Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]



[merged small][ocr errors]

258. Conference report on naval appropriation bill, 1922.

260. Conference report on bill to extend limitation of debt of P. I., etc.

261. Additional judge for district of Minnesota.

263. Incorporating Disabled American Veterans of World War.

264. Income tax returns of Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma.

266. Exportation of pulp wood from Canada to United States.

267. Postal service reclassification, etc.

268. To amend Revised statutes relative to contested election cases.*

272. Portland, Oreg., exposition, 1925.

275. Appropriations and expenditures for administration of Indian affairs.

276. Loan of tents, etc., to Eighty-eighth Division Association.

279. Development and administration of port of New York.

280. Providing for sundry matters affecting naval establishment.

282. To amend Federal farm loan act relative to farm loan bonds.*

283. Supplement to retirement law for Government employees.

284. Ratifying acts of Legislature of Hawaii granting franchises.

285. Chaplains of naval establishments.*

286. Land patents to certain persons in Hawaii.

288. Appeal from dismissal in civil service. 2 pts.

292. Relief of Isaac C. Johnson, jr.

293. Relief of Richard P. McCullough.

295. To advance Benjamin S. Berry to rank of major, Marine Corps.

298. Granting preference rights to claimants to public lands in Arkansas.

299. Federal jurisdiction over Hot Springs National Park.

307. Relief for homestead and desert-land settlers.

308. Adjustment of boundaries of Deschutes National Forest, Oreg.

309. Examination of persons brought before Juvenile Court, D. C.

311. To declare Lincoln's birthday legal holiday in D. C.

312. Apportionment of Representatives in Congress.

315. Relief of Ellis B. Miller.

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