LAWS OF THE TERRITORY OF IDAHO, JIBRARY THIRD SESSION: CONVENED ON THE FOURTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1865, AND AD- AT BOISE CITY. CONTAINING ALSO THE TERRITORIAL ORGANIC ACT, DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, THE FEDERAL CON. Ordix 1591 BOISE CITY: FRANK KENYON, TERRITORIAL PRINTER. 1866. Gril 14.1925. 56524. B. CERTIFICATE. TERRITORY OF IDAHO, SECRETARY'S OFFICE, HEREBY CERTIFY that the Laws contained in this printed volume are true and literal copies of the enrolled Laws passed by the Third Legislative Assembly, held during the months of December and January, Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-Five and Six, on file in my Office. TERRITORY O IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Territory. Done at Boise City this first day of May, A. D. 1866. HORACE C. GILSON, SECRETARY OF IDAHO. |