Hearings Before and Special Reports Made by Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives on Subjects Affecting the Naval and Military Establishments

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U.S. Government Printing Office

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5656. lappuse - This statement is submitted on behalf of the American Life Convention and the Life Insurance Association of America.
5032. lappuse - ... determined to be necessary in the public interest during the period of a national emergency declared by the President or by the Congress...
5258. lappuse - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1 of the Act of July 31, 1947 (61 Stat.
5406. lappuse - Now, if there are any questions I will be glad to answer them.
5258. lappuse - Provided, That none of the money appropriated in this Act shall be used for the purchase of oleomargarine or butter substitutes for other than cooking purposes, except to supply an expressed preference therefor or for use where climatic or other conditions render the use of butter impracticable.
5075. lappuse - ... the supplies or services are to be procured and used outside the limits of the United States and its possessions...
5076. lappuse - ... or have not been independently arrived at in open competition : Provided, That no negotiated purchase or contract may be entered into under this paragraph after the rejection of all bids...
5143. lappuse - In any case in which a small-business concern or group of such concerns has been certified by or under the authority of the Administration to be a competent Government contractor with respect to capacity and credit as to a specific Government procurement contract, the officers of the Government having procurement powers are directed to accept such certification as conclusive, and are authorized to let such Government procurement contract to such concern or group of concerns without requiring it to...
5032. lappuse - All purchases and contracts for supplies and services shall be made by advertising, as provided in section 3, except that such purchases and contracts may be negotiated by the agency head without advertising...
5235. lappuse - ... shall be delegable only to a chief officer responsible for procurement and only with respect to contracts which will not require the expenditure of more than $25,000.

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