Annual Reports ...

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1917

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136. lappuse - Plans for no public building to be erected in the District of Columbia for the General Government shall be hereafter finally approved by the officer duly authorized until after such officer shall have submitted the plans to the Commission of Fine Arts, created under the act of Congress of May 17, 1910, for Its comment and advice.
69. lappuse - ... imprisonment, and for each subsequent offense by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or 'by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
65. lappuse - As I understand it, the place of honor is on the main axis of the plan. Lincoln of all Americans next to Washington deserves this place of honor. He was of the immortals. You must not approach too close to the immortals. His monument should stand alone, remote from the common habitations of man, apart from the business and turmoil of the city; isolated, distinguished, and serene.
27. lappuse - ... departments, also the designs of statues, fountains, and monuments, and all important plans for parks and all public buildings, constructed by executive departments or the District of Columbia, which in any essential way affect the appearance of the city of Washington, or the District of Columbia, shall be submitted to the Commission of Fine Arts for advice as to the merits of such designs before the executive officer having charge of the same shall approve thereof.
60. lappuse - Arts advises generally upon questions of art when required to do so by the President, or by any committee or Member of either House of Congress.
74. lappuse - It shall be the duty of the officers charged by law to determine such questions in each case to call for such advice. The foregoing provisions of this act shall not apply to the Capitol Building of the United States and the building of the Library of Congress.
3. lappuse - To the Senate and House of Representatives: I transmit herewith, for the information of the Congress, the Report of the Commission of Fine Arts for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1914, with accompanying illustrations. WOODROW WILSON. THE WHITE HOUSE, October 16, CONTENTS. PART I. P«g«.
74. lappuse - The foregoing provisions of this act shall not apply to the Capitol Building of the United States and the building of the Library of Congress. The Commission shall also advise generally upon questions of art when required to do so by the President, or by any committee of either House of Congress.
60. lappuse - It shall be the duty of such Commission to advise upon the location of statues, fountains, and monuments in the public squares, streets, and parks in the District of Columbia, and upon the selection of models for statues, fountains, and monuments erected under the authority of the United States and upon the selection of artists for the execution of the same.
1. lappuse - Each board shall consist of seven members, and each of said members shall serve for a term of four years, or until their successors are appointed...

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