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" JE Boillat. Load balancing and Poisson equation in a graph. Concurrency: Practice and Experience 2 (4) (1990) 289-311. "
Load Balancing in Parallel Computers: Theory and Practice - 188. lappuse
autors: Chenzhong Xu, Francis C.M. Lau - 2007 - 210 lapas
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Computer Systems and Software Engineering: State-of-the-art

Patrick DeWilde, Joos P.L. Vandewalle - 1992 - 440 lapas
...editor, Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, pages 182-194. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1989. 4. JE Boillat. Load balancing and Poisson equation in a graph. Concurrency : Practice and Experience, 4(2):289-313, 1990. 5. L. Booker. Improving search in genetic algorithms. In L. Davis, editor, Genetic...
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Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures ...

Gerhard Joubert, Wolfgang Nagel, Frans Peters, Wolfgang Walter - 2004 - 975 lapas
...Berman and RJ Plemmons, Nonnegative matrices in the mathematical sciences, Academic Press, 1979. [3] JE Boillat, Load balancing and poisson equation in a graph, Concurrency: Practice and Experience 2, 1990, 289-313. [4] G. Cybenko, Dynamic load balancing for distributed memory multi-processors, Journal...
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Euro-Par 2007 Parallel Processing: 13th International Euro-Par Conference ...

Anne-Marie Kermarrec - 2007 - 982 lapas
...Distributed Computations: Numerical Methods. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (1989) 8. Boillat, JE: Load balancing and Poisson equation in a graph. Concurrency: Practice and Experience 2, 289-313 (1990) 9. Aharonson, E., Attiya, H.: Counting networks with arbitrary fan-out. Distributed...
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Applied Parallel Computing: State of the Art in Scientific Computing. 8th ...

Bo Kagström, Erik Elmroth, Jack Dongarra, Jerzy Wasniewski - 2007 - 1218 lapas
...Social Fund and National Resources (EPEAK II) Pythagoras, Grant No. 70/3/7418. References Boillat, JE: Load balancing and poisson equation in a graph. Concurrency: Practice and Experience 2, 289-313 (1990) Botta, EF, Veldman, AEP: On local relaxation methods and their application to convection-diffusion...
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