Lapas attēli

represented by Themselves; signed by the President of the Council and
Speaker of the House of Burgesses. To which is added a Vindication
of the said Representation. London: for J. Roberts, 1733.
contemporary marginal annotations and underlinings, FINE UNCUT
COPY, calf, antique style, by Zaehnsdorf, £10 10s

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On the title is a MS. note in the same hand as the marginal notes : Supposed
writ by Randolf." The rare petition of the Planters against excessive overhead charges
of the merchants, and asking that tobacco may be placed in bonded warehouses to
prevent fraud.


4 AMERICA. THE CANADIAN EXPEDITION OF 1709. Official transcript
of entries made in the minute book of the joint Councils of New York,
New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, held at Fort Anne, in
New York, from 18 May to 25 June, 1709. MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER,
9 pages, folio, relating to the forthcoming expedition against Canada,
containing, inter alia, the memorial of Col. Sam. Vetch to Col. Richard
Ingoldsby, Lieut.-Gov. of the provinces of New York and New Jersey;
the Hon. G. Saltinstall, Gov. of Connecticut; and the Hon. Col. Charles
Gooking, Lieut.-Gov. of Pennsylvania. Lists of members present at
the different council meetings held at Fort Anne and elsewhere, inclu-
ding many notable American names; the appointment of Col. F.
Nicholson to be Commander-in-chief of the land forces employed in
the expedition, with Col. Peter Schuyler in command of the five Nations
of Indians and other Indians in league with her Majesties Provinces of
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Colony of Connecticut,
"intended to go in this Land Expedition against Canada
being Impracticable to form them into any Regular Body or Incorporate
them in the Christian Forces to be sent from the Provinces aforesaid
or to be under any Regular Rule or Discipline of War Agreed
that a Commission be drawn for Col. Schuyler to Command the
Indians." It is agreed that the Force sent from New York in this
Expedition be formed into two Regiments, the Regiments of Connec-
ticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania be formed into Companies, each
Company to consist of 50 men as near as can be, It is agreed that
the Articles of War produced at this Board REPRINTED BY WILLM.
BRADFORD IN NEW YORK 1709 are to be the Articles by which the body
of men under the Command of the Hon. Col. Francis Nicholson is to
be governed." Approval of Nicholson's and other appointments from
the Council and Assembly of Massachussetts, dated Boston, 13 June,
from the Council of New Hampshire, Portsmouth, 16 June, and
Connecticut, New Haven, 9 June, &c., &c., £25

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* Col. Sir F. Nicholson (knighted 1720) was one of the most prominent men of affairs
in North America from 1686 until his final return to England in June, 1725, and all
matter relating to him is of great American and Canadian interest. In 1686 he was
appointed Lieut.-Gov. of all the Colonies north of Chesapeake Bay. He was appointed
Lieut. Gov. of Virginia in 1690, Governor of Maryland in Jan., 1694. In 1698 he returned
to Virginia as Governor, but was recalled in April, 1705. In 1709 he and Col. Vetch were
placed in joint command of a force-partly English, partly to be supplied by the Colonists-
which was to attack Canada. Nicholson, in command of 1,500 men, advanced from Albany
along the Hudson to Wood Creek, near Lake Champlain. There he was delayed, waiting
for an English fleet to arrive at Boston. Sickness seized on the camp, the force melted
away, and the expedition was a total failure. It is to this expedition the manuscript
described above relates. In 1710 he was in command of the land forces at the siege of
Port Royal and capture of Acadia. In 1711 the operations against Canada were resumed,
and Nicholson again advanced as far as Wood Creek, but with no better success than in
1709. In 1713 he became Governor of Acadia, and in 1719 of South Carolina, which
governorship he held until his death in 1728.

Resolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their
Instructions to their Representatives in Assembly. Philadelphia:
Printed and Sold, by William and Thomas Bradford, at the London
Coffee-House, 1774. 8vo., mottled calf, £8 88

* A rare tract in relation to the events which led to the War of Independence, from
the press of a notable firm of Philadelphian printers. Contains extract from the Minutes
of the Committee, 16-21 July, 1774, list of the deputies of Pennsylvania present at the
meeting, their 16 resolves, and Dickinson's able essay upon the treatment of the Americans
by Great Britain.

