Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

bestee u. weiteres heiteres.

prohibition, with confiscation & ruin-

Gibbons (H. A.)
Gibbs (G. F.)
Gibbs (J. W.)
Gibbs (Philip)
Gibson (A. E.)

Paris reborn. 5496.
Yellow-dove. 5731.
Peace sonnets. 3837.
Soul of the war. 6906.
Destructive & con-

structive food mixtures. 491.

Gibson (J. A. B.) U. S. safety appli-
ances for all classes of cars & loco-
motives. 1864.

Gibson (J. R.)

night. 162.

Gibson (J. T.)

Cry from India's

Jesus Christ.


Gibson (W. W.) Battle. 3200, 5219.
Gibson & Perin co. Arnold (C. V.)

Black & white book. 5081.
Gibson, Pribble & co. :

Gibson (J. A. B.)

U. S. safety

appliances for all classes of cars
& locomotives. 1864.

Master car builders' assn. U. S.

safety appliances. 690.

Giddings (F. H.) Western hemis-
phere in the world of to-morrow.

Gielow (M. S.)

Giesy (J. U.)


Light on the hill.

All for his country.

Gifford (Mrs. A. M.) See Gifford (F.

S. D.)

Gifford (F. S. D.)


Crack o' dawn.

Gigot (F. E. C.) Message of Moses.

[blocks in formation]

Gilbert (A. E.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Langemarck. 6195.

Krieg als erzieher.



Maltzahn (A. v. K., freifrau v.)

Peterson (Erich)

strasse. 3862.

Schauroth (C. L., freifrau v.)
Hahn im korbe. 3667.
Scheliha (D., gräfin v. M.) Alte
generation. 2967.

Steinbach (Otto) Baldurs tod!

gebra lessons.
Gilbert (D. R.)
Jesus Christ
dix 29.
Gilbert (F. C.)
the experience
church to-day.
Gilbert (F. G.)
1915, to Bliss'


Gilbert (J. H.)

pendix 372.
Gilbert (P. W.)
export. 1004.

Pract. lessons from
of Israel for the

Supplement, 1913-
annot. N. Y. code.

Algebra lessons. Ap-

Correct packing for

Gilbert pub. co. Clare (I. S.) Liby.
of universal hist. 672.
Gilchrist (B. B.) Helen & the fifth
cousins. 3694.

Gildersleeve (B. L.) Creed of the old

South, 1865-1915. 4079.

Gile (B. C.) Nose, throat & ear, their
functions & diseases. 6190.

Giles (J. E.) Nursing in diseases of
the eye, ear, nose & throat. 4995.
Gilgis & Warner. Railroad men's
manual for computing compensation,
applying on C. & N. W. r'y. 7100.
Gill (R. H. K.) Psychol. aspects of
Christian experience. 818.
Gillespie (A. G.) Guide to coast artil-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Francillon (R. E.)

Gods &


4031, 4032.

heroes. 5489.
Heine (Heinrich)

with some of Heine's best-knowD
short poems. 2099.

Irving (Washington) Alhambra.

Lamb (Charles) Tales from
Shakespeare. 6916.

Moore (J. H.) Pract. bus, arith.

Scott (Walter) Lay of the last
minstrel. 6991.

Wyss (J. D. v.) Swiss family
Robinson. 6652.

Ginsberg (L. C.) Third Amer. tour-
ney. 2377.

Ginther (Pemberton) Miss Pat in the
Old world.


Girard trust co., trustee. Dall (W.
H.) Spencer Fullerton Baird; a
biog. 2606.

Girardey (Ferreol):

Catholic faith. 6463.
Sermon matter. 2422.

Giraud (Victor) Miracle français.

Girling (K. P.) When Hannah var
eight yar old.
Givler (R. C.)


Concious cross-section.

[blocks in formation]

articulation. 1999.
Carson (G. S.) Elem, of algebra.
3124, 3177.

[blocks in formation]

Goebel (Julius) jr. Recognition policy
of the U. S. 4164.

Goebel (O. H.) :

König von Sachalin. 2944.

Über Sibirien nach Ostasien. 3270.
Göring (M. H.) Gemeingefährlich-
keit. 2834.

Goeser (Karl) Junge Friedrich List.

Goethals (G. W.) Govt. of the Canal

Zone. 1946.

Goethe (J. W. v.) :

[blocks in formation]


Neurasthenia. 4135.
Rogers (Ethel) Sabago-Wohelo
camp fire girls. 2709.

Good Samaritan, & other Bible stories
dramatized. (Drama) 5915.
Good will pub. co. Weed (Truman)
Deborah Moses. 1319.
Good woman. (Drama) 876*.
Good word, being a little journey to
Mount Vernon, N. Y. 7529.

Goode (K. T.) First fruits, & other
poems. 347.

Goethe & Schiller's Xenions. 4363. Goodenough (G. A.) Properties of
Hermann u. Dorothea. 1581.

Götz (Julius) Unter Habsburgs

fahnen. 7650.

steam & ammonia. 4316.

Goodhue co. Williams (E. H.) Alco-
hol, hygiene & legislation. 7404.

Goff (John) In pastures green & by Goodman (J. E.) Treasure Island.

waters still.



[blocks in formation]

Carleton (Will) Farm ballads.
Appendix 49.

Farm legends. Appendix 50.
Hist. of the
family as a soc. & educa. institution.

Goodsell (Willystine)

Goodspeed (E. J.) Bixby gospels.

