Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

uatemala, copyright convention. Ap- Gumz (Charles)

pendix, p. 5.

udebrod (G. H.)

retail butcher. 7735.

Scientific & modern

European war in


(G. F.) Ten years at


Yale. 3093.

the light of Bible prophecy.

uernsey (H. N.) Plain talks on
avoided subjects. 4217.

uide to a bus. educa. 7530, 7531.
uide to teachers operating the Natl.
system of cooking. 6723.

uild (G. R.):

Military field note bk. 553.
Militia field manual. 4509.

uild (T. H.) Tamayo y Baus (Man-
uel) New drama. 5355*.
uilford (C. C.) Purchaser's club
discount ticket. Appendix 65.
uilford (W. S.) Cal. hog bk. 4955.
uiney (L. I.) White sail, & other
poems. Appendix 161.

uiterman (Arthur) Laughing muse.

Gulick (C. E. V.):

Air pictures. 6191.

Bk. of symbols for Camp fire girls.

List of Indian words. 1801.
Shul u tam na (in full dress-with
all beads on) of the Camp fire
girls. 2893.

Gulick (E. L.) Aloha Kanaka. 5103.
Gulick (Mrs. L. H.) Rogers (Ethel)
Sebago-Wohelo camp fire girls. 2709.
Gulick (S. L.):

Fight for peace. 3203.

Working women of Japan. 4997.
Gummersbach (Joseph):

Conway (B. L.) Studies in church
hist. 5480.

Elder (Benedict) Study in social-
ism. 6669.

Finco (Gaetano) Homilies on all

the Sunday Gospels of the ec-
clesiastical year. 6620.
Girardey (Ferreol) Catholic faith.

Sermon matter. 2422.

Kane (W. T.) For greater things.

McEnniry (C. D.) Father Tim's
talks with people he met. 4620.
(Joseph) Sacraments.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Guthrie (W. N.) Beyond disillusion.
Guttenbrunn (Adam Müller-) See
Müller-Guttenbrunn (Adam)

Guttman (M. G.) Concord cook bk.

Gwynne (Walker) Christian year, its
purpose & its hist. 863.

Gyalui (Farkas) After the honey-
moon. 5648*.

Gyalui (Wolfgang) See Gyalui

Gyldendalske boghandel, Nordisk for-

Bergstrøm (Hjalmar) Prøvens
dag. 1993*.

Bjørnson (Bjørnstjerne)

ler og taler. 1997.


[blocks in formation]

Halvorsen (Walther) Halfdan
Egedius. 2236.

Janson (K. N.) Aspasia. 2331.
Madsen (Theodor) Per Gadd.

Nielsen (Yngvar) Da Unionen
skulde briste. 6147.

Peters (Wilhelm) Hvad jeg saa
og hvem jeg mødte. 2435.
Vinsnes (J. F.) Gatekryds. 2030.
H. T. W. S. S. T. K. S. & his followers.
591, 864.

Haas (J. A. W.)

& Christian truth.

Haas (Rudolf)


[blocks in formation]


Hädicke (Josephine Schade-)
Schade-Hädicke (Josephine)
Hänsel & Gretel. (Drama) 4911.
Haertel (M. H.) German reader for
beginners. 2096.

Haffards (G. M.) & co. Fall River å
its manufactories. 4702.

Hagar (G. J.) New universities diet.

Hagedorn (Hermann) Heart of
youth. 3012*.

Trends of thought Hagen (Wilhelm) Heilige not. 77%
Hager (Dorsey) Pract. oil geol. 2235.



[blocks in formation]

Haggard (F. P.)

Judson centennial.

1814-1914. 2619.

Allan & the holy

[blocks in formation]

Haggard (H. R.)
flower. 1539.
Hagner (A. B.)

Personal narrative

of the acquaintance of my father &
myself with each of the presidents
of the U. S. 6084.

Hagner (R. H.) exr. Hagner (A. B.)
Personal narrative of the acquaint-
ance of my father & myself with
each of the presidents of the U. S

Internatl. peace conference.
1899. Hague conventions & declara-
tions of 1899 & 1907. 3645.
Haifische. (Drama) 1354*.

Haight (E. H.) Carthage & Hannibal

Haines (D. H.)


Clearing the seas.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hale (E. E.) jr. Elem. of the short
story. 911.

Hale (J. W. L.):

Pract. applied math. 3094.

Pract. mechanics & allied subjects.

Hale (L. C.) We discover New Eng-
land. 6321.

