized are reasonable under the circumstances, and the work Itself is directly relevant to a matter of legitimate legislative concern, the Committee believes that the publication would constitute fair use.
246. lappuse - Plan, the library's mission is "to make its resources available and useful to the Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations.
366. lappuse - ... of the Senate or House of Representatives and any joint committee of Congress in the analysis, appraisal, and evaluation of legislative proposals within that committee's jurisdiction, or of recommendations submitted to Congress, by the President or any executive agency, so as to assist the committee in (A) determining the advisability of enacting such proposals; (B) estimating the probable results of such proposals and alternatives thereto; and (C) evaluating alternative methods for accomplishing...