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" That nothing in this part shall empower the Commission to prescribe, or in any manner regulate, the rate, fare, or charge for intrastate transportation, or for any service connected therewith, for the purpose of removing discrimination against interstate... "
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Problem: Hearings Before the Committee ... - 154. lappuse
autors: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1953 - 176 lapas
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Regulation of Motor Carrier Transportation: Hearings Before the Committee on ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate Commerce - 1932 - 798 lapas
...the furnishing of service at less than operatic cost: And provided further, That nothing in this Act shall empower the commission to prescribe, or in any manner regulate, the rate, fare, or charge f"f intrastate transportation, or for any service connected therewith, for the purpose of removing...
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Regulation of Interstate Motor Busses and Trucks on Public Highways. Hearing ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1934 - 470 lapas the end of line 2 on page 28 be revised to read as follows : "Provided, That nothing in this act shall empower the Commission to prescribe, or in any...transportation, or for any service connected therewith, except where and to the extent necessary to remove an unjust discrimination against interstate or foreign...
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Regulation of Interstate Motor Busses and Trucks on Public Highways: Hearing ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1934 - 528 lapas the end of line 2 on page 28 be revised to read as follows : "Provided. That nothing in this act shall empower the Commission to prescribe, or in any...transportation, or for any service connected therewith, except where and to the extent necessary to remove an unjust discrimination against interstate or foreign...
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Regulation of Interstate Motor Carriers. Hearing Before a Subcommittee ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1935 - 484 lapas
...thereof, on page 38 of the printed bill, the following : " Provided, however, That nothing in this act shall empower the Commission to prescribe, or in any manner regulate the rate, fare, or charge from intrastate transportation, or for any service connected therewith, for the purpose of removing...
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Regulation of Interstate Motor Carriers: Hearing Before a Subcommittee on ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1935 - 462 lapas
...thereof, on page 38 of the printed bill, the following : " Provided, However, That nothing in this act shall empower the Commission to prescribe, or in any manner regulate the rate, fare, or charge from intrastate transportation, or for any service connected therewith, for the purpose of removing...
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Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935: Hearings, April 16 to 29, 1935

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate Commerce - 1935 - 1164 lapas
...public utility which is applicable only to intrastate service or to service in local distribution, for the purpose of removing discrimination against interstate commerce or for any purpose whatever." Amend section 202 (a), beginning on page 104, to read as follows: "SECTION 202 (a)...
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Regulation of Transportation of Passengers and Property by Aircraft ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate Commerce - 1937 - 802 lapas
...word "effective", on page 25, in line 16, the following : Provided, however, That nothing in this part shall empower the Commission to prescribe, or in any...interstate commerce or for any other purpose whatever. This language which we ask to have inserted is taken verbatim from the Motor Carrier Act, section 216...
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Aviation: Hearings, Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1937 - 464 lapas
...the word "effective" in line 5 the following proviso : Provided, however, That nothing in this part shall empower the Commission to prescribe, or in any...interstate commerce or for any other purpose whatever. This language is taken without change from section 216 (e) of the motor carrier act of 1935. Mr. CROSSER...
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Regulation of Transportation of Passengers and Property by Aircraft ...

United States. U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate Commerce - 1937 - 806 lapas
...word "effective", on page 25, in line 16, the following : Provided, however, That nothing in this part shall empower the Commission to prescribe, or in any...interstate commerce or for any other purpose whatever. This language which we ask to have inserted is taken verbatim from the Motor Carrier Act, section 216...
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Interstate Commerce Commission Reports: Motor carrier cases, 86. sējums

United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1965 - 922 lapas
...highways thereof." And the concluding proviso of section 216 (e) states: That nothing in this part shall empower the Commission to prescribe, or in any...interstate commerce or for any other purpose whatever. Since the proposed rules are limited to facilities operated in interstate commerce, or performing services...
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