Hale (P. H.) Hale's hist. of agric. by
dates. 3989.

Hale pub. co. Hale (P. H.) Hale's
hist. of agric. by dates. 3989.
Halévy (Ludovic):

Abbé Constantin. 1491, 5052.
Panurge's sheep. 5669*.

Halfyard (S. F.) Cardinal truths of
the Gospel. 4658.

Halifax (John) pseud. See Spitsber-
gen (H. E.)

Halifax (Robert) Red hair. 2737.
Hall (A. B.) Outline of internatl. law.


Hall (Angelo) Songs of love & war.

Hall (Covington) Songs of rebellion.

Hall (E. A.) & co. Clark (C. E.)
Prince & boatswain. 5717.
Hall (E. S.) Wild roses of Me., &
other Camden verses. 3839.

Hall (F. J.):

Incarnation. 5991.

Theological outlines. 7533, 7534.
Hall (G. C.) Nowadays girls in the

Adirondacks. 4853.

Hall (H. J.):

Untroubled mind.


Work of our hands. 6085.

Hall (Holworthy) pseud. See Porter
(H. E.)

Hall (J. A.) Lutheran doctrine of the
Lord's supper. 5499.

Hall (J. F.) Legend of Chocorua.

Hall (J. H.) Biogs. of gospel song &
hymn writers. 349.

Hall (J. N.) What is the New Testa-
ment church? 1026.

Hall (Josiah N.) Borderline diseases.

Hall (K. M.) Paintings of the exposi-
tion. 7166.

Hall (N. C.) Directions for making
chocolate candy at home with Hall's
home outfit. 1195.

Hall (S. R.):

Short talks on retail selling. 6675.
Writing an advertisement. 2654.
Hall (Thomas) N. D. Sup. ct. Repts.
3146, 6694, 7362.

Hall (Thrasher) Hall on fire insur.

Hall (W. T.) Treadwell (F. P.) An-
alytical chem. 5455.

Hall (Warren) Hall's perfected

shorthand. 4510.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hand (W. H.) jr. Hand-v-bottom
motor boat designs. 1492.
Hand bk. of R. I. investments. 1633.
Handbk., navigation laws of the U. S.

Handbuch der allgemeinen pathol. u.
der pathologischen anat. des kindes-
alters. 251.

Handbuch der kinderheilkunde. 5992.
Handbuch der tuberkulose. 3130.
Handbuch für eisenbetonbau. 1870.
Hanemann (Heinrich) Einführung in

die metallographie u. wärmebehand-
lung. 2895.

Hanes (C. O.) Retail credit & adjust-
ment bureaus. 5398.

Haney (J. L.) Good Engl. 3360.
Hanffstengel (Georg v.) Förderung
von massengütern. 3840.

Hanford (J. M.) Remedial agents &
dressing materials in surgery. 5137.
Hanly (J. F.) Speeches of the flying
squadron. 4558.

Hanna (W. M.) Muir (John) Let-
ters to a friend.

Hannay (J. O.):

Gossamer. 6193.


[blocks in formation]

Hansell (F. F.) & bro., ltd.-Continues!.
Marr (R. H.) Digest of the pri-
vate corp., negotiable paper &
labor laws of La. 3284.
Hansen (J. J.) Lebensbilder hervor-
ragender katholiken des neunzehn-
ten jahrhunderts. 2798.

Hanser (A. T.) :

Einfaches unterrichtsbuch in den
biblischen geschichten, sprüchen
und dem kleinen katechismas
[!]. 3747.

Simple bk. of instruction. 5105
Hanshew (T. W.):

Bright-eyes, the lily of Shasta.
Appendix 338.

Double life. Appendix 163.
Elfin. Appendix 339.

Little barbarian. Appendix 340
Riddle of the night. 4660.
Hanshew (Mrs. T. W.):

Hanshew (T. W.) Bright-eyes.
the lily of Shasta. Appendix

[blocks in formation]

lator. 4902.

Hapgood (I. F.):

Amicis (Edmondo de) Cuore.
Appendix 40.

Gargol' (N. V.) Taras Bulba.


Hugo (V. M.) Les misérables.
Appendix 308-312.

Tolstoi (L. N., graf.) What to do.
Appendix 319.
Harbaugh (C. H.)

Harben (W. N.)
Harbort (E. C.)
Harbottle (John)

Adjuster's manual.

Inner law. 4608.
Freedom. 7452*.
Finding his stride.

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