Goodwin (E. E.) Poems for those
who work & hope & love. 348.

Goodwin (W. L.) Starr (F. F.) Va-
rious ancestral lines of James Good-
win & Lucy (Morgan) Goodwin.
3903, 3904.

Goodyear (L. E.) Prin., rules & defi-
nitions for bookkeeping. 4996.
Goodyear-Marshall pub. co. Goodyear
(L. E.) Prin., rules & definitions
for bookkeeping. 4996.

Googerty (T. F.) Prac. forging & art
smithing. 5733.

Gorbach (A. B.) Deutscher vereins-
wegweiser von Cincinnati, O. 3091.
Gording (Röl) pseud. See Peterson

Gordon (A. H.) Awakening. 442.
Gordon (Elizabeth):

[blocks in formation]

Gorky (Maxim) pseud. Sce Preshkov

(Α. Μ.)

Gorski (J. W.)

Baseball & bowling

standard calculator.


Forrest (J. E.)

Errors of Rus-

sellism. 6672.

Gospel trumpet co.:

Smith (F. G.) Missionary jour
neys through Bible lands, 7116.

Soul-stirring sermons. 5797.

Goss (E. H.) Ancient Melrose. 5221.
Gottberg (Otto v.):

Helden v. Tsingtau.



u. U-bootstaten.

[blocks in formation]

Gould (V. K. C.) Crystal road. 298.
Gounouilhou. Hanotaux (Gabriel)
Histoire illustrée de la guerre de
1914. 7235.

Gowdy (Chestine) Lessons in Engl.

Gowin (E. B.) Executive & his con-
trol of men. 6075.

Goy (S. C.) Cuisine anglo-américaine.

Gozdovič (Rifat) Im blutigen Karst.

Graah-Bolander (Asta) See Bolander
(A. G.)

Grabein (Paul) Die vom Rauhen
grund. 2734.

Grace Mary. (Drama) 913
Graefe (Albrecht) Graefe-Saemisch-
Hess handbuch der gesamten augen-
heilkunde. 2835.
Grafström (A. V.)

Grafton pub. corp.
Miracle missions.
Graham (A. J.) &

Skånska baron.

Selfridge (V. J.)

co. Graham (A
J.) Graham's bus, shorthand. 3785.
Graham (H. J.) Abstract of emer
gency revenue act of 1914. 1800.
Graham (J. B.) Handset reminis
cences. 1340.

Graham (Stephen):

Russia & the world. 1051, 2234.
Way of Martha & the way of
Mary. 6859.

Graham (Winifred) See Cory (W. G.)

Jan.-Dec., 1915

Gray (Joseph M. M.) Old faith in

the new day.

Gray (M. A.)

Gramberg (Anton) Technische mes-
sungen bei maschinenuntersuchun-
gen u. im betriebe. 2735.
Grammar. (Drama) 5440*.
Grammes (L. F.) & sons. Guide to a Gray (M. T.)
bus. educa. 7530, 7531.

Gran (Gerhard) Norsk aandsliv i
hundrede aar. 7790.

Grand (Henri) Elfric, abbot of Eyn-
sham. Hirtenbriefe Elfrics. 3254.
Grand chapter, Order of the eastern

star, State of New York. See Order
of the eastern star. Grand chapter
of New York.

Grand lodge of Minn. See Freemasons.
Minn. Grand lodge.
Grandgent (C. H.)


Italian grammar.

[blocks in formation]

World's prayer. 2891.



Like unto a merchant.

Lure of San Francisco.

Gray (Thomas) Elegy written in a
country churchyard. 7651.
Grayson (David) pseud. Hempfield.

Great Bible renowns. 962.

Great Britain, copyright order in coun-
cil. Appendix, p. 5.
Great eastern salesmanship bureau.
Zimmerman (M. D.) Scientific bus.
college soliciting. 1838.

Great pyramid, a temple of initiation.

[blocks in formation]

Grattan (Robert) Bender's village Greendlinger (Leo)

laws. 3885.

Grau (Jacinto) Entre llamas. 5646*.
Graves (A. K.) pseud. Secrets of the
Hohenzollerns. 3359.

Graves (B. M.) Natl. Chautauqua |
assn. Mich. state summer encamp-
ment. 4052.

Graves (C. I. M.):

Man of iron. 681.

Off Sandy Hook. 4506, 5050.

Graves (E. M.) Inner beauty of the

Greene (A. M.) jr.


Greene (E. H.)


Orders of archi-

Acctg. pract. 98.

Heat engineering.


Lieberman (Harry)

Third Amer. tourney.
Greene (F. V.)

Present military situ-

[blocks in formation]

Lord's prayer.


Graves (F. P.)

Student's hist. of

[blocks in formation]

Plain & the middle Mohawk Valley.

Greene (N. L.) Historical chart of
German lit. for use in schls. & col-
leges. 910.

Greene (R. S.) Primer trilogy. 1052.
Greenfield (J. L.) Portraits & biog-
raphies of the bishops of the Metho-
dist Episcopal church, South. 5392.
Greenlaw (E. A.) Familiar letters,

[blocks in formation]


Gray (Helen) Finland. 4126.

Gray (J. C.)
ties. 96.

Rule against perpetui- | Greenough (H. S. J.) Songs & games

Gray (James M.) Christian workers'
commentary on the O. & N. T. 2794.

for little ones. Appendix 233.

Greenstone (Abraham) Anti-religion.

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