thousand and eleven dollars and eighty-three cents ($7,011.83) remainder of the "Hospital Fund," for the Fiscal Period which ended March 31st, 1884. Approved this 11th day of July, A. D. 1884. KALAKAUA, REX. CHAPTER X. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 782 OF THE CIVIL CODE, RELATING TO TIME AND PLACES OF HOLDING ELECTIONS. Be it Enacted by the King and the Legislative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: SECTION 1. That Section 782 of the Civil Code, be and the same is, hereby amended so that the said section shall read as follows: "Section 782. Whenever the Minister of the Interior shall deem it necessary for the public convenience, that more than one place should be established for receiving votes in any one district, he shall have the power to appoint two or three places in the district at his discretion, and he shall designate, from among the residents of the district, inspectors to preside over and conduct the election in such places." SECTION 2. This Act shall become a law on the date of its approval. Approved this 11th day of July, A. D. 1884. KALAKAUA, REX. CHAPTER XI. AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER XXXII OF THE PENAL CODE, RELATING TO THE OFFENSE OF LIBEL. Be it Enacted by the King and the Legislative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: SECTION 1. That Sections 7 and 8 of Chapter XXXII of the Penal Code be, and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 7. Whoever is guilty of the offense of making or publishing a libel in the first degree, shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor not more than one year, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, in the discretion of the court." "Section 8. Whoever is guilty of the offense of making or publishing a libel in the second degree, shall be punishedby imprisonment at hard labor not more than three months, or by fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court." Approved this 11th day of July, A. D. 1884. KALAKAUA, REX. CHAPTER XII. AN ACT TO ENDOW A CHAIR OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND CHEMISTRY IN OAHU COLLEGE. Be it Enacted by the King and the Legislative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the legislature of the Kingdom assembled: SECTION 1. The Minister of Finance is hereby authorized to pay to the Trustees of Oahu College the sum of twelve hundred dollars per annum towards the salary of a Professor of Natural Sciences and Analytical Chemistry for said college. SECTION 2. Such Professor shall when thereto requested on behalf of the Government make Chemical Analysis and render the Government such other professional services as they may require of him. SECTION 3. There is hereby appropriated for the purposes mentioned in this Act the sum of twenty-four hundred dollars SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved this 11th day of July, A. D. 1884. KALAKAUA, REX. CHAPTER XIII. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED " AN ACT TO RESTRICT THE ERECTION AND REPAIRING OF BUILDINGS OTHER THAN THOSE BUILT OF FIRE-PROOF MATERIALS WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS IN THE CITY OF HONOLULU," APPROVED AUGUST 4TH, A. D. 1882. Be it Enacted by the King, and the Legislative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: SECTION 1. That Section 3 of an Act entitled, "An Act to restrict the erection and repairing of buildings other than those built of fire-proof materials within certain limits in the city of Honolulu," approved on the 4th day of August, A. D. 1882, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 3. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this Act by constructing any building except of such materials as are mentioned in Section 2, shall be deemed guilty of the offense of common nuisance, and may be proceeded against accordingly. And it shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal to inspect all buildings which shall hereafter be erected within the limits provided by this Act, and report to the Minister of the Interior any violations of the provisions of this Act. And it shall be the duty of the Minister of the Interior to cause prosecutions to be entered against all offenders under this Act." SECTION 2. That Section 4 of said Act be amended by striking out the word "easterly" in the third line of the schedule, and inserting in the place thereof the word "westerly" so that the section shall read as follows: (6 'Section 4. This Act shall take effect and become law from and after the date of its publication. SCHEDULE BEFORE REFERRED TO. "All those parts of the city of Honolulu bounded by the water front and by a line running from the said water front and eighty feet westerly from the building line on the Ewa side of Nuuanu Street to the makai side of King Street, thence running along King Street to a point eighty feet distant easterly from the Waikiki side of Fort Street, and thence running eighty feet. from the Waikiki side of Fort Street to the water front. And also all those parts of the city of Honolulu comprising the lands now reclaimed or which may hereafter be reclaimed from the land of Waikahalulu makai of Queen Street." Approved this 11th day of July, A. D. 1884. KALAKAUA, REX. CHAPTER XIV. AN ACT To AMEND THE ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE HOLDING OF AN ADDITIONAL TERM OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT," APPROVED ON THE 21ST DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1882, (BEING CHAPTER XIV OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1882), BY ADDING A NEW SECTION THERETO. Be it Enacted by the King and the Legislative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: SECTION 1. That the "Act to provide for the holding of an additional term of the Circuit Court for the Third Judicial |