CONTENTS Pago Arnold, Thurman, of Arnold, Fortas & Porter, Washington, D.C.--. 1341 Cassat, David B., president, Interstate Finance Corp., Dubuque, Dixon, Hon. Paul Rand, Chairman; accompanied by John Wheelock, Executive Director, J. V. Buffington, assistant to Chairman, and J. M. Henderson, General Counsel, Federal Trade Commission. 394 by George Russell, executive vice president, and A. F. Power, vice 507 Gossett, William T., vice president and general counsel; accompanied by Theodore 0. Yntema, vice president and chairman, finance committee, Ford Motor Co.; and J. B. Lackey, vice president, Jones, Paul, chairman of the executive committee, American Finance Kefauver, Hon. Estes, a U.S. Senator from the State of Tennessee (statement presented by Bernard Fensterwald, Jr., staff director, Senate Antitrust and Monopoly Subcommittee of the Committee Loevinger, Hon. Lee, Assistant Attorney General; accompanied by John Duffner, Larry Williams, and Sam Gordon, attorneys, Anti- 365 W. C. Flaherty, director, business research, and J. Paul Smith, 865, 910 Mullins, R. L., president of the Wolfe City National Bank of Wolfe Patman, Hon. Wright, a Representative in Congress from the State Steere, David D., president, Allied Finance Co., Dallas, Tex.. Stradella, Charles G., chairman of the board, General Motors Accept- ance Corp.; accompanied by A. F. Power, general counsel, General Motors Acceptance Corp. and MIC... Utterback, Earl M., executive secretary, Indiana State Teachers 316 404 1369 Yntema, Theodore O., vice president, Ford Motor Co., and chairman of the finance committee; accompanied by William T. Gossett, vice president and general counsel of Ford Motor Co., and Robert S. Olson, president, and J. B. Lackey, vice president, Ford Motor Additional information-Continued Percent profit on average net worth (table)--- Letter, August 8, 1961, to Hon. Emanuel Celler.. Letter, August 11, 1961, to. Hon. Emanuel Celler.. American Finance Conference, Inc.: A summary of basic marketplace issues related to H.R. 71.----- 1538 Letter, July 10, 1961, to Hon. Emanuel Celler, with enclosure. 1550 Letter, July 17, 1961, to Hon. Emanuel Celler, with enclosure. 1552 Letter, July 28, 1961, to Hon. Emanuel Celler, with enclosures. 226 Letter, August 1, 1961, to Hon. Emanuel Celler, with en- Rebuttal statement- 1525 Omacht, George W., letter, August 2, 1961, to Hon. Emanuel What a Sales Finance Company Does-- Antitrust Subcommittee: 1018 1020 “Sources of Future Business For the Large Finance Company, Robert H. Van Aman, vice president-- Commercial Credit Co., annual report, 1959. Ford Motor Co. and Ford Motor Credit Co.: Intraoffice memorandum, November 9, 1959, to Robert S. Olson, re the new credit company and the antitrust con- Legal information bulletin issued by office of the general Letter, July 25, 1961, to Hon. Emanuel Celler, with en- Letter, July 24, 1961, to Hon. Emanuel Celler, with en- Supplemental statement.-- 1392 414 Donner, Frederic G., statement- Gordon, Julian F., letter, May 18, 1961, to General Motors dis- tributors and dealers, with enclosure.-. Letter, July 25, 1961, to Herbert N. Maletz, enclosing--- 564 The group creditors life insurance and group creditors GMAC's share of the retail installment market on vehicles sold by General Motors dealers -- The GMAC borrowing ratios and subordinated debt No. 1: GMAC group creditors life insurance policy with the Prudential Insurance Co. of No. 2: GMAC group creditors life insurance 618 No. 3: GMAC group creditors disability insur- No. 4: GMAC group creditors disability insur- Page 738 742 Additional information Continued General Motors Acceptance Corp., etc.—Continued Power, Aloysius F.-Continued Letter, July 25, 1961, to Herbert N. Maletz, enclosing -- Supplemental statement by General Motors Corp., dated B. Transmittal letter to all General Motors dealers enclosing copy of final judgment.--- C. Transmittal letter to everyone in the con- tinental United States of the car dlvisions of D. Memorandum from the general counsel ex- plaining the disposition made of the antitrust litigation over automobile financing--- trict, and territorial managers of GMAC, enclosing consent decree... F. Memorandum: Diesel-electric locomotives. Supplemental statement by GMAC dated July 24, 1961. Statement by General Motors Corp. concerning the un- constitutionality of H.R. 71.