COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS BEN NIGHTHORSE CAMPBELL, Colorado, Chairman DANIEL K. INOUYE, Hawaii, Vice Chairman JOHN MCCAIN, Arizona, JAMES M. INHOFE, Oklahoma KENT CONRAD, North Dakota PAUL MOOREHEAD, Majority Staff Director/Chief Counsel PATRICIA M. ZELL, Minority Staff Director/Chief Counsel (II) CONTENTS Page Davis-Wheeler, Julia, chairperson, National Indian Health Board Grim, M.D., Charles, interim director, Indian Health Service, Department INDIAN HEALTH CARE IMPROVEMENT ACT REAUTHORIZATION OF 2003 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2003 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS, The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m. in room 485, Senate Russell Building, Hon. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (chairman of the committee) presiding. Present: Senators Campbell, Inouye, and Murkowski. STATEMENT OF HON. BEN NIGHTHORSE CAMPBELL, U.S. SENATOR FROM COLORADO, CHAIRMAN, COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS The CHAIRMAN. The committee will be in session. Good morning and welcome to the Committee on Indian Affairs hearing on Secretary Thompson's proposed reorganization of the Department of Health and Human Services. This proposal, known as the One-HHS Initiative, is being vigorously debated on Capitol Hill, in Indian Country and elsewhere. Today, we will hear how the One-HHS Initiative will impact health delivery to Native people. We are focusing on this One-HHS Initiative today, but in a sense this hearing is the first in a series this committee will be holding on legislation to reauthorize and extend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act that I introduced, along with my friends and colleagues Senator Inouye and Senator McCain. Effort to consolidate Federal programs are not new and at times have proven very successful, such as the employment and training program known as the 477 Program. We are trying to achieve the same success with alcohol, drug and mental health programs, and will hold a hearing on that bill next week. Nevertheless, the Tribes have expressed concerns with the One-HHS proposal, and today we will hear about some of those concerns. [Text of S. 556 follows:] (1) To amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to revise and extend that Act. II IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES MARCH 6, 2003 Mr. CAMPBELL (for himself, Mr. INOUYE, and Mr. MCCAIN) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs A BILL To amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to revise and extend that Act. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. 4 (a) SHORT TITLE. - This Act may be cited as the 5 "Indian Health Care Improvement Act Reauthorization of 6 2003". 7 (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS. - The table of contents for 8 this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title. TITLE I-REAUTHORIZATION AND REVISIONS OF THE INDIAN |