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" He will receive the simplified "screening test" and be examined by the board in formal proceedings for the purpose of determining whether he possesses the required moral and character qualifications. Whether the applicant has passed will be determined... "
Hearings - 17. lappuse
autors: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1942
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Additional Appropriations Incident to the National Defense, Fiscal Years ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1941 - 1178 lapas his community and a birth certificate or other documentary evidence of date of birth. He will he given a physical examination similar to that given...and. if successful, the applicant will be enlisted at mice, appointed an aviation cadet, and sent to one of the three Air Corps replacement training centers....
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U.S. Air Services, 27. sējums

1942 - 288 lapas
...purpose of determining whether he possesses the required moral and character qualifications. Whether the applicant has passed will be determined immediately...the Cadet Examining Board, and, if successful, the Republic Thunderbolts Dominate the Upper Air CLIMBING swiftly through the thin air and dead cold of...
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