6 AMERICA. CANADIAN EXPEDITION OF 1709. Contemporary manu-
script official copy of the Memorial of the Hon. Col. Richard
Ingoldesby, Lieut.-Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Provinces
of New York, &c., and her Majties Council of the said Province,
I page, folio, dated New York, 4 July, 1709, "Entered with the
minutes of Council," to the Hon. Col. Samuel Vetch, Adjutant Gen.
of her Majties Forces, "All the Fuzees that were in her Majties
Garrison here, besides several other arms have been distributed to the
Forces that were going from this and the neighbouring Colonies on the
Land Expedition to Canada, whereby this Garrison is at present
destitute of any arms except such as are unserviceable, which causes a
great deal of uneasiness to the Inhabitants of this Province and being
informed that in the Fleet expected from Great Britain for the Reduc-
tion of Canada, there is a considerable quantity of spare arms, we
desire you will send five or six hundred good serviceable Fuzees from
Boston, for a new supply to remain in store in the Garrison aforesaid,"
signed Francis Nicholson, Rich: Ingoldesby, Rip Van Dam, Tho:
Wenham, John Barbarie, A: Philippes, and D: Provoost.

COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL, to view and set a price upon arms to be
bought from Mr. Cockerell and Capt. Congreves, of New York, to
supply the want in the magazine of New York and report thereupon,
dated Fort Ann, 22 May, 1709, 2 pages, folio, signed Rich. Ingoldesby,
£8 88

* The committee of inspection consisted of Col. Peter Schuyler, Killian Van Ranslaer,
Mr. Johannis Johnson, Mr. Myndert Schuyler, Capt. Peter Mathews, and Capt. James
Abercrombie, or any three of them. The committee reported 42 arms at Mr. Cockerell's
and 150 very good muskets at Capt. Congreves', for which the Council agreed to pay
£2 5s. each.

from its beginning to the Present Time, in two parts. Part I., con-
taining from April 2, 1755, to the End of 1760. Part II., from the
Beginning of 1761 to the Signing of the Preliminaries of Peace. With
an Introductory Preface to each Part
Oxford, Clarendon Press,

1763. 8vo., fine copy, contemporary calf gilt, £6

* Contains notices of the French taking Fort Logs-town on the Ohio, a fort on the
Monongahela; defeat of a French party by Washington; how M. de Villiers obliged
Washington to surrender Fort-Necessity; battles near Fort Duquesne, Lake George,
Montmorenci and Heights of Abraham (Quebec); naval fight off Louisburg; accounts of
Fortresses besieged, taken, relieved, or evacuated, including Beausejour, Gasperan, St.
John, Bull Fort, Oswego, Louisburg, Ticonderoga, Niagara, Crown Point, Quebec,
Montreal, &c.; expedition against the Cherokee Indians; the capture of St. John's, New-
foundland, by the French, and its recapture, &c. Also accounts of the war in Europe,
the East Indies and Africa.

8 AMERICA. GEORGIA. HALES (STEPHEN, Minister of Teddington) A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE TRUSTEES FOR ESTABLISHING THE COLONY OF GEORGIA IN AMERICA; and before the Associates of the late Rev. Dr. Thomas Bray, for converting the Negroes in the British Plantations, and for other good Purposes. At their Anniversary Meeting in St. Brides, Fleet-Street, 21 March, 1734. To which is annexed the General Account for one whole Year, from 9 June, 1733, to 9 June, 1734. London, T. Woodward, 1734. 4to., flaw in title done in printing and injuring one letter, top margin of title foxed, but a fine large copy, mottled calf, antique style, £10 10s

* One of the earliest and rarest tracts relating to the foundation of the colony of Georgia. The Appendix, pp. 17-62, is of special interest, as it contains the detailed General Account of all Monies and Effects received and expended by the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America."


9 AMERICA. -ACTS AND LAWS OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, IN AMERICA. New-London: Printed by Timothy Green, Printer to the Governor and Company of the State of Connecticut, 1784. Sm. folio, State arms on title, defect in margin of liz affecting 2 letters of side note, library stamp on blank of last page, foxed in places, FINE LARGE COPY, original sheep, padded at end with blank paper, lettering labels of later date, £15 15s

* Only 17 copies, besides the present one, located, all of them in public, state, or college libraries. A fine copy of the second edition of the Connecticut Laws and particularly interesting as the first containing the laws passed just after the conclusion of the revolutionary war. The Articles of Confederation and perpetual union between the States of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New-York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, NorthCarolina, South-Carolina and Georgia, include Article XI. with the remarkable clause: Canada acceeding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of the united states, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this union: but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine states. Among other interesting acts are those relating to the incorporating of part of the towns of New-Haven and New-London. Contains, also, acts relating to the Indians, Slaves, Quakers, usury, tobacco, fisheries, gaming, horse-racing, &c.

