Lapas attēli

2. Meetings of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 1939-1972

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Washington, D.C., United States.. Mar. 26-Apr. 7, 1951; after Korea.

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Major agenda item

Consideration of means for maintenance of the neutrality of the hemisphere.

Discussion of European possessions in the
Americas and the danger of their possible
transfer to other non-American powers.

Determination of attitude to be adopted by
American Republics in face of attack by
a non-American power upon an American
state and subsequent declaration of war
by Germany and Italy.

Consideration of problems of communism
and hemispheric security.

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Declaration of Panama, establishing a hemispheric
zone embracing the American Republics within
which the beligerent nations were to commit no
hostile acts. General declaration of neutrality.
Act of Havana and Convention of Havana, concerning
the provisional administration of European colonies
and possessions in the Americas. Resolution XV:
Any attempt by a non-American state against
Sovereignty or independence of an American state
to be considered attack on all.
Resolution: "The American Republics

mended the breaking of their diplomatic relations
with Japan, Germany, and Italy. Establishment of
the Inter-American Defense Board. Establishment
of the Emergency Advisory Committee for Political

Recommendation that each Republic examine its
resources to determine what steps it could take to
contribute to collective defense of continent. Rec-
ommendation that governments examine their
laws with view to adopting changes considered
necessary for prevention of subversive activities of

Declaration of Santiago, concerning effective exercise
of representative democracy and respect for human
rights. Special temporary power to Inter-American
Peace Committee to investigate and conciliate in
cases of invasions by foreign-based rebels.
Condemned the Government of the Dominican Repub-
lic for acts of aggression and intervention against
Venezuela and agreed on breaking of diplomatic
relations with the Dominican Republic and the sus-
pension of trade in arms and implements of war
with the Dominican Republic.



Aug. 22-29, 1960.

Tensions in the Caribbean (Cuban situation). Condemned intervention by an extracontinental


Punta del Este, Uruguay.

Jan. 22-31, 1962.


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consider Communist offensive in
America; Alliance for Progress; human

power; reaffirmed the principle of nonintervention;
proclaimed that all member states obliged to sub-
mit to discipline of the Inter-American system;
establishment of Ad Hoc Good Offices Committee.
Declared that principles of communism are incom-
patible with principles of the inter-American
system; established Special Consultative Committee
on Security; excluded present Government of Cuba
from participation in inter-American system and
from Inter-American Defense Board; called for
suspension of trade with Cuba in arms and imple-
ments of war. Emphasized need for greater internal
efforts and reforms under Alliance for Progress and
Charter of Punta del Este; recommended revision of
statute of Inter-American Commission on Human
Rights; holding of free elections.

specifically Venezuela.
Intervention by Cuba in Latin America, Condemned Cuba for its acts of aggression and

Disturbances in Dominican Republic following revolt against the Government.

intervention in Venezuela; called for measures to
break relations with Cuba, the suspension of trade
and sea transportation, except in foodstuffs,
medicines, and medical equipment for humanitarian
purposes. Warned Cuba that if it persisted in its acts
of aggression and intervention against 1 or more
members of the OAS, member states "shall preserve
their essential rights as soverign states by the use of
self-defense in either individual or collective form,
which could go so far as resort to armed force, until
such time as the Organ of Consultation takes
measures to guarantee the peace and security of the

Established Special Committee to seek the reestab-
lishment of peace and normal conditions; urgently
appealed for nurses, doctors, food, and medical
supplies; requested member states to make their
forces available for an inter-American peace force;
appealed for cease fire; established an Ad Hoc
Committee for Restoration of Democratic Order in
the Dominican Republic. Called on Brazil and United
States to designate commander and deputy com-
mander, respectively, of the Inter-American Peace

of State.
To arrange Meeting of Hemisphere Chiefs Adopted agenda for forthcoming Meeting of American

Chiefs of State (for purpose of strengthening the
Alliance for Progress and agreeing upon new
measures for hemispheric cooperation to facilitate
economic integration).

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2. Meetings of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 1939-1972-Continued

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Major agenda item


specifically Venezuela.
Intervention in Latin America by Cuba, Condemned Cuba for its repeated acts of aggression

and intervention in Venezuela, and persistent
intervention in Bolivia and other American States;
requested States not members of the OAS to
restrict commercial and financial operations, sea
and air transport with Cuba; requested govern-
ments which support Afro-Asian-Latin American
People's Solidarity Conference (AALAPSO) with-
draw support; recommended that OAS member
states apply OAS recommendations concerning
prevention of Cuban propaganda, funds and arms,
travel to and from Cuba, intensification of coastal
and border vigilance to prevent movement of sub-
versive elements from Cuba, and apply restrictions
to ships which traffick with Cuba; recommended
that OAS member states affected by Cuban inter-
vention bring such cases to attention of competent
United Nations organ.

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OAS Council, acting provisionally as Organ of Con-
sultation (beginning July 14, 1969) established
7-member Committee of the Organ of Consultation
to make on spot study of situation between El
Salvador and Honduras and its causes, and sub-
sequently to perform vigilance and supervisory
functions relating to OAS directives; ordered im-
mediate suspension of hostilities and withdrawal
of troops from respective territories of 2 nations;
called for guarantees of safety and property of
nationals of both countries residing in territory of
other; instituted emergency relief measures for
displaced persons; resolved, inasmuch as Salva-
doran troops had not been withdrawn from Hon-
duran territory, to convene 13th Meeting of Con-
sultation of Foreign Ministers (beginning July 26,

13th Meeting of Consultation ordered immediate
compliance with previous directives of OAS Council;
recommended action aimed at solution of migra-
tion, population and development problems of 2
nations involved. Following cessation of hostilities,
made recommendations to 2 governments con-
cerning: free transit of goods between them,
restoration of diplomatic and consular relations,
settlement of outstanding boundary questions, ac-
tion to improve Central American Common Market
structure and operations (in concert with other
Market members), submission of claims and differ-
ences in dispute to OAS procedures for peaceful
settlement or arbitration under American Treaty
of Pacific Settlement, protection of human rights
and families of immigrants.

Urged parties to avoid aggravation of their differences
and to employ negotiations in their dispute arising
out of contrasting claims to fishing rights off the
Ecuadorean coast; urged all OAS members to
abstain from employing any measure which might
affect national sovereignty of another State.


3. Formal Peacekeeping Activities, 1948-1972

[Formal peacekeeping activities of the Organization of American States through Inter-American Peace Committee and Rio Treaty]

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