Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

(36 Stat., 1037, 1045, 1051, 1051, 1051, 1051, 1040, 1047, 1044, 1044, 1044, 1039, 1056, 1054, 1054, 1054, 1054, 1054, 1045, 1058,

1057, 1049, 1042, 1016, 1045, 1057)........ 371,

508, 529, 530, 533, 535, 541, 604, 622, 630, 634, 641, 680, 750, 751, 752, 777, 778, 918, 929, 955, 1070, 1079, 1120, 1333 1370

Sec. 1 (36 Stat., 1084).

Sec. 2 (36 Stat., 1085)...

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

385, 442, 466, 499, 521, 531, 553, 570,

[blocks in formation]

633, 648, 776, 889, 938, 1058, 1183-1185


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1913, Mar. 4:

[blocks in formation]

(37 Stat., 765, 764)...

[blocks in formation]

Sec. 3 (37 Stat., 790).

[blocks in formation]

Sec. 4 (37 Stat., 790)




[blocks in formation]

Sec. 5 (38 Stat., 75)..


1914, Apr. 6 (38 Stat., 335, 318) 1914, Apr. 25:

8la, 6808

Sec. 1 (38 Stat., 347).


Sec. 2 (38 Stat., 347)...


Sec. 3 (38 Stat., 347)...


Sec. 4 (38 Stat., 347)....


Sec. 5 (38 Stat., 348).....


Sec. 6 (38 Stat., 348)...


Sec. 7 (38 Stat., 349).


Sec. 8 (38 Stat., 349).


Sec. 9 (38 Stat., 350)....


Sec. 10 (38 Stat., 350)...


[blocks in formation]


Sec. 2, Par. 3 (Pub. 292, 38 Stat., -).... 4778


1915, Mar. 4-Continued.





Sec. 2, Par. 4 (Pub. 292, 38 Stat., -).... 480a

Sec. 2, Par. 5 (Pub. 292, 38 Stat., -).... 481a

Sec. 2, Par. 6 (Pub. 292, 38 Stat., -).... 481b

Sec. 2, Par. 7 (Pub. 292, 38 Stat., -).... 488a

Sec. 2, Par. 8 (Pub. 292, 38 Stat., -).... 4768

Sec. 4 (Pub. 296, 38 Stat., -)........


375,382, 506, 520, 527, 543, 588, 609, 666, 669, 689, 801, 808, 883, 938, 1049, 1355,

[blocks in formation]

9548, 954b.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Sec. 3 (Pub. 316, 38 Stat., -)....... 927c-927d

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1914, July 18:

9271, 927g, 927h, 9271

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Joint Resolution

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1915, Feb. 24 (Pub. 251, 38 Stat., -)........ 813a 1915, Mar. 3:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


1915, Mar. 4 (Pub. 292, 38 Stat. -)......... 217a, 346a, 346b, 346c, 673a, 362a, 362b, 417a, 4758, 488b, 668a, 668b, 611a, 1211a, 616a, 727a, 1507a, 514a, 506a, 689a, 5888, 7768, 7758, 775d, 857a, 864a, 883a, 958a, 958b, 958c, 958d, 958e, 969a, 10388, 330a, 1364a, 1364b, 1364c.

1915, Mar. 4 (Pub. 296, 38 Stat., -)... 1158a, 1178a 1915, Mar. 4 (Pub. 327, 38 Stat., -)......... 849a 1915, Mar. 4:

Sec. 5 (Pub. 290, 38 Stat., —).........
Sec. 2, Par. 1 (Pub. 292, 38 Stat., -)....
Sec. 2, Par. 2 (Pub. 292, 38 Stat., -)....




No. 51, May 2, 1896 (29 Stat., 473).
No. 21, Apr. 11, 1898 (30 Stat., 737)..... 259,805
No. 2, Jan. 12, 1903 (32 Stat., 1229)...
No. 23, Apr. 15, 1904 (33 Stat., 588)....... 1015
No. 35, Apr. 28, 1904 (33 Stat., 591)......
No. 13, Mar. 30, 1906 (34 Stat., 825).....
No. 14, Mar. 30, 1906 (34 Stat., 826)......
No. 17, Feb. 27, 1907 (34 Stat., 1422)..... 1016
No. 18, Mar. 2, 1907 (34 Stat., 1423)..... 1022
No. 10, Mar. 14, 1912 (37 Stat., 630)...... 1475
No. 10, Apr. 22, 1914 (38 Stat., 770). 1475a, 1475b
No. 15, May 8, 1914 (38 Stat., 771)........ 775b
No. 15 (sec. 2), May 8, 1914 (38 Stat., 771) 7750
(Pub. Res. 72), Mar. 4, 1915 (38

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rendering aid to the Army and Navy in war. Joint Resolution No. 15, May 8, 1914 (38 Stat. 771).

775c. Same-Return to be provided for, and bond to be required.That the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War or by the Secretary of the Navy, in pursuance of the authority granted by section one, shall provide for the immediate return of the articles of equipment loaned the American National Red Cross when called for by the authority which issued them; and the said Secretaries shall require a bond in each case, in double the value of the property, for the care and safe-keeping thereof and for the return of the same when required. Sec. 2, Id.

775d. Settlement of accounts between other bureaus of War Department, etc., and Medical Department. - Hereafter in the settlement of accounts between the appropriations of the Medical Department and those of any other branch of the Army service, or any bureau or office of the War Department, or any other executive department or establishment of the Government, payment thereof may be made by the proper disbursing officer of the Medical Department or of the branch of the Army service, office, bureau, department, or establishment concerned. Act of Mar. 4, 1915 (Pub. No. 292, 38 Stat. —).

776a. Hospital care Canal Zone garrison; rate of commutation of rations and appropriation from which payable. For paying the Panama Canal such reasonable charges, exclusive of subsistence, as may be approved by the Secretary of War for caring in its hospitals for officers, enlisted men, military prisoners, and civilian employees of the Army admitted thereto upon the request of proper military authority: Provided, That the subsistence of the said patients, except commissioned officers and acting dental surgeons, shall be paid to said hospitals out of the appropriation for subsistence of the Army at the rates provided therein for commutation of rations for enlisted patients in general hospitals. Act of Mar. 4, 1915 (Pub. No. 292, 38 Stat. -).

(For similar provision in deficiencies act, see Public No. 296, act of Mar. 4, 1915, 38 Stat. -.)

813a. Detail of majors for duty in. -That majors may be detailed in the Ordnance Department, under section twenty-six of the act approved February second, nineteen hundred and one, and acts amendatory thereof, without a compulsory period of service out of that department. Act of Feb. 24, 1915 (Pub. No. 251, 38 Stat. -).

825a. Public quarters Occupancy by ordnance officer of brick house at proving ground not occupancy of. - That hereafter the occupancy by such officers, providing themselves with quarters elsewhere, of one room in the building at the proving ground locally known as the brick house, shall not be construed as occupancy of public quarters within the meaning of this act and of the law authorizing allowance

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