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" ... the record. The CHAIRMAN. If there is no objection, that will be done. "
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Problem: Hearings Before the Committee ... - 151. lappuse
autors: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1953 - 176 lapas
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(Hearings) ...: 1906

United States. 59th Congress, 2d. session, 1906-1907 House. [from old catalog] - 1906 - 1010 lapas
...last week he left a letter or memorandum, which, without objection, I would be glad to have inserted in the record. The CHAIRMAN. If there is no objection that will be done. Now we will hear trom Mr. Martin, of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. He is here. STATEMENT...
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The Crisis at Panama

Lindon Wallace Bates - 1906 - 46 lapas
...committee will pass an order that the chairman be requested to apply for permission to have it printed." The Chairman: "If there is no objection, that will be done." The printed profile "No. 12" is photographed. It shows on being scaled as any engineer can verify for himself,...
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Revision of Copyright Laws: Hearings Before the Committees on Patents of the ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Patents - 1908 - 478 lapas
...form of section 31 of the Smoot bill, and I wish to submit that so that it may, if you please, go upon the record. The CHAIRMAN. If there is no objection, that will be put in the record. Mr. CLARKE. It is just one page of manuscript. Do you care to have it read? Representative...
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Investigation of the Department of the Interior and of the Bureau ..., 3. sējums

United States. Congress. Joint committee to investigate Interior dept. and Forestry service. [from old catalog] - 1910 - 918 lapas
...and other depositions have been taken since those were printed. I desire to have these made a part of the record. The CHAIRMAN. If there is no objection that will be done. Mr. BKANDEIS. Not at all, but I desire to call the attention of the chairman to the fact that the record...
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Investigation of the Department of the Interior and of the Bureau ..., 5. sējums

United States. Congress. Joint committee to investigate Interior dept. and Forest service. [from old catalog] - 1911 - 914 lapas
...and other depositions have been taken since these were printed. I desire to have these made a part of the record. The CHAIRMAN. If there is no objection that will be done. Mr. BRANDEIS. Not at all, but I desire to call the attention of the chairman to the fact that the record...
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Investigation of the Department of the Interior and of the Bureau of ...

United States. Congress. Joint committee to investigate Interior dept. and Forest service. [from old catalog] - 1911 - 1014 lapas
...these letters in reply ought to go together. Mr. JAMES. Let that letter be reprinted and these follow. The CHAIRMAN. If there is no objection, that will be done. The letter on page 2519 will be reprinted, together with this bunch of letters in response to it. It is the second...
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Foods Held in Cold Storage

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Manufactures - 1911 - 536 lapas
...cover every phase of this matter, and I would like that statement to go in as part of my testimony. The CHAIRMAN. If there is no objection, that will be done. (The statement referred to by Mr. Fowler is as follows :) STATEMENT FOB THE SALT WATEH FISH INDUSTRY SUBMITTED...
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Election of William Lorimer: Hearings Before a Committee of the ..., 1. sējums

United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee to Investigate the Election of William Lorimer - 1912 - 1094 lapas up at Superior some years ago. Senator JONES. I should like to have that affidavit read into the record. The CHAIRMAN. If there is no objection, that will be done. Senator KERN. Who was Mr. Hines's representative at Marquette? Mr. CULVER. As I say, a gentleman who...
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Exploration for and Disposition of Oil, Gas Etc

1914 - 508 lapas
...this connection, I suppose the governor would like to insert this pamphlet, " What the West Wants, in the record ? The CHAIRMAN. If there is no objection, that will be inserted at this point. WHAT THE WEST WANTS. [Resolutions adopted unanimously by the third annual Conference...
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Motion Picture Commission, 1-2. sējumi

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education - 1914 - 244 lapas
...the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association. I ask that these be printed in the record, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. If there is no objection, that will be done. (The matter referred to is as follows:) MOVING PICTURES ABROAD. GERMANY. [Consul George Nicolas If ft, Nuremberg....
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