--- Letter, August 5, 1961, to Herbert N. Maletz, with en- closure with enclosure.. Letter, September 6, 1957, to Hon. Herbert Brownell, Jr... December 20, 1957, to Judge Victor R. Hansen.- Hansen, Hon. Victor R., letter, January 8, 1958, to David B. Loevinger, Hon. Lee, statement. ceptance Corp. of Indiana, Inc., judgment. judgment. ceptance Corp., judgment and commitment - Corp., judgment.. Court of the United States for the Northern District of Indi- 952 859 390 123 127 121 125 ana.. 175 206 158 United States of America v. Ford Motor Co., Universal Credit Corp., et al., in the District Court of the United States for the Northern United States of America v. General Motors Corp., General Motors Acceptance Corp., and General Motors Sales Corp., in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois... United States of America v. Chrysler Corp., et al., complaint- ment Trust Corp., et al., order modifying final decree of Novem- ber 15, 1938, as amended. ment Trust Corp., et al., order on mandate. United States of America v. General Motors Corp., et al., amended Letters and statements submitted for the record: Atlas Automotive Products, Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y. B. &. L. Motor Sales, Des Moines, Iowa--- 170 1565 Letters and statements submitted for the record --Continued Bank of Cradock & Norfolk County, Norfolk, Va------ Barbara, Calif. State of Pennsylvania, with enclosure Coffey Cadillac, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.. Coltharp, W. E., Nashville, Tenn. Community Credit Co., Omaha, Nebr. Cooper's Wholesale, Orangevale, Calif. Dart Insurance Agency, Mason, Mich_ Dart National Bank, Mason, Mich.. State of Missouri, with enclosure Hayes Chevrolet Co., Earl, Dallas, Tex- Hendrickson Pontiac Inc., Chicago, Ill. Hinds, Don, Noblesville, Ind... Horan, Hon. Walt, a Representative in Congress from the State of Washington, with enclosure Hudson & Hamilton, Oklahoma City, Okla. Independent Garage Owners of America, Inc., Tulsa, Okla- Indianapolis Morris Plan, Indianapolis, Ind. International Harvester Co., Chicago, Ill.. Johnson, Willard H., Belding, Mich_- Kansas City Life Insurance Co., Decatur, Ill.. Lanesboro State Bank, Lanesboro, Minn. Leader Chevrolet, West Springfield, Mass- Lepkoff, Rebecca, Mrs., New York, N.Y. Loving Chevrolet, Inc., Silver Spring, Md. McDonough, Inc., Frank M., Oswego, N.Y. McGee Trucks, Inc., St. Paul, Minn Mcllwain, A. M., Abilene, Tex... Meier, Richard E., Evansville, Ind. Mercantile Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. National Association of Manufacturers, New York, N.Y. National Automobile Dealers Association, The-- National Association of Insurance Agents, Inc., New York, N.Y.. National Bank of Detroit, Detroit, Mich- National Independent Automobile Dealers Association. 1561 963 1222 1570 1581 1573 1561 900 869 1558 1562 968 1579 875 1559 Parent & Getman, Inc., Illion, N.Y.. Additional information-Continued Letters and statements submitted for the record-Continued Okaton State Bank, Okaton, S. Dak.. Omacht, George W., South Bend, Ind.. 1570 1579 1576 Rogers, Thomas W., Nashville, Tenn. - 1552 Snider Auto Service, Indianapolis, Ind. - Snodgrass, Robert E., Atlanta, Ga___ South Fort Worth State Bank, Fort Worth, Tex. Southern Bank of Norfolk, Norfolk, Va.. Stockyards National Bank, Wichita, Kans__ Superior Equipment Co., Ypsilanti, Mich.. Time Plans, Inc., Kansas City, Mo.. Tuthill Spring Co., Momence, Ill. Vidmar-Mathis Motor Co., Pueblo, Colo-- Vyverberg, Edward A., Dubuque, Iowa.. Williams Motor Co., Clarksville, Tenn., with enclosure. 1571 Meader, Hon, George: Letter, June 2, 1961, to Loving Chevrolet, Inc., Silver Spring, Md. Letter, June 30, 1961, to automobile dealers in district_ Memorandum regarding the constitutionality of an automobile manu- facturer's financing act, hearings before the Senate Judiciary Com- mittee, Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly, 86th Congress, 1st session, on S. 838 and S. 839_ Michigan State Chamber of Commerce, letter August 11, 1961, to 1517 Steere, David D. Utterback, Earl M. Whiteside, Charles B. Yntema, Theodore O. "States Ready New Rules," Business Week, September 26, 1959- "Stellato Charges Politicos Set Up Smokescreen To Shield_Finance Companies," Ford Facts, Ford Local 600 (UAW), March 7, 1959. 1079 |