This issue of the Bulletin contains a Complete List of Members up to and including January 1, 1913. No other issue of the Roll of Members Good Old Thank You. The spirit of the season lingers yet. Hearts have been cheered and warmed by thoughtful words and loving gifts. There has come home to us the difference between the feeling of appreciation and the uttering of it. Impression may be rich, expression poor. A thousand thousand are toiling daily for our comfort and welfare. The lonely herder watching the flocks to provide our food; the tired hand at the loom producing cloth for our winter coats; the miner, shut away from the sun, delving deep that we may be kept warm-these there are and a million more whom we shall never know and can never thank. Close by, in the home, among neighbors, at the office, in church, in public life, on the bench and at the bar, in the League and elsewhere are those whose work merits praise. Have we given or withheld our gratitude and encouragement? The pervading influence of Yuletide has made us sensible of others. It has disposed us to acknowledge obligations. To commend and to applaud the doers of worthy things. Suffer the spirit to abide during the whole New Year. Permit it to prompt not alone the feeling but the expression of appreciation, gratefully and generously. Let us all be millionaires in the grace of praise. F. P. V. OF THE COMMERCIAL LAW LEAGUE OF AMERICA Published Monthly by COMMERCIAL LAW LEAGUE OF AMERICA, 108 So. La Salle St., Chicago, III. Entered as second-class matter, September 12, 1910, at the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of July 16, 1894. V me XVIII. JANUARY, 1913. HELP. Number 1 The Secretary has been charged by the Executive Committee, with carefully reviewing the Convention proceedings to discover the hiding place of resolutions that have been adopted, which are still operative and lift them for the purpose of printing them with the Constitution and By-laws. Hunting needles in a hay stack is a mere pastime in comparison with this job. If you were ever responsible for presenting and having adopted operative resolutions, write the Secretary what they were and where they may be found. Help set our parliamentary house in order for the New Year. CONVENTION PROGRAM. A tentative draft of the program for the 19th Annual meeting to be held at Cape May, July 21 to 24, 1913, will appear in the February Bulletin. YOU are requested to suggest features that will interest, in- Also suggest subjects for debate or discussion on the No reason why we should go out of the League mem- Are there changes in the Constitution, By-laws or م N |