10 AMERICA. NEW JERSEY AND THEIR GOVERNOR, EDWARD HYDE, LORD CORNBURY. Document on paper signed by order of the House " Samll. Jonings Speaker," 3 pages, folio, dated 5 May, 1707, recounting under 7 heads the grievances under which the Province of New Jersey suffered under the Governorship of Lord Cornbury. Addressed to him personally by the House of Representatives of New Jersey:

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These Governour are some of ye grievances this province complains of and which their Representatives desire may be redrest, but there are others of an higher nature," which we cannot be just to the Governor, ourselves, or our country, should we conceal them." Then follows a long statement of grievances in relation to election of Assemblymen, bribes to the Governor, &c., ending: We conclude by advising ye Governor to consider what it is that principally engages ye affections of a people and he will find no other artifice needful then to let them be unmolested in ye enjoyment of what belongs to them of Right, and a wise man that dispises not his own happyness will earnestly labour to regain their love," £8 88

* A very important New Jersey document, exhibiting the great discontent of the colony with their governor. Lord Cornbury, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, was made Governor of New York and New Jersey, where he arrived 3 May, 1703. He was rapacious and bigoted to such a degree as to have left the memory of the worst governor ever appointed to those colonies. He was recalled for numerous malpractices and misappropriations 23 March, 1708.


II AMERICA. - NEWFOUNDLAND. The way and manner that St. Johns was taken according to ye best information could get of both French and English." MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER, 51⁄2 pages, sm. 4to., endorsed "Attack and surrender of the fort at St. Johns, Newfoundland, papers by Capt. Pickering, 1 June, 1709." ACCOMPANIED BY THE ARTICLES OF RANSOM, 9 in number, agreed upon between the inhabitants of St. Johns and Mon. Ovide De Broueland, Lieut.-Governor of Placentia, and Commander of the forts of St. Johns and the harbours adjacent, manuscript on paper, 2 pages, folio; ALSO THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT MEMORIAL OF CAPT. HENRY EDWARDS, OF NEWFOUNDLAND, to Col. Vetch, 1 pages, 4to., "Whereas you are pleased to desire me to give you an account in writing of ye force of the English in these parts I do therefore assure you that had I a Comission to Impower me and a good Sloope Vessel to attend me I could raise in three weeks time (at Most) eight hundred good men who would be willing to goe and attaque Plessentia which place I likewise very well know," &c., £30

* Three very interesting and valuable documents in connection with the capture of Newfoundland by the French at the end of 1708, which is almost entirely unmentioned in printed histories, even including the Cambridge Modern History. Newfoundland was not given back to the English until the peace of Utrecht in 1713 Capt. Pickering gives a detailed account of the taking of Fort William in St. Johns by 150 French in the early hours of the morning of 21 Dec., 1708. Capt. Edwards was selected by Capt. Pickering in accordance with his instructions to go back with him to Col. Vetch best Acquainted both at St. Johns and Plessentia.


12 AMERICA. -HACKE (CAPT. WILLIAM) A COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL VOYAGES, containing: I., Capt. Cowley's Voyage round the Globe. II., Captain Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, and Expedition into the South Seas, written by himself. III., Capt. Wood's Voyage thro' the Streights of Magellan. IV., Mr. Roberts's Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant Taking of Scio, &c. London, James Knapton, 1699. 8vo., with 3 folding maps, one showing the course of Capt. Cowley's Voyage, and 3 plates, fine copy, contemporary calf, worn, with early armorial bookplate of William, Lord North, dated 1703, VERY SCARCE, £6 10s


13 AMERICA. EXPEDITION AGAINST PORT ROYAL. Original official manuscript copy on paper of a Memorial to the Board of Ordnance, 1 pages, folio, dated Boston, 24 Oct., 1709, from Joseph Dudley, Governor of Massachusetts Bay, and Colonels F. Nicholson and S. Vetch, “Her Majesty having on 1 July 1709, directed an Expedition to be undertaken against some of the Parts of Nova Scotia, and particularly Port Royal, if we think the same practicable, with the Troops and Preparations we had made for the Grand Expedition against Canada," &c. Accompanied by a contemporary manuscript copy of a letter to the Earl of Sunderland, dated 17 Jan., 1709-10, relating to the 11 Bombardiers and 80 Matrosses in New England and their yearly cost, estimated at £2,381 3s. 6d., and a note dated Office of Ordnance, 14 Feb., 1709-10, from C. Lister to S. Pringle, relating to the same matter, £888

* The expedition against Port Royal duly took place in 1710, and on 16 Oct. in that year Col. Vetch took possession of the place and became, in accordance with the Queen's instructions, first Governor of the fort, which he re-named Annapolis Royal, and of the country of Acadia and Nova Scotia. The Canadian expedition took place in 1711, but like that of 1709, was a failure.

