Reauthorize the Indian Health Care Improvement Act: Hearing Before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Second Session, on ....

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387. lappuse - ... is a member of a tribe, band, or other organized group of Indians, including those tribes, bands, or groups terminated since 1940 and those recognized now or in the future by the State in which they reside, or who is a descendant, in the first or second degree, of any such member, or (2) is...
18. lappuse - Indian tribes, tribal organiza2 (ions, and urban Indian organizations to prioritize the uti3 lization of funds provided under this title within the serv4 ice area. 5 "(c) REALLOCATION. — Unless specifically prohibited, 6 an area office may reallocate funds provided to the office 7 under this title among the programs authorized by this 8 title, except that scholarship and loan repayment funds 9 shall not be used for administrative functions or expenses. 10 "(d) LIMITATION. — This section shall...
274. lappuse - California treatment net12 works. 13 "(2) FUNDING. — For the purpose of staffing 14 and operating centers or facilities under this sub15 section, funding shall be made available pursuant to 16 the Act of November 2, 1921 (25 USC 13) (com17 monly known as the Snyder Act). 18 "(3) LOCATION. — A youth treatment center 19 constructed or purchased under this subsection shall 20 be constructed or purchased at a location within the 21 area described in paragraph (1) that is agreed upon 22 (by appropriate...
42. lappuse - Any individual so employed shall receive payment 5 for his or her services comparable to the salary he or she 6 would receive if he or she were employed in the competitive 7 system.
387. lappuse - Indian" means any individual who (1) is a member of a tribe, band, or other organized group of Indians, including those tribes, bands, or . groups terminated since 1940 and those recognized now or in the future by the State in which they reside, or who is a descendant, in the first or second degree, of any such member, or...
16. lappuse - urban cen20 ter' means any community that has a sufficient 21 urban Indian population with unmet health needs to 22 warrant assistance under title V, as determined by 23 the Secretary. 15 1 "(22) URBAN INDIAN. — The term 'urban In2 dian' means any individual who resides in an urban 3 center and who — 4 "(A) regardless of whether such individual 5 lives on or near a reservation, is a member of 6 a tribe, band or other organized group of Indi7 ans, including those tribes, bands or groups ter8...
284. lappuse - Funding provided pursu4 ant to this section shall be used to — 5 "(A) develop and provide community and 6 in-school training, education, and prevention 7 programs relating to fetal alcohol disorders; 8 "(B) identify and provide behavioral health 9 treatment to high-risk women; 10 "(C) identify and provide appropriate...
14. lappuse - service unit' 14 means — 15 "(A) an administrative entity within the 16 Indian Health Service; or 17 "(B) a tribe or tribal organization operat18 ing health care programs or facilities with funds 19 from the Service under the Indian Self-Deter20 mination and Education Assistance Act, 21 through which services are provided, directly or 22 by contract, to the eligible Indian population 23 within a defined geographic area. 24 "(18) TRADITIONAL HEALTH CARE PRAC25 TICES. — The term 'traditional health...
90. lappuse - The alloca9 tion of such positions shall be subject to the provi10 sions of section 102(a). 11 "(2) IMPLEMENTATION. — The plan developed 12 under paragraph (1) shall be implemented under the 13 Act of November 2, 1921 (25 USC 13) (commonly 14 know as the 'Snyder Act'). 1 5 "SEC. 128. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. 16 "There are authorized to be appropriated such sums 17 as may be necessary for each fiscal year through fiscal 1 8 year 2012 to carry out this title.
152. lappuse - ... ovated in whole or in part by funds made available pursu7 ant to this title are exempt from the Act of March 3, 1931 8 (40 USC 276a— 276a-5, known as the Davis-Bacon 9 Act). For all health facilities, staff quarters and sanitation 10 facilities, construction and renovation subcontractors shall...

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