ANNOUNCEMENT OF 1929 BULLETIN SERVICE The Internal Revenue Bulletin service for 1929 will consist of weekly bulletins and semiannual cumulative bulletins. The weekly bulletins will contain the rulings and decisions to be made public and all Treasury Department decisions (known as Treasury decisions) pertaining to Internal Revenue matters. The semiannual cumulative bulletins will contain all rulings and decisions (including Treasury decisions) published during the previous six months. The complete Bulletin service may be obtained, on a subscription basis, from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., for $2 per year. New subscribers and others desiring to obtain the 1919, 1920, and 1921 Income Tax Service may do so from the Superintendent of Documents at prices as follows: Digest of Income Tax Rulings No. 19 (containing digests of all rulings appearing in Cumulative Bulletins 1 to 5, inclusive), 50 cents per copy; Cumulative Bulletins Nos. 1 to 5, containing in full all rulings published since April, 1919, to and including December, 1921, as follows: No. 1, 30 cents; No. 2, 25 cents; No. 3, 30 cents; No. 4, 30 cents; No. 5, 25 cents. Persons desiring to obtain the one issue of Sales Tax Bulletin for 1920, Bulletin ST-1-20, and the Cumulative Bulletins for January-June and July-December, 1921, may procure them from the Superintendent of Documents at 15 cents and 5 cents each, respectively, per copy. Persons desiring to obtain the Internal Revenue Bulletin service for the years 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, and 1927 may do so at prices as follows: Cumulative Bulletin I-1 (January-June, 1922). 40 cents -30 cents -30 cents -40 cents 50 cents 50 cents --60 cents 40 cents 35 cents 25 cents -40 cents -30 cents 15 cents 40 cents -40 cents __35 cents Of the 1928 service, Cumulative Bulletin VII-1 (January-June), price 35 cents, is now available. All inquiries in regard to these publications and subscriptions should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. (II) |