FROM FEBRUARY 8, 1892, το APRIL 1, 1893. REPORTED BY CHARLES COWLES TUCKER AND WALTER C. CLEPHANE. VOLUME ΧΧΙ. BALTIMORE: M. CURLANDER, LAW BOOKSELLER, PUBLISHER AND IMPORTER, 1895. 20. NOTE. This volume completes the series of reports of cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. After the compilation of twelve volumes of the reports, I found that my professional engagements were such as to prevent my continuing the work; and at my suggestion it was entrusted to Mr. CHARLES COWLES TUCKER and Mr. WALTER C. CLEPHANE, who have prepared, and to whom the bar is indebted for this volume. This explanation is made at the request of the publisher. 1 FRANKLIN H. MACKEY. WASHINGTON D. C., March 22, 1895. OF THE Supreme Court of the District of Columbia DURING THE TIME OF THESE REPORTS. Chief Justice: HON. EDWARD F. BINGHAM. Associate Justices : HON. ALEXANDER B. HAGNER, HON. CHARLES P. JAMES,' HON. MARTIN V. MONTGOMERY,' HON. ANDREW C. BRADLEY, HON. LOUIS E. MCCOMAS,' 1 Retired December 1, 1892. * Resigned October 2, 1892. Installed November 22, 1892. 4 Installed February 11, 1893. Appointed Associate Justice, see 4. Installed February 11, 1893. 7 Resigned. Installed January 15, 1894. |