14 AMERICA. - HARTLIB (S.) THE REFORMED COMMON-WEALTH OF BEES. Presented in severall Letters and Observations to Sammuel (sic) Hartlib, Esq. WITH THE REFORMED VIRGINIAN SILK-WORM. Containing many Excellent and Choice Secrets, Experiments, and Discoveries for attaining of National and Private Profits and Riches. London, Printed for Giles Calvert at the Black-Spread-Eagle at the West-end of Pauls, 1655. Two parts in I vol., sm. 4to., woodcuts of hives on pp. 8 and 14, and on p. 52 a copperplate engraving of a transparent bee-hive illustrating a contribution by Sir Christopher Wren, stain on first 3 leaves of Part I., and top blank margin of I 5 restored; lower blank margin of signature B in Part II. restored (no text touched), and 4 letters of the side note on verso of B 3 shaved, BUT A FINE LARGE COPY, straight-grained green morocco extra, arms on sides, g.e., by F. Bedford, £52 108

* A volume of great rarity, hardly ever found with both parts complete, and nearly always has the side notes in Part II. cut into. Neither the Ashburnham, Amherst, Hoe, or Huth collections contained a copy. The second part has a separate title (see illustration), pagination and signatures, and contains on pp. 33 to 38 A LONG AND IMPORTANT POEM, To the Admiration of this our Old World, to the exultation and glory of incomparable Virginia in the New," NAMING IN TERMS OF PRAISE MANY OF THE PROMINENT VIRGINIAN PLANTFPS OF THE DAY, including William Wright of Namsamond, Sir H. Chichly, Col. Ludlow, Col. Bernard, Major John Westrope, George Lobs-" that prudent old Planter "-Mistress Garrett, Mistress Mary Ward, and Esquire Diggs-" Upon the arrivall of his two Armenians out of Turky in Virginia." Ends with an amusing disparagement of GROWING TOBACCO IN COMPARISON WITH SILK IN VIRGINIA, AND HAS OTHER INTERESTING REFERENCES TO TOBACCO GROWING, one of which, on p. 27, ends, "You wear out your selves with, in toyling about that contemptible, beggarly Indian Weed." The first part has a number of interesting details respecting New England, Newfoundland, and the Summer Islands, and ends with a leaf containing a review of the works of some English writers on Bees up to 1637. A side note on p. 14 of Part II. states: "Sir Francis Drake was An. 1577 in a Westerly sea one the back of Virginia, in 37 degrees in opposite to the head of James Town in Virginia and he sailed from that Countrey which he called Nova Albion, in an open Sea to the Molocos and China," &c.

[See Illustration.]


15 AMERICA.- [THOMSON (C.)] AN ENQUIRY INTO THE CAUSES OF THE ALIENATION OF THE DELAWARE AND SHAWANESE INDIANS FROM THE BRITISH INTEREST, and into the Measures taken for recovering their Friendship. Extracted from the Public Treaties, and other Authentic Papers relating to the Transactions of the Government of Pensilvania and the said Indians, for near Forty Years, and explained by a Map of the Country. Together with THE REMARKABLE JOURNAL OF CHRISTIAN FREDERIC POST, by whose Negotiations among the Indians on the Ohio they were withdrawn from the Interest of the French, who thereupon abandoned the Fort and Country. With Notes by the Editor explaining sundry Indian Customs, &c. Written in Pensylvania. London, J. Wilkie, 1759. 8vo., WITH THE RARE FOLDING MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA, showing the Indian purchases made by the Proprietaries of the Province (portion cut off at foot), flaw in paper of p. 103, injuring a letter, FINE LARGE COPY, contemporary calf, £15 158

* Not only a rare but a very important work, in which Thomson fully analyses the cause of the alienation of the Indians, which the heroic Quaker, Christian Post, hazarded his life to successfully overcome. For a long and interesting account of this work see Field.

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