Section 103.22(e) NOTE: The examiner should determine if the bank has any CENTRALIZED LIST OF EXEMPT CUSTOMERS The regulation requires the bank to maintain a centralized list of exempt customers. There is nothing to prohibit the bank from keeping a list for each branch at the respective branches as long as one central "master" list is maintained. Banks should be encouraged where practicable to designate one person, preferably an officer, to collect, review and file the reports for all offices and keep the copies in a central location. This will aid in internal control and auditing and will indicate to the reviewer which customer may be making large cash deposits at more than one office. This will also aid in the uniformity of the reports and the timely filing of the reports. CITING VIOLATIONS When citing an apparent violation, the following information When discussing the findings of the examination with bank manage ment, the examiner should be careful not to tell management or lead them to believe that if they correct the deficiences and violations they will eliminate the possiblility of civil money penalties for past violations. That decision is left to the Treasury Department. Comments to the effect that violations appear to lack willfulness or criminality should not be included in the report. Conclusions such as this cannot always be supported without further investigation and should only be made by the Treasury Department. On the other hand, examiners should recommend civil money penalties where circumstances warrant. Recommendations for penalties must be supported by facts, not opinions. NOTE: Whenever a bank has failed to file a required Currency NOTE: If repeat violations of the regulations are noted, the report should include a brief explanation of the seriousness of and reasons for continued noncompliance. For example, if random, isolated violations resulted from minor deficiencies in the bank's procedures, procedural changes should be recommended to insure future compliance. However, where there appears to be a pattern or practice resulting in numerous exceptions where these exceptions are not sufficiently explained and may reflect willful or negligent disregard for the regulations, consideration should be given to the inclusion of a recommendation for civil money penalties in the report. REPORTING OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION OF CURRENCY OR MONETARY INSTRUMENTS Through observation or interview, the examiner should determine whether the bank has engaged in any transactions covered by Section 103.23 of the regulations. If so, the examiner should review copies of Form 4790 (Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments) filed by the bank since the last examination. Section NOTE: A bank is not required to file a Form 4790 if it receives Section 103.33(a) Reports (Form 4790) should be reviewed for completeness and accuracy. Relevant bank records should be reviewed to insure that reports have been filed for all applicable transactions. NOTE: A check payable to a named person is not a monetary instrument for the purpose of the Regulations unless it has been endorsed and is in bearer form at the time it is transported across the border. RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS A copy of the bank's records retention schedule should be rereviewed to determine whether it meets at least the minimum requirements of Sections 103.33 and 103.34 of the regulations. Some of the items could be spot-checked to see if the schedule is being followed. NOTE: Many banks use remote storage facilities for storage PURPOSE OF LOANS A random sample of loans over $5,000, not secured by an interest in real property made since the last examination, should be reviewed for the following information: 2. Ledger cards (if applicable); 3. Other deposit account records such as checks, deposit The examiner should ascertain whether or not the bank has Legal Memorandum 8-24-78 The examiner should obtain the bank's list of customers NOTE: The Regulations do not specifically require the COMPLETION OF THE COMPLIANCE REPORT FDIC Form 6500/54 is designed in a such manner that an affir- FDIC Form 6601/23 should be appropriately headed and used to The suggested format for presenting the information is as follows: Describe the bank's training program and communication Describe the internal audit function. Indicate whether or not 1. Periodic spot checks of deposit, cash, or withdrawal 3. periodic review of cash control records and tracing Indicate whether procedures are adequate to insure that all covered transactions are properly reported; and Indicate the scope of the examination and the extent of any reviews conducted by the examiner. The examiner should comment on any inadequacies detected in the bank's system for insuring compliance. The examiner's comments should, if applicable, include the following: the apparent reasons for any violations; a reference to any similar violations at previous exami- an estimate of the extent of noncompliance. Violations of the regulations should be promptly brought to the attention of the bank's management and correction of the violations should be sought. Where the examiner is unable to obtain a commitment for compliance; or where flagrant violations of the currency transaction reporting requirements have occurred, the examiner should immediately report the patter to his supervisor. Currency Transaction Reports provide a vital source of information to the law enforcement authorities and close attention to this matter is essential. TRANSMITTAL LETTER Major deficiencies or noncompliance with the Treasury regu- WILLFUL OR DELIBERATE NONCOMPLIANCE In cases of willful or deliberate violations of Treasury regu- NOTE: It is important to be able to distinguish between will- |