SECTION 7. PRICE OF GAS-They shall have the right to charge, receive and collect from all consumers of gas, for gast furnished by them to such consumers, such price as they may from time to time fix and determine, not exceeding four dollars per thousand cubic feet, and a reduction shall be made for all gas used by the Government of one-third of the price charged other consumers. SECTION 8. SUPPLY PIPES, ETC-Saïd Gas Company shall have the right to charge consumers, or intended consumers, of gas for making connections with their mains and pipes and for such lengths of supply pipes as may be reasonable to convey gas from the main or distributing pipe to the building or lamp post as the case may be, a reasonable and uniform price to be fixed by said company. SECTION 9. DELINQUENT CONSUMERS-Said Gas Company shall have the right at their discretion, to cut off the supply of gas from any consumer who shall refuse or fail to pay the proper bills of said company for gas consumed within such time as said company may fix for the payment of the same, but such cutting off of the gas from such consumer shall not prevent the said company from sueing and recovering such unpaid bill or bills in any court having jurisdiction thereof. SECTION 10. RIGHT TO INCORPORATE-Said George Lucas, M. G. Elmore and W. W. Hall may accept this franchise and erect and maintain said works as individuals, company, a private company or copartnership with the right to admit and receive therein such other person or persons as they may see proper, or may at their discretion become incorporated under the laws of the Hawaiian Islands, and convey or transfer to such corporation the franchise hereby granted. SECTION 11. This franchise shall vest in said George Lucas, M. G. Elmore and W. W. Hall their successors, associates and assigns, the right to construct and maintain gas works in the city of Honolulu, for the term of twenty-five years from and after the passage of this Act, provided, that they, their associates or assigns shall within nine months from and after the passage thereof, commence work thereon, and complete the same within eighteen months thereafter; and a failure to comply with the provisions of this Section shall operate as a forfeiture of this franchise, but no other penalty, forfeiture or liability on the part of said company shall be incurred for said failure. SECTION 12. QUALITY OF GAS-The gas furnished by said company for the purpose of lighting the said city of Honolulu shall be of standard quality of not less than fifteen candle power. SECTION 13. This Act shall take effect and become a law from and after the date of its approval. Approved this 11th day of July, A. D. 1884. KALAKAUA, REX. CHAPTER XVIII. AN ACT TO REGULATE THE CURRENCY. Be it Enacted by the King and the Legislative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: SECTION 1. From and after the first day of December, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and eighty-four, the gold coins of the United States of America shall be the standard, and legal tender, at their nominal value in the payment of all debts, public and private, within the Hawaiian Kingdom. SECTION 2. The standard silver coins of the United States of America, and the silver coins of the Hawaiian Kingdom shall be from and after December 1st, 1884, a legal tender, at their nominal value, for any amount not exceeding ten dollars in any one payment. SECTION 3. From and after the first day of December, 1884, gold and silver coins, other than the coins of the United States and of the Hawaiian Kingdom, shall be received in the Treasury at a rate not exceeding their bullion value, for Government dues, duties and taxes. SECTION 4. Whenever it shall appear, that there is such an excess of silver coins in circulation as disturbs the equili-, brium between gold and silver coins under the provisions of this Act, the Minister of Finance in order to restore such equilibrium, shall replace sufficient silver coin from any silver coin which may be in the Treasury, either as Government realization or on deposit on account of any silver certificates, with gold coins of the United States in the same manner as hereafter provided in Sections 5, 6 and 7 of this Act. SECTION 5. Upon the approval of this Act, the Minister of Finance without delay shall give notice by public advertisement that for sixty days immediately following such notice, silver coins of all denominations, excepting silver coins of the Hawaiian Islands and of the United States, will be received at the Treasury at their nominal value in exchange for Hawaiian coins at their nominal value; and the Minister of Finance without delay shall arrange through advertisement for tenders for the sale of all silver coins which are or may be in the Treasury excepting Hawaiian silver coins in lots of not more. than $50,000 each, and the delivery of the proceeds of the sales of said silver coins into the Treasury in gold coins of the United States. SECTION 6. The Minister of Finance shall require of those persons, whose tenders, being accepted, shall desire to remove the silver coin bid for by them from the Treasury, prior to the delivery of the gold therefor, a deposit in the Treasury of the Hawaiian Government Bonds of like amount as the nominal value of the silver delivered to them, and the said Bonds shall be held as security for the delivery of the proceeds of the sale of the silver coins to the Treasury in gold coins of the United States within thirty days; and upon such delivery the Bonds so deposited shall be returned. SECTION 7. The expense, cost and loss, incident to the conversion of silver coins into the gold coins of the United States shall be borne by the Treasury, and the Minister of Finance is hereby authorized and required to provide for the same, from any moneys not otherwise appropriated, or which may hereafter be appropriated, and he shall render an accurate statement of such expenditure in his report to the Legislative Assembly. SECTION 8. On and after the first day of December, 1884, all outstanding silver certificates excepting the ten dollar silver certificate, on presentation at the Treasury, and on demand shall be redeemed at their nominal value in United States gold coin, and all silver certificates so redeemed shall be cancelled by the Registrar of Public Accounts. SECTION 9. The Minister of Finance may, at his discretion, receive United States gold coin on deposit to any amount not less than fifty dollars, and shall issue therefor certificates of deposit of such denominations as he shall deem to be for the public interest, payable to bearer on demand without interest. The said certificates shall be signed by the Minister of Finance and countersigned by the Registrar of Public Accounts, and the money received for such certificates shall be held as a special deposit to be used only for the cancellation of the same, and Section 479 of the Civil Code as amended by Chapter 41 of the Laws of 1874, is hereby repealed. SECTION 10. Chapter 37 of Session Laws of 1880, being An Act to provide for a National Coinage, is hereby repealed; and Chapter 41 of Session Laws of 1876, being An Act to regulate the Currency, is hereby repealed; this repeal to take effect on the first day of December, 1884. SECTION 11. This Act shall take effect from and after the date of its approval. Approved this 17th day of July, A. D. 1884. KALAKAUA, REX. CHAPTER XIX. AN ACT TO PROMOTE MAIL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Be it Enacted by the King and the Legislative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: SECTION 1. A subsidy of fifteen hundred ($1,500) dollars for each round trip shall be paid to the Oceanic Steamship Company for carrying the mails between the ports of Honolulu and San Francisco respectively, said mail service to be bi-monthly upon condition that no increase shall be made from the prices charged for freight and passengers, over and above what has been charged since said Steamship Line commenced their trips between said ports, and this subsidy shall expire on the 31st day of March, 1886. SECTION 2. The said mail shall be carried on first-class steam vessels of not less than nineteen hundred tons register. |