Purpose. This compilation and analysis of laws was prepared
as a part of an investigation of public utility regulation begun in
February, 1912. The Department on Regulation of Interstate and
Municipal Utilities of The National Civic Federation, organized to
conduct the investigation, was confronted with the necessity of
having in usable form existing statutory enactments. The organ-
ization of the department included an Executive Council, or board of
directors, each member of which represented a subcommittee with a
membership of from a half dozen to 15 or more. The actual drafting of
a report was referred in the first instance to the several subcommittees.
To present the statutory situation on their particular subjects to the
membership of each of the subcommittees required the printing of
the statutes when compiled and analyzed by the investigating staff.
Recognizing the value to attorneys, operating officials of public
utilities and the public generally of the material thus necessarily
prepared for committee use, the Council authorized the preparation
of a volume containing all of the statutory material so gathered and
analyzed, suitably cross-referenced and indexed for general use.
While the special purpose for which it was prepared originally has
tended throughout to narrow the scope of the compilation and
analysis of laws, the ultimate value of the work to the public has
prompted liberal treatment of most topics.
Manner of Preparation. The preparation of this volume re-