Page 67, paragraph 162, should read as follows: Operators desiring to retain their expired or canceled licenses may make application therefor to the examining officer or to the Commissioner of Navigation. Old licenses returned to operators will be marked "Canceled" or "Expired" in red across their faces, and the service record will be transcribed on the back of Form 756 sent to the Commissioner of Navigation, in accordance with paragraph 154, above. Page 72, paragraph 193, should read: Supplements to this list are issued monthly under the title "Radio Service Bulletin," and the list is revised annually as of July 1. These monthly supplements contain information concerning Government, commercial, and special stations only, and information regarding amateur stations appears only in the annual edition of the list of Radio Stations of the United States. Amendments to or changes in the Radio Laws and Regulations of the United States are printed in this bulletin in such a manner that they may be clipped and pasted in their proper places in that publication. Items of general interest concerning the enforcement of the radio laws are printed in the bulletin from time to time, as occasion warrants. Page 72, paragraph 195, should read: A copy of the official Berne list and supplements as issued are required as a part of the equipment of every land station open to general public service and every ship station of the first or second class on American vessels engaged in foreign trade or the transoceanic service. SEPTEMBER 1, 1915. U. S. Laws, statutes, etc. RADIO COMMUNICATION LAWS AND THE INTERNATIONAL RADIOTELEGRAPHIC CONVENTION REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO OPERATORS AND THE USE OF RADIO APPARATUS ON SHIPS ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 15 CENTS PER COPY CONTENTS. An act approved July 23, 1912, and the amended act approved June 24, 1910, entitled "An Act to require apparatus and operators for radio communication An act approved Aug. 13, 1912, entitled "An Act to regulate radio communica- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, BUREAU OF NAVIGATION, Washington, D. C., July 27, 1914. To collectors of customs, radio inspectors, and others concerned: This publication is issued for the guidance and instruction of United States officers engaged in and concerned with the enforcement of the radio laws and for the information of all owners and operators of apparatus for radio communication. In this issue are printed the act of June 24, 1910, as amended July 23, 1912, "An act to require apparatus and operators for radio communication on certain steamers"; the act of August 13, 1912, "An act to regulate radio communication"; the International Radiotelegraphic Convention; regulations made pursuant to the above mentioned acts; and general information. This edition supersedes Department Circular No. 241; "Regulations for radio apparatus and operators on steamers"; "Regulations governing radio communication," and all general letters concerning the enforcement of the wireless communication laws. The act of August 13, 1912 (Public 264), the London Radiotelegraphic Convention and the Regulations hereafter will not be printed as separate pamphlets. The subject matter is divided into parts and each part is divided under subheadings, as shown by the table of contents. The index is at the end. Owners and operators of radio stations and others concerned may obtain copies of this publication from the radio inspectors at the addresses given in the list of districts or from the Commissioner of Navigation, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. Additional copies may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at a nominal price. E. T. CHAMBERLAIN, Commissioner of Navigation. Approved: WILLIAM C. REDFIELD, Secretary. 4 |