Catalogue of maunscripts and rare books, 251. izdevums;257. izdevums;260. izdevums |
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Catalogue of maunscripts and rare books Myers & co., booksellers, London Priekšskatījums nav pieejams |
Catalogue of maunscripts and rare books, 274. izdevums Myers & co., booksellers, London Priekšskatījums nav pieejams - 1930 |
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AMERICA Anno Anno Domini back gilt beautiful Ben Jonson binding black letter blank leaf blank margin bookplate border to title BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS British Museum calf extra Charles Collation colophon COLOURED AQUATINT containing dated Dedicated device on title Earl Elizabeth England English engraved title EXTREMELY RARE famous FINE LARGE COPY folio French full-page George gilt in compartments gothic letter half calf Henry VIII Humphrey Moseley ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT Imprinted at London inside borders interesting John John Uvedale King Lambarde LARGE COPY large woodcut Latin leaf leaves levant levant morocco Library London long lines Lord Majesties manuscript Marrick MEZZOTINT morocco extra mottled calf old calf original ornamental woodcut paper Paris poem portrait present copy preserved Printed printer's device printer's ornaments Queen rebacked RED MOROCCO remarkable Richard separate title Shakespeare sides signature signed Thomas tooled in gold Translated vellum verse verso vols William woodcut border woodcut initials written
Populāri fragmenti
4. lappuse - Canada, acceding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union. But no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine states.
59. lappuse - THE ROOTS OF THE MOUNTAINS, wherein is told somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale, their Friends, their Neighbours, their Foemen, and their Fellows-in-Arms.
11. lappuse - The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments ' and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England, together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches ; and the form or manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests, and deacons.
2. lappuse - The case of the planters of tobacco in Virginia, as represented by themselves; signed by the president of the Council, and speaker of the House of Burgesses.
7. lappuse - The True Sentiments of America contained in a Collection of Letters sent from the House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay to several persons of high rank in this kingdom. Together with certain papers relating to a supposed Libel on the Governor of that Province and a Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law (London, 1768).
50. lappuse - Wherein are conteined the delights that Wit followeth in his youth, by the pleasantnesse of loue, and the happinesse he reapeth in age by the perfectnesse of Wisedome.
58. lappuse - Chirurgery : which being well applied, bring such present remedie for all diseases, as may seeme altogether incredible : notwithstanding by practice found out to be true. Also the portrature of the said Hearbs, verie aptly described : Englished by John Frampton Marchant. Newly corrected as by conference with the olde copies may appeare.
35. lappuse - The pleasauntest workes of George Gascoigne Esquyre: Newlye compyled into one Volume, That is to say: His Flowers, Hearbes, Weedes, the Fruites of warre, the Comedie called Supposes, the Tragedie of Jocasta, the Steele glasse, the Complaint of Phylomene, the Storie of Ferdinando Jeronimi, and the pleasure at Kenelworth Castle.
45. lappuse - Eighth, by the Grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.