Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

System for grading the relative
fire hazard of all dwellings.

Hare (H. A.) Text-bk. of the pract.
of med. 639.

Hare (W. B.) Pageant of hist. 251*.
Haring (O. W.) Haring's paymaster.

Harkavy (Alexander) English in-
structor. 7792.

Harkness (G. R.) Cubic yardage

table covering carloads of sand &
gravel. 6860.

Harl (Ruth) Lord Strathmore's ruby.

Harland (Mrs. Henry):

Harland (Henry)


Appendix 375.
Sonnenschein's inherit-

ance. Appendix 164.

My Uncle Florimond.
pendix 307.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Deland (M. W. C.) Around old
Chester. 4645.

Downie (Vale) Robin the bobbin.

Duncan (Norman) Australian
byways. 5211.

Elliott (F. P.) Pals first. 1438.
Ford (J. L.) Great mirage. 91.
Gould (F. J.) Heroes of peace.

Victors of peace. 1868.
Gregor (E. R.) Red arrow.

Grey (Zane) Lone Star ranger.

Rainbow trail. 4165.
Guiterman (Arthur) Laughing
muse. 4956.

Haines (D. H.) Clearing the

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Warren (M. L. R.)



W.) Ladies' work]

Joe, & other
Appendix 166.
(F. A.
filet crochet bk. 7236.
Harris (F. B.)
Harris (F. M.)

in life. 2664.
Harris (F. S.)

Harris (Frank):

Florida salads. 7537.
Christian standards

Prin. of agronomy.


Contemporary portraits. 3597.
England or Germany? 3013.
Veils of Isis, & other stories.
Harris (George) Hymns of the faith
with psalms for the use of congrega-
tions. Appendix 181.
Harris (Gideon) pseud.

(C. E.)

See Booth

Harris (J. C.) Free Joe, & other
Georgian sketches. Appendix 166.
Harris (R. S.) Pract. banking. 2620
Harris (W. J.) co. St. Augustine
inst. of science & historical soc. Fort
Marion & city gates. 1706.
Harris (W. M.)


Harrison (E. O.)

Rules of the courts.

Clemencia's crisis.


Harrison (E. S.)

Spanish commer.



[blocks in formation]

Harrisons of Virginia. 2370.

Harrison (M. C.) Abolishment of
general average. 5825.

Harrison (Richard) Bk. of verse.

Harrison (W. W.) Royal ancestry of
George Leib Harrison of Philadel
phia. 1540.

Harrison co. Georgia. Park's annot.
code. 294, 1442, 3090, 4607, 6516.
Harry (P. W.) French anecdotes, with
some familiar phrases & idioms, 724
Harshe (R. B.) Reader's guide to
modern art. 1249.

Harshman (M. T.) What will Jesus

say? & other poems.

Hart (Edward):

Phillips (F. C.)


Chem. German.

Ziegel (Henry) Brief course in
metallurgical anal. 4982.

[blocks in formation]



Harvard univ. press-Continued.
Jones (Eliot) Anthracite
combination in the U. S.
Lodge (H. C.) Two commence-
ment addresses. 4220.
Lord (R. H.) Second partition of
Poland. 6474.

Munro (W. B.) Bibliog. of mu-
nicipal govt. in the U. S. 4523.
New York (Colony) Abridgement
of the Indian affairs. 4381.
Post (C. R.) Mediaeval Spanish
allegory. 1821.
Taussig (F. W.) Some aspects
of the tariff ques. 2122.
Vergilius Maro (Publius)

gics & Eclogues of Virgil. 7397.
Wiener (Leo) Commentary to the
Germanic laws & mediaeval doc-
uments. 6605.

Harvey (E. M.) Hänsel & Gretel.

Canyon of Ariz.

Harvey (Fred)

Sterling produce

tables. 6909.

Harvey (N. A.)

Hartmann (A. G.) Fahrt ins himmel-
reich. 3990.

Hartmann-Krey (Hermann v.) In
feindesland. 2946.

Hartness (James) Hartness flat tur-
ret lathe manual. 3787.
Hartshorne (Hugh) Manual for train-
ing in worship. 7065.

Hartt (R. L.) Confessions of a clergy-
man. 2371.

Hartung (Fritz) Deutsche verfas-
sungsgeschichte vom 15. jahrh. bis
zur gegenwart. 4127.
Harvard law schl. list. 7538.
Harvard univ.:

Course in physical diagnosis. 350.
Medical schl. Dept. of tropi-
cal med. Rept. of first expedi-
tion to South America, 1913.

Harvard univ. press:

Ballou (F. W.) Appointment of
teachers in cities.


[blocks in formation]

Harvey (W. H.)
Harvey (W. P.)

bk. 4959.

Cal. & the Grand

Feelings of man. 351.
Remedy. 1342.

Fatty Lewis (x) his

[blocks in formation]

Benkendorf (G. H. W.) Profit-
able dairying. 7304.

Profitable dairying. 7304.

Hatch (Mrs. L. A.) Hatch (L. A.)
Indian chief Shabbona. 4703.
Hatcher (E. B.)


Hatcher (R. A.)

drugs. 5324.
Hatfield (C. E.)


