make such regulations from time to time as may be necessary to give force and effect to this section and to safeguard the revenue. SEC. 309. That upon all still wines, including 3. wines, tax on vermuth, and upon all champagne and other sparkling wines, liqueurs, cordials, artificial or imitation wines or compounds sold as wine, produced in or imported into the United States, and hereafter removed from the customhouse, place of manufacture, or from bonded premises for sale or consumption, there shall be levied and collected, in addition to the tax now imposed by law upon such articles, a tax equal to such tax, to be levied, collected, and paid under the provisions of existing law. tax SEC. 310. That upon all articles specified in Excess quantity section three hundred and nine upon which the tax now imposed by law has been paid and which are on the day this Act is passed held in excess of twenty-five gallons in the aggregate of such articles and intended for sale, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a tax equal to the tax imposed by such section. Grape brandy, SEC. 311. That upon all grape brandy or tax on wine spirits withdrawn by a producer of wines from any fruit distillery or special bonded warehouse under subdivision (c) of section four hundred and two of the Act entitled "An Act to increase the revenue, and for other purposes," approved September eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, there shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid in addition to the tax therein imposed, a tax equal to double such tax, to be assessed, collected, and paid under the provisions of existing law. SEC. 312. That upon all sweet wines held for sweet wines, sale by the producer thereof upon the day this Act is passed there shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid an additional tax equivalent to 10 tax on 4. Extracts and sirups, tax on 5. Soft drinks, tax on 6. Bottled mineral water, tax on cents per proof gallon upon the grape brandy or wine spirits used in the fortification of such wine, and an additional tax of 20 cents per proof gallon shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid upon all grape brandy or wine spirits withdrawn by a producer of sweet wines for the purpose of fortifying such wines and not so used prior to the passage of this Act. SEC. 313. That there shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid (a) Upon all prepared sirups or extracts (intended for use in the manufacture or production of beverages, commonly known as soft drinks, by soda fountains, bottling establishments, and other similar places) sold by the manufacturer, producer, or importer thereof, if so sold for not more than $1.30 per gallon, a tax of 5 cents per gallon; if so sold for more than $1.30 and not more than $2 per gallon, a tax of 8 cents per gallon; if so sold for more than $2 and not more than $3 per gallon, a tax of 10 cents per gallon; if so sold for more than $3 and not more than $4 per gallon, a tax of 15 cents per gallon; and if so sold for more than $4 per gallon, a tax of 20 cents per gallon; and (b) Upon all unfermented grape juice, soft drinks, or artificial mineral waters (not carbonated), and fermented liquors containing less than one-half per centum of alcohol, sold by the manufacturer, producer, or importer thereof, in bottles or other closed containers, and upon all ginger ale, root beer, sarsaparilla, pop, and other carbonated waters or beverages, manufactured and sold by the manufacturer, producer, or importer of the carbonic acid gas used in carbonating the same, a tax of 1 cent per gallon; and (c) Upon all natural mineral waters or table waters, sold by the producer, bottler, or importer THEREOF thereof, in bottles or other closed containers, at over 10 cents per gallon, a tax of 1 cent per gallon. SEC. 314. That each such manufacturer, pro- Returns ducer, bottler, or importer shall make monthly returns under oath to the collector of internal revenue for the district in which is located the principal place of business, containing such information necessary for the assessment of the tax, and at such times and in such manner, as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, may by regulation prescribe. SEC. 315. That upon all carbonic acid gas in gas, Carbonic acid drums or other containers (intended for use in the manufacture or production of carbonated water or other drinks) sold by the manufacturer, producer, or importer thereof, there shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid a tax of 5 cents per pound. Such tax shall be paid by the purchaser to the vendor thereof and shall be collected, returned, and paid to the United States by such vendor in the same manner as provided in section five hundred and three. TITLE IV.-WAR TAX ON CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND war tax on cigars, tobacco SEC. 400. That upon cigars and cigarettes, which shall be manufactured and sold, or removed and manufac tures thereof for consumption or sale, there shall be levied and collected, in addition to the taxes now imposed by existing law, the following taxes, to be paid by the manufacturer or importer thereof: (a) on cigars 1. Cigars of all descriptions made of tobacco, or any substi- Classification tute therefor, and weighing not more than three pounds per thousand, 25 cents per thousand; (b) on cigars made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing more than three pounds per By weight and tax By retail price thousand, if manufactured or imported to retail at 4 cents or more each, and not more than 7 cents each, $1 per thousand; (c) if manufactured or imported to retail at more than 7 cents each and not more than 15 cents each, $3 per thousand; (d) if manufactured or imported to retail at more than 15 cents each and not more than 20 cents each, $5 per thousand; (e) if manufactured or imported to retail at more than 20 cents each, $7 per thousand: Provided, That the word "retail" as used in this "Retail" defined section shall mean the ordinary retail price of a single cigar, and that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may, by regulation, require the manufacturer or importer to affix to each box or container a conspicuous label indicating by letter the clause of this section under which the cigars therein contained have been tax-paid, which must correspond with the tax-paid stamp on said box or container; (f) on cigarettes made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, made in or imported into the United States, and weighing not more than three pounds per thousand, 80 cents per thousand; weighing more than three pounds per thousand, $1.20 per thousand. 2. Cigarettes, tax on Packing regula tions Every manufacturer of cigarettes (including small cigars weighing not more than three pounds per thousand) shall put up all the cigarettes and such small cigars that he manufactures or has manufactured for him, and sells or removes for consumption or use, in packages or parcels containing five, eight, ten, twelve, fifteen, sixteen, twenty, twentyfour, forty, fifty, eighty, or one hundred cigarettes each, and shall securely affix to each of said packages or parcels a suitable stamp denoting the tax thereon and shall properly cancel the same prior to such sale or removal for consumption or use under such regulations as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secre- | tary of the Treasury, shall prescribe; and all cigar THEREOF ettes imported from a foreign country shall be packed, stamped, and the stamps canceled in a like manner, in addition to the import stamp indicating inspection of the customhouse before they are withdrawn therefrom. snuff, tax on SEC. 401. That upon all tobacco and snuff 3. Tobacco and hereafter manufactured and sold, or removed for consumption or use, there shall be levied and collected, in addition to the tax now imposed by law upon such articles, a tax of 5 cents per pound, to be levied, collected, and paid under the provisions of existing law. Packing regula In addition to the packages provided for under existing law, manufactured tobacco and snuff may tions be put up and prepared by the manufacturer for sale or consumption, in packages of the following description: Packages containing one-eighth, three-eighths, five-eighths, seven-eighths, one and one-eighth, one and three-eighths, one and fiveeighths, one and seven-eighths, and five ounces. effective SEC. 402. That sections four hundred, four Date tax is hundred and one, and four hundred and four, shall take effect thirty days after the passage of this Act: Provided, That after the passage of this Act and before the expiration of the aforesaid thirty days, cigarettes and manufactured tobacco and snuff may be put up in the packages now provided for by law or in the packages provided for in sections four hundred and four hundred and one. tax SEC. 403. That there shall also be levied and Excess quantity collected, upon all manufactured tobacco and snuff in excess of one hundred pounds or upon cigars or cigarettes in excess of one thousand, which were manufactured or imported, and removed from factory or custom-house prior to the passage of this Act, bearing tax-paid stamps affixed to such articles for the payment of the taxes thereon, and which are, on the day after this Act is passed, held |