Harvard College Library War 2959.15.2 the ! United States Government. レ WAR DEPARTMENT, Document No. 472. OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL : WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF STAFF, The following military laws of the United States, revised and corrected to June 1, 1914, under the supervision of Brig. Gen. E. H. Crowder, Judge Advocate General of the Army, are approved and published for the information and government of the Regular and Volunteer Armies and the Organized Mitilia. By Order of the Secretary of War: (Signed) W. W. WOTHERSPOON, Major General, Chief of Staff. 3 PREFACE. This compilation contains all the permanent laws of the United States directly affecting the War Department, the Regular Army, the Volunteers, and the Militia, including the legislation enacted by the 63d Congress, which adjourned March 4, 1915. As originally prepared and submitted to the Public Printer, it embraced all legislation enacted prior to June 1, 1914, and was set up in that form. The publication was delayed, and it became necessary to include legislation enacted after that date, during the remainder of the second session and also during the third session of that Congress. This later legislation will be found in the supplement. The numerical designations of paragraphs in the supplement correspond to those of related paragraphs in the original text, being distinguished for the purpose of citation by a letter added to the paragraph number, thus following the style of previous compilations. It has not been found practicable to include, as in prior editions, all the laws directly affecting the civil administration under the War Department, nor to include certain laws indirectly affecting the administration of the department and the military establishment without expanding the volume to an inconvenient size. Accordingly only such laws of this character as are frequently consulted at the War Department and other military headquarters have been retained and the others have been eliminated, citations to the latter being placed in a table of related statutes. The references in this list will enable any searcher for a statute to pass readily to the section of the Revised Statutes or the volume and page of the Statutes at Large where the act is to be found. As a further aid to ready reference, there has been inserted a table which will enable one to pass from a particular paragraph of this compilation to the corresponding provisions of the Revised Statutes and the Statutes at Large. March 18, 1915. E. H. CROWDER, VII. The Department of Justice-Habeas corpus-The Court of Claims, etc... 101 VIII. The Department of the Navy-The Marine Corps... 119 IX. The Revised Statutes-The Statutes at Large-The Army Regu lations-The Army Register.... X. The Military Establishment General provisions of organization.. XII. Rank and command-Tactical and territorial organizations....... XIV. The staff departments-General provisions-Disbursing officers... 121 133 141 143 149 153 177 XVI. The Inspector General's Department. 159 XVII. The Judge Advocate General's Department -Military prisons.... 193 XXI. The Ordnance Department-Armories and arsenals-Board of XXV. Brevets-Uniform and title of ex-officers Medals of honor Cer tificates of merit-Foreign decorations. 369 XXVI. Enlisted men... 377 XXVII. The troops of the line Troops, batteries, companies. 393 XXVIII. The United States Military Academy The Army War College |