Hatfield (J. T.)

poems. 99.
Hatfield (V. M.)

Winona echoes.

William E. Hatcher.

Pharmacol. of useful

Tug of the millstone.

Shorter German

Bible conference.

Hatier (A.) Des Granges (C. M.)
Histoire illustrée de la littérature
française. 3977.

Hau (G. W.) War echoes. 5652.
Hauck (L. S.) Tatting of to-day.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hausenstein (Wilhelm) Bildende
kunst der gegenwart. 7011.
Hauser (C. A.) Outline studies on
the church. 3748.

Hauser (Carl) Fun for the millions.

Hausmann (Erich):

Dynamo elec. machinery. 837.
Telegraph engineering. 640.
Haven (G. B.) Design of steam boil-
ers & pressure vessels. 352.
Hawaii (Ter.) Workmen's compensa-
tion law. 6128.

Hawes (J. B.) Consumption. 1872.
Hawes (J. W.) Stephen' & Giles' Hop-
kins, Mayflower passengers, & some
of their descendants. 3273.
Hawkes (Clarence):

Hitting the dark trail. 4856.
King of the flying sledge.

Hawkins (A. H.):


Paul & his epistles.

Introd. to the study

Hayes (H. V.) Public utilities. 1584.
Hayes (L. D.) Empirical design.

Hayes (L. S.) Hayes (W. D.) Old
Rockingham meeting house. 2098.
Hayes (W. D.) Old Rockingham meet-
ing house. 2098.
Haynes (D. O.) & co. :

Pharmaceutical era. Era nar-
Icotic list. 3949.

Soda fountain. Dispenser's for-
mulary. 4731.

Haynes (F. S.) Haynes (J. C.)
Jubilee & plantation songs. Ap-
pendix 7.

Haynes (J. C.) Jubilee & plantation
songs. Appendix 7.

Haynes (N. S.) Hist. of the Disciples
of Christ in Ill., 1819-1914. 1493.
Haynes (W. C.) Twentieth century
paganism. 6130.

Haynes (William) Pract. dog breed-
ing. 1894.
Hays (F. A.)

Architectural render-

[blocks in formation]


Notes on calculus.

New (German) testament.
Young man's year. 4661.
Hawkins (C. F.) Little red doe.

Hawkins (H. L.) Brooks (Phillips)
Tolerance. Appendix 132.

Hawkins (Nehemiah) Hawkins' elec.
dict. 6726.

Hawkins (R. H.) Notes on real es-

tate in western Pa.

Hawkins elec. guide.
Hawley (G. M. B.)


866, 867, 6129.
Royalton, a game

of auction bridge whist.

Haworth (E. P.):

Kansas City, Mo.. The Willows
maternity sanitarium. Wil-
lows sanitarium for seclusion
patients. 4863.

Nitro by hypo. 7328.

Haworth (P. L.):

America in ferment. 494.

[blocks in formation]

ciation. 495.
Hayward (H. W.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Glyn (E. S.) Three things. 250.
Goddard (C. W.) Ghost breaker.

Misleading lady. 4654.

Perils of Pauline. 1580.
Harris (C. M. W.) Justice. 5225.
Lunt (F. S.) Shakespeare ex-
plained. 6432.

Maxim (Hudson) Defenseless
America. 1957.

Morris (Gouverneur) Goddess.

Ogden (G. W.) Long fight. 5013.
Reeve (A. B.) Exploits of Elaine.

Gold of the gods. 6280.

War terror. 1358.

Seas of God. 2200.

[blocks in formation]

Some stories by famous men.

Stuart (R. M.) Cocoon. 1604.
Terhune (M. V. H.) Long lane.

Tilden (Freeman) That night, &
other satires. 5028.

Wallick (Ekin) Inexpensive fur-
nishings in good taste. 3441.

Small house for a moderate
income. 3623.

Ward (M. A. A.) Eltham house.

Whitworth (R. H.) Indoor games

for awkward moments. 1983.
Widdemer (Margaret) Why not?

Williams (H. S.) Luther Bur-
bank, his life & work. 7136.
Modern warfare. 897.
Heart-in-the-Lodge. (Drama) 7199.
Heart of youth. (Drama) 3012*.
Heart's delight farm. 3429.

Heath (D. C.) & co. :
Álvarez Quintero (Serafín) Doña
Clarines y Mañana de sol. 2876.
Bachman (F. P.) Prin. of elem.
educa. & their application. 5706.
Bancroft (J. H.) Gimnasia esco-
lar sin aparatos. 3634.

Bazin (René) Oberlé. 1662.
Bowman (J. C.) Essays for col-
lege Engl. 5192.

Bülow (B. E. v.) Menne im see-
bad. 759.

Caesar (C. J.) C. Ivli Caesaris
De bello gallico libri II. 2036.
Carlyle (Thomas) Selections
from Carlyle: Sartor Resartus,
The French revolution, Past &
present. 6166.

Claretie (Jules) Pierrille. 1134.
Cooper (J. F.) Último de los

Mohicanos. 7435.
Dooley (W. H.)
math. 1288.
Fontaine (Camille)



En France.

[blocks in formation]
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